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2019/03/03 16:29
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  • I wish there were more options.

I wish there were more options. もっと選択肢があればよかったのに。 このような I wish 【過去形】は実現しないとわかっているものに対して「〜だったらよかったのになぁ」という意味でよく出てくる形です。 option = 選択肢 This restaurant has only 3 dishes on the menu. このレストランにはメニューに3種類の料理しかない。
  • I wish there were more options.

  • I would like more things to choose from.

  • I wish there were more choices.

If you are talking about a menu with only a few options, you can also make comments such as: "This menu hardly has anything on it." "This menu is so small." As well, you can ask for more options as listed in the sentences above.
これらの例は、レストランでいくつかしかメニューの選択がないことを表すフレーズです。 "This menu hardly has anything on it." (このメニューにはほとんど何も載っていない。) "This menu is so small." (メニューがすごく少ない。) また他に、例であげた文も使うことができます。
Heather Z DMM英会話講師
  • I wished they had more choice on the menu.

  • I wish the menu had more options to choose from.

If you are at a restaurant that doesn't have many options on the menu, you can say something like "I wished they had more choice on the menu." or "I wish the menu had more options to choose from.".
レストランで、メニューのオプションがあまりないときには、 "I wished they had more choice on the menu." (もっと選べたらいいのに。)や "I wish the menu had more options to choose from."(メニューがもっとあったらいいのに。)と言うことができます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately there is only limited choice on the menu.

  • I would prefer it if the menu was more extensive, as it is rather limited.

  • There is a lack of options to choose from on this menu.

The first phrase uses the word "unfortunately", which shows that the person is not happy with the limited options given on the menu. The second phrase focuses on the preference of the diner, and uses the word "extensive" to infer that the person word prefer a menu with greater, a more extensive, choices. The third phrase makes it clear that the diner is not happy with the selection on the menu, and is stated more as a fact than in the other two phrases.
初めの文には "unfortunately"(不運にも)という言葉があり、その人が限られたメニューの選択肢をうれしく思っていないことを表します。 2つ目は、"extensive"(広い、広範囲の)という言葉があり、 3つ目は、そのレストランのメニューの数に不満だということを表しています。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • This menu has very little to choose from.

  • This menu is too small.

If there are only three items on the menu, then you can say"This menu has very little to choose from" or "this menu is too small"Also, you can ask whether they have any specials( which are not normally on the menu.)
メニューに載っているものが3つしかないときは、"This menu has very little to choose from" (このメニューはほとんど選ぶものがない。)や "this menu is too small"(メニューがすごく少ない。)と言うことができます。 また、メニューにいつもはないスペシャルがあるかを聞くこともできます。
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • I wish there were more options

  • I was hoping there would be more to pick from

When you want to express that you wish a restaurant menu had more options, then you could say this in the following ways: -I wish there were more options -I was hoping there would be more to pick from
レストランのメニューにもっと選択肢が合ったらいいなと思うことを伝えるときのフレーズです。  -I wish there were more options (もっとメニューがあったらいいのに。) -I was hoping there would be more to pick from (もっと選べたらいいのに。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I wish there were more options to choose from.

  • I wish the menu was bigger.

"I wish there were more options to choose from." expresses the desire for more to choose from on the menu. The wording of 'I wish' expresses a desired change if you could make it, without demanding or asking for that change. Also using 'I wish', the phrase "I wish the menu was bigger." is a way of saying that you wish there were more items on the menu. If the menu is small, it means there are few items and if it is large, that means there are a lot of items to choose from.
"I wish there were more options to choose from." (もっと選べたらいいのに。) これは、もっと多くのメニューから選べたらいいと思っていることを意味します。 'I wish' は、相手に変えてもらうように要求したり、お願いしたりせずに、変えることができたらいいなという願望を表します。   また、"I wish the menu was bigger."は、メニューがもっとあったらいいのにという意味です。 the menu is smallとは、少ししかメニューにないという意味でit is largeは、メニューがたくさんあるという意味です。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • I wish there were more options.

  • The menu doesn't have a lot of options.

  • I wish I had more to choose from.

All three of these questions have very similar meanings and can be used interchangeably. The main two that are the most similar to each other, "I wish there were more options," and, "I wish I had more to choose from," use the verb, to wish, to describe the desire that one has for something to have more options/choices. The second one refers to the menu as the subject of the sentence, and how it lacks choices/options.
これら3つは全てよく似た意味で、同じように使うことができます。最初の2つはよく似ていて、"I wish there were more options" (もっと選べたらいいのに。)と"I wish I had more to choose from"(もっと選ぶことができたらいいのに。)には、動詞wishが使われています。これは、もっと選ぶことができたらいいのにという願望を表します。 2つ目は、メニューに選択肢がないことを表す文です。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • "I wish there were more options"

  • "The menu only has three options, it wish it had more selection"

  • "The menu at this restaurant is limited"

If you were at a restaurant and there were only three options on the menu, and you wish that there was more options, you could say any of the following: "I wish there were more options", "The menu only has three options, it wish it had more selection" or "The menu at this restaurant is limited".
レストランに行って、メニューが3種類しかなく「もっと種類があったらいいのに」と思ったのですね。この「もっと種類があったらいいのに」は次のように言えます。 "I wish there were more options"(もっと種類があったらいいのに) "The menu only has three options, I wish it had more selections"(メニューが3種類しかない。もっとたくさん種類があればいいのに) "The menu at this restaurant is limited"(このレストランのメニューは少ない)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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