It is said to be good luck if the tea stalk stands up in the tea.
It is said that if the tea stalk floats, it will bring good fortune.
「茶柱が立つのは縁起がいい」= The tea stalk standing up is a sign of good luck.
1)It is said to be good luck if the tea stalk stands up in the tea.
tea stalk = 茶柱
It is said that ~~ = ~~と言われている
good luck = 縁起がいい
2)It is said that if the tea stalk floats, it will bring good fortune.
浮く= float
縁起がいいことをもらう = bring good fortune
"It is considered good luck if the tea stalk stands up when you make green tea."
"It is considered good luck if the tea stalk stands up when you make green tea." このフレーズは「緑茶を作った時に茶柱が立つと、それは良い兆しと考えられています」という意味です。
"It is said to be a sign of good fortune when the tea stalk floats while brewing green tea." このフレーズは「緑茶を醸造しているときに茶柱が浮くと、それは好運の兆しと言われています」という意味です。