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もしあなたがお金持ちだったらどうするか? の質問に対する答えです。 物を買いたいとは思わないので経験に使いたい。と答えたいです。
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2019/03/09 14:07
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  • I don’t really want to buy items or things in general.

If you were a rich person what would you do? あるいはIf you had a lot of money what would you do? はもしあなたがお金持ちだったらどうするか?と言う意味です。 I would use it to build experience は経験に使いたいと言う意味として使います。 お役に立ちましたか?^_^
  • I prefer having experiences to buying things.

  • Rich experiences are more meaningful to me than expensive things.

In American English we often say that we prefer one thing to another, meaning that we prefer one thing over another. The word 'Rich' in this case (as an adjective describing 'experience') means something like 'deep, resonant, multidimensional, colorful, fulfilling and textured'. Another word that could be an alternative to 'buying' is 'acquiring', which is a broader term than 'buying', and 'to acquire' means 'to amass' or 'to accumulate' but not necessarily to purchase at a store.
アメリカ英語では [I prefer A to B] という言い方をよくします。「AをBよりも好む」という意味です。 'rich' はこの場合('experience' を説明する形容詞)、「深い、多元的、心に残る、変化に富む、充実した、陰影のある」といった意味です。 'buying' の代わりに 'acquiring' も使えます。'acquiring' は 'buying' よりも意味が広く、集めることをいいます。これは必ずしもお店で物を買うことを表すわけではありません。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • If I had lots of money, I have no desire to do anything specific!

  • I don't know what I would do if I had lots of money!

It is sometimes difficult to think hypothetically and we can't imagine what we would do if we had a lot of money. Some people have an idea because they give this lots of thought, here are some examples of what some people say: "I want to travel around the world." "I would donate money to charity." "I want to have a big house and many cars."
「もしお金持ちになったら」という仮定の質問に答えるのは難しいかもしれません。ただ、これについて明確な考えを持っている人もいるでしょう。例えば、次のように言えます。 "I want to travel around the world."(世界各地を旅行したい) "I would donate money to charity."(お金をチャリティーに寄付したい) "I want to have a big house and many cars."(大きな家とたくさんの車が欲しい)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I would rather spend money on experiences.

  • I would prefer to spend money on experiences, instead of possessions.

"I would rather spend money on experiences." It is implied that you prefer to use your money to buy experiences rather than spending it on things. "I would rather" indicates that you have chosen the option you prefer, in this case it is experiences. In a more formal setting "possessions" or "material possessions" can be used in the place of "things".
"I would rather spend money on experiences."(私は経験にお金を使いたい) お金を使って物ではなく経験を買いたいという意味合いです。 "I would rather" は、それを選択肢の中から選んだことを表します。この場合、それは「経験」です。 フォーマルな場面では、"things"(物)の代わりに "possessions" あるいは "material possessions" が使えます。
Beckey Kate DMM英会話講師
  • If I were rich, I wouldn't buy much but rather, just have a lot of amazing experiences

If asked what you would do if were rich - and you want to say that you don't really have a desire to buy many things - and you will use the money to experience various things, then you may find the above sample statement acceptable.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am not interested in buying material things.

  • I would rather use my money to experience things.

When asked what you would do if you were rich, you could simply say "I am not interested in buying material things." If you want to be more specific, follow that statement with "I would rather use my money for experiences." The complete sentence would be: "I am not interested in buying material things, I would rather use my money for experiences."
「もしあなたがお金持ちだったらどうするか」と聞かれたら、シンプルに "I am not interested in buying material things."(物を買うことには興味がない)と言えます。 もっと具体的に言いたいなら、この後、次のように続けることができます。 "I would rather use my money for experiences."(お金は経験に使いたい) 全体では: "I am not interested in buying material things, I would rather use my money for experiences." (物を買うことには興味ありません。それよりは経験にお金を使いたいです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I would use the money for memories instead of possessions

  • I don't need many possessions to be happy.

  • I would like to experience all that life has to offer.

If you are suddenly rich(congratulations!) and you want to have experiences instead of buying objects, you could say "I would use the money for memories instead of possessions." This shows that you value traveling and having fun more than having a big house or fancy car. "I don't need possessions to be happy" is a way to let people know that you can be happy with few things. "I would like to experience all that life has to offer" means you want to go on adventures and have fun.
もし突然お金持ちになって(おめでとう!)物を買う以外の経験をしたいなら、"I would use the money for memories instead of possessions."(私なら物を持つ代わりに思い出にお金を使うと思う)と言うことができます。 これは大きな家や素敵な車を買うよりも旅行や楽しむことに価値を見出しているということを表しています。 "I don't need possessions to be happy"(幸せになるのに物を持つ必要はない)はほとんどものがなくても幸せになることができるということを表しています。 "I would like to experience all that life has to offer"とは、冒険に出て楽しみたいという意味です。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • I would rather use my money to buy experiences rather than possessions

  • I do not desire material objects but the experiences of life i do

describing that you'd rather see and explore life thank owning/possessing material objects. desiring or wanting the experience of life such as travel and friendship as apposed to wanting to buy things.
物を持つよりも人生を探求したいと伝えています。 物を買うことよりも、旅や友情など人生の経験を求めているという意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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