世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/03/16 13:06
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  • Can you break a ten-dollar bill into ten singles?

"Can you break a ten-dollar bill into ten singles?" 「10ドル札を1ドル札10枚に両替してもらえますか?」 * break: お金を崩す(壊す、の意味から) * ten-dollar: 10ドルの * bill: (米語)札 (英語圏では note) * single: 1ドル札(カジュアルな表現) ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Could you possibly give me 10 one dollar bills for this ten?

  • Can you please break this 10 dollar bill into ones for me?

1) Could you possibly give me 10 one dollar bills for this ten? 「この10ドル札を1ドル札10枚にしてもうことは可能ですか?」 「100ドル札を20ドル札5枚」だと、give me 5 twenties for this hundred となります。 2) Can you please break this 10 dollar bill into ones for me? 「この10ドル札を1ドル札に崩してもらえますか?」 「20ドル札を10ドル札1枚と5ドル札2枚」だと break this 20 dollar bill into a ten and two fives と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Can you break a $10 bill?

  • Do you have single dollar bills?

  • Do you have change for $10?

When asking for change, we can ask in a few different ways, here are some examples: "Can you break a $10 bill?" This is an informal way of asking someone for some change. "Do you have single dollar bills? This is being a bit more specific, asking for the exact way you want your money. "Do you have change for $10?" Normally the person will ask how you want your change.
お金を崩してもらいたいときには、これはいろいろな聞き方ができます。 例えば: "Can you break a $10 bill?"(10ドル札を崩してもらえますか) これはインフォーマルな言い方です。 "Do you have single dollar bills?(1ドル札はありますか) これは少し具体的になっています。お金を何に崩したいのか伝えています。 "Do you have change for $10?"(10ドル札を崩せますか) これに対して普通相手はいくらに崩したいのか確認してきます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Are you able to change this 10 dollars into one dollars please?

  • Can you break this 10 dollar bill into one dollar bills?

"Are you able to change this 10 dollars into one dollars please?" 'are you able' is a very polite and formal also well used phrase to ask "can you". "are you able to help me with my homework". "Can you break this 10 dollar bill into one dollar bills?" 'Break' is often used in this context, to break money is to split it into smaller pieces.
"Are you able to change this 10 dollars into one dollars please?"(この10ドル札を1ドルに替えていただけますか) = 'are you able' はよく使われるフレーズです。これは "can you"(~してもらえますか)の非常に丁寧でフォーマルな言い方です。 例: "Are you able to help me with my homework" (宿題を手伝ってもらえますか) "Can you break this 10 dollar bill into one dollar bills?"(この10ドルを1ドル札に替えてもらえますか) = 'Break' はこの文脈でよく使われます。'Break' は「お金を崩す」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Can you change this into ones please?

  • Could you give me one dollar bills for this please?

When talking about changing money sometimes it is not always necessary to say bill as they would know what you mean if you have a 10 dollar bill and want it changed to one dollar bills you can simply ask to get it changed into 'ones'
お金をくずすことを話しているときには、10 dollar bill (10ドル札)を持っているなら相手はわかってくれるので、必ずしも bil(紙幣)という言葉を使う必要はありません。10ドル札を1ドル札にくずしてほしいときは、change into 'ones'と言うといいでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Do you have change for a $10 bill?"

  • "Can you change this $10 for $1 bills?"

"Do you have change for a $10 bill?" This sentence is commonly used and understand as needed to 'break' the money you have for something smaller. This sentence implies you are not particular about what type of notes or coins you want in return. "Can you change this $10 bill for $1 bills?" This example sentence shows you are specifically asking for 10 x $1 bills in exchange for your $10 bill.
"Do you have change for a $10 bill?" (10ドル変えてもらえますか?) これは、お金を細かく崩すという意味で使われます。この文は、特にどんな小銭が欲しいかは聞いていません。  "Can you change this $10 bill for $1 bills?" (この10ドル札を1ドル札に崩してもらえますか?) この例は、詳しく10ドル札を1ドル札に崩してほしいことを聞いています。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • "Excuse me, could I please have some change?"

  • "Could you please change this $10 bill for ones?"

  • "Could I exchange this $10 note for one dollar bills?"

Anytime you are asking for something, it is always polite to first say 'excuse me' and to ensure you ask using the word 'please' and responding to the person with 'thank you'. To make your request, you can ask to either 'change' or 'exchange the ten dollar 'note' or 'bill' for the denomination you are seeking. EG: "Excuse me, could you please exchange this $10 for for one dollar bills?" "Excuse me, would you be able to provide 10 one dollar bills as change?"
人に何かを求めるときには、まず 'excuse me' で始めて、'please' を使って尋ね、'thank you' と返すと、丁寧です。 「(10ドル札を1ドル札に)交換する」には 'change' または 'exchange'、「札(さつ)」には 'note' または 'bill' が使えます。 例: "Excuse me, could you please exchange this $10 for for one dollar bills?"(すみません、この10ドルを1ドル札に交換してもらえますか) "Excuse me, would you be able to provide 10 one dollar bills as change?" (すみません、10ドル札10枚に崩してもらえますか)
Lexi L DMM英会話講師
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