Leaving permanently will have the same result as quitting, for the person will not be present anymore.
'Can he not get another job somewhere else?' is a nicer way of saying you want the person to quit.
leaving permanently' は 'quitting' と同じ効果があります。辞めることをいいます。
'Can he not get another job somewhere else?'(どこか他で仕事を見つけてくれないかな)こちらの方が親切な言い方です。仕事を辞めて欲しいと伝えています。
You can say either "I wish" or "I hope". If you move on to another job, you are getting a new job. In this case, you are saying you wish that they would find another job.
"I wish" または "I hope" が使えます。
"move on to another job" は「新しい仕事を得る」という意味です。ここでは、「新しい仕事を見つけてくれたらいいのに」と言っています。
Please resign - This means you would like the person to formally quit their position in a respectful and mutual way.
Please take a leave of absence - This means that you are asking the person to take time off without being paid.
Please take some time off - This means that the person should use their time off to leave work for awhile and receive vacation payments.
Please resign(辞めてください)
- これは、その地位を合意の上で、敬意を払われた中で正式に辞めて欲しいという意味です。
Please take a leave of absence(休職してください)
- これは、無給休暇を取ってくださいという意味です。
Please take some time off(しばらく休みを取ってください)
- これは、有給休暇を取ってくださいという意味です。
The word 'resign' means to quit or leave a job. This is an extremely common word to hear, read or use when discussing the departure (leave) of someone in a workplace of an employed position.
There phrases can be used by saying something like 'I wish he'd/she'd or 'I wish he/she would'.
'I wish he/she would resign'
I wish he or she would leave
'I wish he/she would quit
resign' は「仕事を辞める」という意味です。これは職場を離れることについて言うときに非常によく目にし耳にし使われる言葉です。
これらのフレーズは 'I wish he'd/she'd' または 'I wish he/she would' の形で言うことができます。
'I wish he/she would resign'
'I wish he or she would leave'
'I wish he/she would quit'