I began taking tennis lessons to beat a friend at the sport but I was able to do that after a month. Now I don't have a reason to continue on with the lessons anymore.
"I began taking tennis lessons to beat a friend at the sport but I was able to do that after a month. Now I don't have a reason to continue on with the lessons anymore."
* begin: 始める
* take lessons: レッスンを受ける、習う
* beat someone at: 誰かを〜〜で打ち負かす
* the sport: そのスポーツ(この文脈の場合はテニス)
* be able to: 〜〜することが出来る
* after: 〜〜の後に
* reason: 理由
* continue: 続ける
* anymore: もう、これ以上