Please prepare your own lunch as we won't provide it.
Please prepare your own lunch as we won't provide it. (私たちは昼食を提供しないので、各自で準備してください。)
"prepare A" 「Aを準備する」を用いて、上のように表現することができます。
ちなみに、ここで出てきた "as" は、"because" や "since" と同様に、「なぜなら...」という理由を表す接続詞です。
Lunch is not included today. You'll need to get some lunch before you board the airplane because there's no in-flight lunch service.
ーLunch is not included today. You'll need to get some lunch before you board the airplane because there's no in-flight lunch service.
to get some lunch「お昼を取る・お昼ご飯を買う」
before you board the airplane「あなたが飛行機に搭乗する前に」