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2019/02/21 23:18
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  • Medical terms

  • Medical terminology

医療用語は medical terms または Medical terminology です。 I want to memorize more medical terms. (もっと医療用語を暗記したい)。 I need to learn more medical terms. (もっと医療用語を学ばないと)。 と言えますよ。参考に!
  • medical term

  • medical terminology

「医療用語」は英語でmedical termとmedical terminologyと言えます。「医療」はmedicalという意味して、「用語」はtermかterminologyという意味があります。そして、termは1つの単語のことを表しています。terminologyは複数の単語のことを表しています。terminologyは他の言葉で言うと「専門語」に似ています。 例: I want to focus on memorizing medical terms. 医療用語を覚えることに力を入れたいです。 Medical terminology is often very complicated. 医療用語はよくとても難しいです。 There are so many medical terms that it is like learning another language. 医療用語が非常に多いため、別の言語を学ぶようなものです。
  • I would like to understand medical terminology

  • My medical vocabulary is limited.

  • Medicinal / pharmaceutical terms

Terminology refers to specific wording related to a certain topic. There is, for example, medical, sporting, business terminology. This word applies to many genres, as does 'vocabulary'. The word medical can also be replaced with 'medicinal' or 'pharmaceutical' terms when referring specifically to medicine related topics.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Medical terminology is one of two collective names for words used in the medical profession.

  • Doctors and other health professionals use medical terms to name diseases and health related issues.

  • Medical vocabulary can sound like a completely different language.

Doctors, nurses, and other professionals use 'medical terms' or 'medical terminology' when carrying out their work. As stated in the third statement, 'medical vocabulary' can definitely sound like a different language unless you are used to hearing it spoken often. Words like 'hypertension', which means abnormally high blood pressure, can confuse you. You may hear words like 'benign', which means not cancerous, or 'malignant', which means cancerous, 'hypotension', which means low blood pressure, 'acute', which means sudden but usually short, for example, 'acute asthma'. So, you may hear a doctor using medical terms when advising his/her patients saying: You have hypertension because your blood pressure reading is very high. or I have diagnosed a malignant tumor in your brain which is threatening your life. or You must use the quick-relief inhaler whenever you expereience shortness of breath or wheezing to prevent acute asthma.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Biological terms

  • Clinical terminology

  • Medical jargon

'Biological terms' refers to words used to describe anything biological, this includes words used in medicine and by doctors. This phrase however, is also more general and can also refer to words used to describe biology generally. 'Clinical terminology' is a phrase to describe the kind of language /words used by doctors when they are in their clinical practice 'Medical Jargon' is a phrase that describes the technical, specialised words only medical practitioners use
Carolyn M DMM英会話講師
  • Medical terms

  • Medical language

  • Medical terminology

It’s as simple as that! You could also say medical discourse. Whenever you want to talk about a group of words which are connected with that theme just begin the phrase with that theme and then add terms, language, terminology, or discourse: for example, political terminology or scientific language.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • medical jargon

  • medical terminology

The two words you see provided above are words we use to describe medical terms. The words jargon and terminology mean special words or expressions that are used in a particular profession. These two words are commonly used in both formal and informal settings. They would make great additions to your vocabulary.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Medical jargon

  • Medical terminology

Words that are used in medicine by doctors can be referred to as an of the following :- 1. Medical jargon - Medical Jargon is the technical terminology used by doctors to describe illnesses. Sometimes its very difficult to understand medical terminology if you are not in the nedical field. 2. Medical Terminology - Medical terminology refers to the language used by doctors and others in the medical profession to describe the human body. Sometimes we can use "medical jargon and medical terminology" to mean the same things.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Medical terminology.

Examples: Medical terminology is very complex. I don't understand that medical term, could you explain it for me? I don't have a good understanding of medical terms, could you break down what that term means for me?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Medical terms

  • Medical terminology

We use these terms when we want to talk about things related to doctors or nurses. Sometimes when a Doctor is describing something to us, we may not understand and we have to ask him to speak using easier terms because we are not all medical professionals like him or her, so our vocabulary is a little different. "In medical terms, you are seriously ill, I'm afraid" "Employees are generally not familiar with medical terminology nor comfortable with medical explanations of complicated diseases."
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Medical terminololgy

  • Medical professional knowledge

  • Medical vocab

In the medical profession, professionals such as doctors, nurses or surgeons may use different words to what the every day person may use. Their medical words are known as medical vocab or terminology. This basically means their words are belonged together.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Technical terms

  • Medical terms

The word, "technical terms," refers to the specific vocabulary for any profession without specifying which profession whereas the word, "medical terms," is more specifically describing the vocabulary that is used by doctors and within medicine.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Medical terms

  • Medical parlance

  • Medical terminology

The most common way of referring to the words that are used in medicine by doctors and nurses etc would be: 'medical terms' or 'medical terminology'. Eg 'John is a doctor and is always using medical terminology with his fellow doctors.'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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