世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/17 20:36
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  • Interact with the locals

「交流」は"interact"と言います。 「現地の人」はよく"locals"と言います。 I think interacting with the locals is the real pleasure of traveling 「旅の醍醐味は現地の人と交流することだと思います」
  • ① Interaction with locals

現地の人との交流を望むならば、「I am seeking interaction with locals 」が正しい英語です。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • interaction with locals

  • socializing with the locals

Socializing means to mix socially with other people. You can also say to mingle with the locals. This means trying to get to know their way of living and also about their country. For example: The most exciting part about my trip to Africa was the interaction with locals of Namibia.
「Socializing」とは、他の人々の社会的な交流を意味します。 また、地元の人との交流を意味します。 生活様式や国をお互いに知りあおうということを意味します。 例えば、 The most exciting part about my trip to Africa was the interaction with locals of Namibia. アフリカ旅行で、ナミビアの人との交流が最も楽しかったです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Mixing with the locals

  • Fraternising with the locals

  • Integrating with the locals

When speaking about visiting or living in another location you could say something like,"I don't mix with the locals much," meaning you don't speak or spend much time with people in that local area. Speaking and socialising with the local population may also be described as, "Fraternising with the locals," which means: 'To associate with others in a brotherly or congenial way.' If you intend living or making a home in another location, you may feel it is important to 'integrate with the locals' which means actively mingle and become part of local society.
違うところに住んだり、訪れたりする場合にいうのなら、,"I don't mix with the locals much,と言えます。これは、現地の人とあまり交流しない、という意味で使えます。現地の人と交流する、という意味ならFraternising with the localsという表現があり、兄弟分のように現地の人と交流することを表します。別の土地に家を建てたり、暮らそうとしているのなら、integrate with the localsは大事です。現地の人と積極的に関わることを指します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hanging out with the locals

  • Spending time with the locals

The expression "hanging out with the locals" is very informal. This can be used to explain that you were with local or native people and participated in whatever activity they were doing. The expression "spending time with the locals" gives the same idea as the first expression. The only difference is that this expression is more formal and could be used even if you just talked with local people.
"hanging out with the locals" はとてもインフォーマルな表現です。 「現地の人と何かしらの活動をした」という時に使えます。 "spending time with the locals" も同じ意味合いですが、"hanging out with the locals" よりもフォーマルです。 また、「現地の人と話をしただけ」という時でも使えます。
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • Communicating with locals

  • Interaction with locals

Communicating with locals means talking and getting information from each other. The use of the verb 'communicating' in its present participle tense here is to show that the communication between you and the locals is continuous. In the second line, you have used the noun 'interaction', which means 'an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other. You could also have said 'communication' with locals'. The noun 'communication' means 'talking and getting information from each other'. It is interchangeable with 'interaction'.
Communicating with localsとは、地元民と喋って情報交換をするという意味です。 communicatingとは、現在分詞で、あなたと地元民の会話が現在進行形であることを意味します。 interactionという名詞は二人かそれ以上の人や物が、コミュニケーションを通して相互に影響を受けたり作用することを言います。 'communication' with locals'. The noun 'communication'とも言えます。 これは、 'talking and getting information from each other'.(情報交換をする)という意味で、 'interaction'と言い換えができます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Interaction with locals

Interaction --> a mutual or reciprocal action or influence ---> Local means existing in or belonging to the area where you live, or to the area that you are talking about.
Interaction --> 相互作用、影響 ---> Localとは、既にある、自分の住んでいる土地に属している、または今話している土地のことを指します。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Interacting with the locals.

  • Socializing with the locals.

Interaction with locals while you are traveling, can be called: "Interacting with the locals." "Socializing with the locals."
旅行中に現地の人と交流することは、 "Interacting with the locals."(現地の人との交流) または "Socializing with the locals."(現地の人との交流) と表せます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Communicating with the natives

Interaction and communication are essentially the same thing. Natives is another word for locals although natives is used for people who are within a country and locals are people in your immediate surroundings. For example: My communication with the locals is really improving
"interaction"(交流)と "communication"(コミュニケーション)は基本的には同じ意味です。 "natives" は "locals" の別の言い方ですが、"natives" はその国の人を指し、"locals" は自分のすぐ周りにいる人を指します。 例: My communication with the locals is really improving (地元の人たちとのうまくコミュニケーションできるようになってきた)
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Chilling with the locals

  • Hanging with the locals.

  • Getting to know the locals.

These sentences can describe interaction with the locals. These sentences are very casual terms. "Getting acquainted with the locals" means the same thing but it has a more formal feel to it.
「現地の人との交流」は、上記のフレーズで表すことができます。どれもカジュアルな言い方です。 "Getting acquainted with the locals" も同じ意味ですが、こちらはよりフォーマルです。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Speaking with locals.

  • Spending time with locals.

  • Being with locals.

To have a complete sentence, you could say: For me, the best part about travelling is...(add one of the phrases)
フルセンテンスでは、 For me, the best part about travelling is... 「旅の醍醐味は...だと思う」 ※「...」に上のフレーズのどれかを入れてください。 のように言えます。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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