I have a strong will and when I set a goal, I strive to achieve it.
I'm a very determined person, I work on my goals until I achieve them.
I have a strong will and when I set a goal, I strive to achieve it.
"[意志](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/50599/)が強く、目標を設定したら、[達成する](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/63146/)ために努力します" という訳出です.
I'm a very determined person, I work on my goals until I achieve them.
"私が意志が強い人です、目標を達成するまで取り組みます" という訳出です.
少し頑固なところがある: I can be a little bit stubborn / I'm a little bit stubborn.
強い意志:strong will
目標を設定する:set a goal
I have a tenacious nature that drives me to always finish what I started.
"Although I can be stubborn at times, I believe my weakness is also my greatest strength. I have a tenacious nature that drives me to always finish what I started."
* although: 〜〜であるが
* stubborn: 頑固
* at times: 時として、たまに
* believe: 信じる、思う
* weakness: 弱さ、弱点、欠点
* greatest: 最強の、最も
* strength: 強さ、長所
* tenacious: 頑強な、強い
* drive: 〜〜させる、〜〜する意志
* always: 常に
* finish what one started: 始めたことを終わらせる、やり遂げる
"I don't like to give up. "は「やめるのが好きじゃない」との意味です。
そして、"I don't like to give up. That's my strength but also my weak point."は「私はやめるのは好きじゃない。それは私の短所でもあり、長所でもあります。」の意味です。