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熱々スープとかステーキを食べてめっちゃ熱いとか 熱々だね。といいたいとき。
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2016/04/10 17:43
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  • It's scorching!

訳)焼け付くように暑い! 文字通り、焼け付くように、焦げそうに暑い! という意味で使います。
Yuuko Kono 仕事の英語パーソナルトレーナー
  • I burnt my tongue

  • It's so hot

Hot in British English can mean hot because it is spicy or it can be hot because of the temperature. When it's hot in temperature it feels like you have burnt your tongue, hence I burnt my tongue. When it's spicy you can either say "it's so hot" or "it's so spicy"
「Hot」はイギリス英語で辛くて「hot」というとことや温度が「hot」ということを意味します。 温度が「hot」ということきは舌が実際に焼けるわけではないが、舌が焼けるような感じがすると言います。 辛いという時は、「it's so hot」や「it's so spicy」と言うことができます。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • This soup is unbearably hot!

  • It's sizzling hot!

'Sizzling hot'' and ''unbearably hot'' mean the same thing= the soup is very hot. You could also say: extremely hot.
'Sizzling hot'' や'unbearably hot'' は同意語。 the soup is very hotこのスープは熱いという意味。 extremely hot. ということもできます。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • Steaming soup

  • Piping hot

  • Scalding hot soup

Steaming soup When something is so hot that you can see vapor rising from it we can say it is : steaming hot". e.g In one corner there was a basin of steaming water. "There is a bowl of soup steaming on the table." Piping hot This means that the soup is very hot.The derivation of this little phrase is the sizzling, whistling sound made by steam escaping from very hot food, which is similar to the sound of high-pitched musical pipes e.g The soup was piping hot because it had been served straight from the stove top. Scalding hot soup scalding : This means to heat something until it gets to boiling point. e.g Please scald the soup,it is very cold today and the guests will appreciate eating something warm and comforting.
Steaming soup 何かが湯気が上がるのが見えるほどあついとき、steaming hot"と言います。 e.g In one corner there was a basin of steaming water. 角にお湯の出る洗面があるよ。 "There is a bowl of soup steaming on the table." テーブルに熱々のスープが1杯あります。 Piping hot これはスープがとてもあついという意味です。このフレーズの由来はとてもあつい食べ物から出る蒸気が出すシューシューいう音が、高音の音楽パイプの音に似ているからです。 e.g The soup was piping hot because it had been served straight from the stove top. そのスープはストーブの上からまっすぐ運ばれてきたので熱々だった。 Scalding hot soup scalding : これは何かをその沸点まで温めるということを意味します。 e.g Please scald the soup,it is very cold today and the guests will appreciate eating something warm and comforting. スープを温めてください、今日はとても寒いし、お客様は温かくて心地よいものを喜ぶでしょう。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • This soup is very hot/scorching/piping hot.

  • The food is spicy.

  • It is too hot to eat.

When food is to hot to eat because of heat you can describe it as being Hot/Scorching or piping hot. You can also use the words very/really before to explain that it is extra hot eg the soup is really piping hot. When food is too hot to eat because of the spice or seasoning like chilly or pepper it can be described as spicy. It is too hot to eat- explains that you can not eat it now because it is too hot.
"食べ物が熱すぎて食べられない時にはHot/Scorching or piping hot.という表現を 使うことが出来ます。特に熱いことを説明する時は前にvery/reallyをつけます。 例)The soup is really piping hot. 食べ物に香辛料やチリペッパーのような香味料が入っているので辛くて食べられない時は spicyを使います。 It is too hot to eat 熱すぎて食べられないことを説明しています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It's really hot

  • It's super hot

  • The food is piping hot.

Piping hot is a term specifically used when referring to drinks and food. It means that the food or drink is extremely hot. Example A: Why haven't you touch your soup? B: It's piping hot. I'm waiting for it to cool down. That is some piping hot stew.
Piping hoは飲み物や食べ物が熱いときの言葉です。 その意味は飲み物や食べ物がとても熱いという意味。 例 A: Why haven't you touch your soup?どうしてスープに手をつけないの? B: It's piping hot. I'm waiting for it to cool down.だってめちゃくちゃ熱いんだもん。冷めるのを待ってるの That is some piping hot stew. それはあつあつのシチューです
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • 1. It's boiling

  • 2. Careful, it's really hot!

  • 3. It'll need some time to cool

1. It's 'boiling' or 'boiling hot' describes something which is too hot to touch or consume. 2. This is warning that something is really hot. 3. This advice is for someone who may want to eat, touch or use something that is really hot.
1. boilingまたはboiling hotというと、それがすごく熱くて触ったり食べたりすることができないことを表します。 2. それがとても熱いことを警告しています。 3. それを食べたり触ったり使ったりしたい人に対して、熱いことを勧告する文です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This soup is incredibly fiery.

  • This soup is very strong!

This soup is incredibly fiery - this means that the soup is very spicy. This soup is very strong - this also means that the soup has been seasoned with too many chillies.
例文 This soup is incredibly fiery このスープは信じられないくらい辛い。 この文は、このスープがとても辛いということです。 例文 This soup is very strong このスープは辛い。 この文も、多過ぎる唐辛子で味付けされている(とても辛い) ということです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • It's piping hot = I love to drink piping hot chai.

  • It's boiling hot = You must add boiling hot water for the meat to tenderize.

  • This soup is really hot and fiery (fiery = spicy)

It's sizzling hot = This fish dish is sizzling out! It's baking hot = It's baking hot! Can you please wait for the dish to cool down a bit. It's scalding hot = This water is scalding hot. Be careful. Burning hot = You should never serve burning hot food to a toddler. Blistering hot = The soup was blistering bot and my tongue feels so sore now. It's really really hot! It's crazy hot!
例文 It's sizzling hot = This fish dish is sizzling out! それはすごく熱い =この魚料理はジュージューと 音を立てている。気をつけて It's baking hot! それはとても熱い Can you please wait for the dish to cool down a bit. 料理が冷めるまで少し お待ち頂けますか? It's scalding hot = This water is scalding hot. Be careful. それはヤケドする程熱い。 このお湯はヤケドする程熱い。 気をつけて。 Burning hot = You should never serve burning hot food to a toddler. 焼けるように熱い 幼児に焼けるように熱い 食べ物を絶対に出さない ようにすべきだ Blistering hot = The soup was blistering bot and my tongue feels so sore now. とても熱い このスープはとても熱いので、 舌が今ヒリヒリする。 It's really really hot! それは本当に熱い。 It's crazy hot! それは信じられない位熱い
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Scorching hot

  • Boiling hot

  • Hot as chilli

You can describe something as being hot by using these adjectives as simile:- 1. Scorching hot - That soup is scorching hot. 2. Boiling hot - The water in the pot is boiling hot, be careful! 3. As hot as chilli - That spicy food is as hot as chilli. -
以下の例では 'Hot' なものを比喩を使って表現しています。 1. Scorching hot "That soup is scorching hot."(そのスープは熱々だよ) 2. Boiling hot "The water in the pot is boiling hot, be careful!"(ポットのお湯は熱湯だから気をつけて) 3. As hot as chilli "That spicy food is as hot as chilli."(それは唐辛子くらい辛い)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's extremely hot.

  • It's going to burn my tongue off, it's so hot.

  • It's boiling hot. I will have to wait until it cools down, before I can eat it.

Boiling hot: is an idiom to describe somethings as extremely hot, such as "food, the weather or living creature" The soup is boiling hot, I will have to wait until it cools down, before I can eat it. Burnt tongue: An unpleasant stinging feeling in your mouth. I burned my tongue on some hot soup last night.
Boiling hot: は「〔食べ物などが〕熱い、〔天気などが〕非常に暑い」という意味です。 The soup is boiling hot, I will have to wait until it cools down, before I can eat it. (スープは熱々なので、冷めるまで食べられない) Burnt tongue: 舌を突き刺すような感覚(舌をやけどすること)。 I burned my tongue on some hot soup last night. (昨日の夜熱々のスープを飲んで舌をやけどした)
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • Careful! It is very hot!

  • It is extremely hot so please do not touch it!

If you would like to warn someone that something is extremely/very hot, you can say something like "It is extremely hot so please do not touch it!" or "Please be very careful, it is very hot!". Both of these describe that something is very hot.
「熱いから気をつけて」は次のように言えます。 "It is extremely hot so please do not touch it!"(すごく熱いから、触らないでくださいね) "Please be very careful, it is very hot!"(気をつけてください、すごく熱いので) どちらも、とても熱いものを説明します。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • It's so hot to eat

  • Be careful, you can burn you tongue very easy with this food

Although, they both have close meaning, the second one, is, obviously, more descriptive. I personally would use the second one.
この二つはだいたい同じ意味ですが、もちろん、二つ目の例の方が具体的です。 私なら二つ目の例を使うと思います。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • It's so hot

  • It's scorching/piping hot

There is no special or specific way that we can say that something is really hot, we would have to use the adjective, "hot." However there are other words that we can use to describe exactly how hot something is. Example sentences : - It's so hot. - It's scorching hot. - It's piping hot. - It's scalding hot.
「とても暑い[熱い](really hot)」という意味の決まった表現、特別な言い方はありません。 形容詞の "hot" は使わなければなりませんが、暑さの度合いを表現する言葉にはいくつかの選択肢があります。 例文 : - It's so hot.(すごく暑い) - It's scorching hot.(焼けるように暑い) - It's piping hot.(熱々だ) - It's scalding hot.(やけどするほど熱い)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • It's piping hot.

・「It's piping hot.」 (意味)熱々だよ。 <例文>How's the soup?/ It's good but you should be careful. The tomato soup is piping hot. <訳>スープどう?/美味しいけど気をつけて。トマトスープ熱々だよ。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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