Unripe or ripe = the fruit is not ready to eat yet
Still green = the skin colour is still green or has some green areas. The skin should be yellow when it is ripe.
"Could I have a banana please?"
"I wouldn't. they're not ripe yet."
Unripe or ripe = まだ食べごろではない、
Still green = 皮の色がgreenだ、greenの部分があるというのは、つまり、まだ黄色くなって熟れていないことを表します。
"Could I have a banana please?" バナナ頂戴な
"I wouldn't. they're not ripe yet." いや、まだ熟れてないよ。
I'm waiting for the banana to ripen before I eat it.
I don't like eating unripe bananas.
Some people actually like to eat bananas when they are a little bit green, and depending on the banana may eat it when it is unripe on purpose.
By using the sentences above you can explain that you only like to eat bananas once they have fully ripened.
You can simply say:-
"The banana is not ready to be eaten yet."This statement shows that the banana is either green or half-ripe.
"The banana is not yet fully ripe."
This statement means that you expect the banana to be fully ripe but at the moment it is not fullyripe.
Ripe = fully developed or ready to be eaten.
Fully = completely
Not yet = means that you expect something to happen, but it has not happened at the moment.
"The banana is not ready to be eaten yet."
"The banana is not yet fully ripe."
Ripe = 完全に熟して食べられる状態
Fully = 完全に
Not yet = なにかが起こることを期待しているが、まだ起こっていない状態
Unripe (adjective)
This means that the fruit is not ready to be eaten yet
A: Do you have any fruit?
B: I have some bananas.
A: Those bananas are unripe.
A: Why aren't you eating your fruit?
B: It's an unripe banana
Green (adjective)
This term is used to refer to the color of the banana when it's unripe
The fruit is young and not ready to eat
A: The last thing on my shopping list is a bunch of bananas
B: This store only has green bananas
Unripe (形容詞)熟していない
A: Do you have any fruit?なにか果物ある?
B: I have some bananas.バナナがあるよ
A: Those bananas are unripe.そのバナナはまだ熟していないね
A: Why aren't you eating your fruit?なぜそのフルーツを食べないの?
B: It's an unripe banana熟していないバナナだからだよ
Green (形容詞) まだ青い
A: The last thing on my shopping list is a bunch of bananasショッピングリスト最後のものはバナナだ
B: This store only has green bananas この店には青いバナナしかないよ
Ripe' is a word used to express when food has developed enough that it is ready to be eaten. We can express that something is not suitable to be eaten by saying it is 'not ripe', 'unripe', 'unripened' or say that it has 'not ripened'.
ripe' は、果物や野菜が食べ頃になることをいいます。「食べ頃でない」は、'not ripe' 'unripe' 'unripened' 'has not ripened' などで表すことができます。
Here are three examples.
1. The banana is still green.
2. The banana is not ripe.
3. The banana is not ripe enough to eat, yet.
1. Green - The banana is not yellow, and will still be firm inside.
2. Ripe - Ready to be eaten.
3. Not ripe enough - close to being ready to eat, but there might be a little green on the peel still.
1. The banana is still green.(そのバナナはまだ熟していない)
2. The banana is not ripe.(そのバナナは熟していない)
3. The banana is not ripe enough to eat, yet.(そのバナナはまだ熟していない)
1. Green - バナナが黄色でない、まだ中が堅いということ。
2. Ripe - 食べ頃。
3. Not ripe enough -「もう少しで食べ頃だが、まだ皮に青いところがある」など。