どこに行きたいの?という言い方 はたくさんあります。
❶ Where do you wanna go? (どこに行きたいの?) と聞けます。
※wanna は want to の略でカジュアルな表現です。
❷Where would you like to go? (どこに行きたいですか?) これは丁寧な言い方です。
❸Is there any place you’d like to visit? (どこか行ってみたいところありますか?)、
Where do you want to go? (どこに行きたいの?)
Is there any place you would like to visit? (どこか訪れてみたい場所はありますか?
他にはWhat would you like to do today? (今日何かしたいことある?)なども使えるかと思います。
If you would like to ask your friend who is visiting Japan where he/she would like to go, you can do so in the following ways:
"Where would you like to go?"
"Where is it that you want to go?"
"Where would you like to go?"(どこに行きたいですか)
"Where is it that you want to go?"(どこに行きたいですか)
"Where do you fancy going?" - fancy is another word for like, and is a more commonly used, casual English phrase.
"Where shall we drive to today?" - explains the mode of transport - a car - and asks where the person wants to go in the car.
"Where are your adventures taking you today?" - a friendly way of asking where the person is going, indicating that they might be off to have some fun, opening the conversation up to talk about what they are going to do.
"Where do you fancy going?"(どこに行きたいですか)
- "fancy" は "like"(好き)の別の言い方で、"like" よりも一般的でカジュアルな言葉です。
"Where shall we drive to today?"(今日はどこに行きましょうか)
- ここでは交通手段(車)を伝えています。車でどこに行きたいのか尋ねています。
"Where are your adventures taking you today?"(今日はどこに冒険に行くの)
- その人がどこに行くつもりなのかを尋ねるフレンドリーな言い方です。楽しいことをしに行くというニュアンスです。その人の予定についての会話のきっかけになります。
When someone is visiting your country for the first time, they have certain interests and places that they want to visit. Here are a few ways that you can express yourself in finding out what they would like to do and see.
"What would you like to see first?"
"What do you want to do first?"
"Where do you want to go?"
Meaning that which place or sight do want to view first or where they want to go or do!
"What would you like to see first?"(まず、何を見てみたいですか)
"What do you want to do first?"(まず何をしてみたいですか)
"Where do you want to go?"(どこに行きたいですか)
If you would like to ask someone what they would like to do when they come and visit Japan, you can say something like "Where would you like to go when you go to Japan?" or "When you visit Japan are there any specific places would you would like to visit?". These are some ways to express this to someone.
To a friend who is visiting Japan, you want to ask where he/she would like to g. In this case, one of the above suggested queries may be suitable. Of course there is always a variety of ways to say something in English and your choice of phrase may depend on such factors as: ethnicity, apropriacy, and the culture concerned.
行く - go, to go
〜〜 - want to
行きたい - want to go
どこに - where
まとめたら - where do you want to go?
“Where would you like to go?”
どこに行きたいの?- Where would you like to go?
東京に行きたい - I want to go to Tokyo
日本来たらどこに行きたい - When you come to Japan, where would you like to go?
京都と大阪行きたいです - I want to go to Kyoto and Osaka
These are both standard ways to phrase this question in American English. As an alternative, we can use the interrogative word 'what' instead, asking 'What are some places you want to visit?' or 'What are some spots you want to see?' We often use the word 'spot' as a more informal alternative to 'place'. 'Spot' can also mean a 'mark', and is a common name for dogs that have such distinguishing marks. Snoopy, for instance, could have been named 'Spot', in a parallel reality.
また、疑問詞の 'what' を使って次のように尋ねることもできます。
'What are some places you want to visit?'(どこか行きたい所はありますか)
'What are some spots you want to see?(どこか行きたい所はありますか)
'spot' は 'place' のインフォーマルな言い方としてよく使われます。
また、'spot' には「しみ」という意味もあります。柄にしみのある犬にはよく 'Spot' という名前が付けられます。例えば、スヌーピーは 'Spot' という名前が付けられたとしても不思議ではありません。
1)ストレートに言う場合、Where do you want to go? (どこに行きたいの?)
2)少し優しい感じで言いたい場合、Do you have any place in mind? どこか行きたいとこはある?
3)一緒にどこに行くか考える場合、Where should we go today/tonight? 今日・今夜どこに行きましょうか?
*Where should we~?でshouldを使うことで相手も関わってきます。
If you go to a country you might want to see or go to different places or attractions so you might ask your friend 'Where would you like to go?' or 'what would you like to see'
by adding 'while in Japan' you are explaining you mean whlle they are staying/visiting Japan
To visit means to go and see people or things usually as a guest or tourist
海外に行くと、色々な場所に行ったり、見たりしたいことでしょう。友達には、'Where would you like to go?'(どこに行きたいですか?)や 'what would you like to see'(何を見たいですか?)と聞くことができます。
'while in Japan' をつけることで、日本にいる間にという意味になります。
To visit は、お客さんや観光客として、ある場所や人を訪れるという意味です。
casual ways of asking where someone would like to visit or see.
all have almost different ways of asking the same question, in which what place would they like to visit or go to while they are in a certain place eg, Japan
When we are on holidays, we want to have time to do as many things as we can because our time can be quite limited. It is nice to have a tour guide or a friend or family member who knows the place well-
We can use either of these sentences to ask another person what they want to do or where they would like to go.
The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to ask your listener where they would like to go. In the first sentence you will see the noun spot. This means a popular or known area, normally popular among tourist or visitors. This word is commonly used, especially when we are talking about traveling. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
どこに行きたいの は英語で where do you want to go? と訳出します。
もっと丁寧に聞きたければ ^ Where would you like to go?
親しい感じだと - Where you wanna go? でもいいです。
「どこに行きたいの?」のスタンダードな言い方は Where do you want to go? です。これはニュアンス的には観光地もレストランなども入ります。
一つのバリエーションは Where do you want to visit? です。これは日本語ですと「どこを訪ねたいの?」になります。これは主に観光地のニュアンスです。
Both of these sentences are perfect when asking where someone wants to go while they are visiting your country. Some people do a lot of research before travelling therefore they know exactly where they want to go. Others don't do any and therefore are usually happy doing anything.
Asking: where do you want to go in Japan? Is asking a question to your friend to find out where they want to visit when the travel to Japan. You could be more specific with this question and ask, which cities will you go to in Japan? Or, which activities are you going to do in Japan?
When you want to ask your friend that is visiting Japan where they would like to go; then you may ask in the following ways:
-Which places would you like to visit/check out while you're in Japan?
-Where would you like to go when you are here in Japan?
-What kind of places would you like to see when you are in Japan?
Here are three phrases that we can use to ask this kind of question to a friend or someone coming to your country. Notice that in the first two examples, we can interchangeably use the verb, "to visit," or, "to go," whereas in the third example we are changing out, "would like," with the verb, "to plan," as these can also be used interchangeably in all three examples.