世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/26 11:27
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  • I won against him/her for the first time.

  • I finally beat them.

  • I won at last!

"I won against him/her for the first time." - This is a common way of saying you won against someone for the first time. "I finally beat them." - this is a more relaxed way of saying you won. Take note, there are two meanings to the word "beat". It can mean to hit someone, but also is more commonly used when you have defeated someone or a team in a competitive activity. "I won at last!" - This places more emphasis on the time it has taken and the passion invested to achieve your victory.
“I won against him/her for the first time.” (私は初めて彼/彼女に勝ちました) これは誰かに初めて勝ったと言うためによく使用される表現です。 “I finally beat them.” (私はついに彼らに勝ちました) これはあなたが勝利したと言う、より打ち解けた表現です。 “Beat”という単語には2通り意味があることを覚えておいてください。 誰かを打つという意味ですが、一般的には競争で誰かまたはチームに勝ったという意味で使われることの方が多いです。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • I always lose to him/her. but today I won!

  • This is my first time to beat him/her.

"I always lose to him/her. but today I won!" You can use the pronouns him or her or replace them with the name of the person you beat. Example: "I always lose to John, but today I won!" Lose - to be beaten at a card game, video game, promotion, golf, basketball, ping-pong, etc. Won - to be the winner, not the person who was beaten, but the person who beat everyone else! "This is my first time to beat him/her." First time - You did something that had never happened before.
"I always lose to him/her. but today I won!" (私はいつも彼/彼女に負けています。しかし今日は私が勝ちました!) 代名詞”him”または”her”を使用することもできますし、そこをあなたが勝利した相手の名前に置き換えることもできます。 例: "I always lose to John, but today I won!" (私はいつもジョンに負けています。しかし今日は私が勝ちました!) Lose - カードゲーム、ビデオゲーム、昇進、ゴルフ、バスケットボール、卓球、その他などで負けることです。 Won - 負ける側ではなく勝者になったことです。 "This is my first time to beat him/her." (私が彼/彼女に勝つのは今回が初めてです) First time - 以前に起こったことのないことを初めて果たすことです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • For the first time ever I won against *name of player*!

The phrase "for the first time ever" clearly communicates that you have never won against that person before and that you finally did. All you need to do is insert the name of the player and the sentence is complete! I hope this helps :)
「for the first time ever」で、それまで勝ったことがなかった相手にやっと勝てたことがはっきり伝わります。 その選手の名前を[*name of player*]に入れるだけです、文は完成です! 参考になるといいです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I finally won against (name), they beat me so many times and I finally won!

  • I finally beat him/her for the first time!

There will always be context when saying something like this. To say, "I finally beat him/her for the first time!" Will be a part of a story. You can lead up to these examples by talking about how you always lost. At the end you will say, "I finally won against (name), they beat me so many times and I finally won!" or "I finally beat him/her for the first time!"
このようなことを言う場合には必ず文脈があります。 "I finally beat him/her for the first time!" 「ついに彼/彼女に初めて勝った!」 このような発言は話の一部でしょう。 いつもどれだけ負けてきたのかを話すことによって、最後にこの英訳例のようなことを言うことをできます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I won against *name* for the first time!

  • I've lost to him/her so many times, but today I won!

First time- This has not happened before. Example: I went to the U.S for the first time last year! To win- To come first place. If you are competing against one or more people and you come first. Example: I won the race.
First time- はじめて 例:  I went to the U.S for the first time last year! (去年初めてアメリカに行った!) To win-優勝すること  例: I won the race. (レースで優勝した。)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • After losing against him/her so many times, I have finally beaten him/her.

  • I have finally beaten him/her in the tennis match I played against him/her today.

  • I won my tennis match against him/her after losing so many times.

Any of the three sentences can be used to describe the win you got against the player in the tennis match you played. If you know their name, you can use their name in the sentence to identify the player you played against. *After losing against Peter so many times, I have finally beaten him. *I have finally beaten Mary in the tennis match I played against her today. *I won my tennis match against Hank after losing so many times.
これら三つどの文でも、あなたがテニスの試合で手にした勝利について表せます。 相手選手の名前を知っているなら、それを使うこともできます。 *After losing against Peter so many times, I have finally beaten him.(ピーターには何度も負かされたけど、ようやく勝つことができた) *I have finally beaten Mary in the tennis match I played against her today.(今日テニスの試合でついにメアリーに勝つことができた) *I won my tennis match against Hank after losing so many times.(テニスの試合で何度も負かされていたハンクに勝つことができた)
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Though we've met many times, beating him this game was a first for me

  • Of all the games we have played together, that was the first time I beat him

To meet a competitor = to play against/with a fellow player. "Ryan Giggs and Ronaldo have met on the pitch many times, both as team mates and competitors." To be a first = to be the first time something happens. "Having a mixed race princess in their ranks is a first for the Royal Family."
相手選手に会うこと = to play against/with a fellow player Ryan Giggs and Ronaldo have met on the pitch many times, both as team mates and competitors. 「ライアン・ギッグズとロナルドは、チームメイトとして、そして対戦相手としてピッチで何度も会ったことがある」 To be a first = 何かが起こる最初の機会/出来事となる。 「王室にとって、混血のプリンセスを持つのは初めてのことだ」 →「王室にとって、混血のプリンセスを迎えるのは初めてのことだ」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I beat him/her for the first time since I started playing with him

  • That was my first time beating Sam at tennis.

When you want to explain that you have just beat someone at tennis, and you had been losing against them; then you may express this in the following ways: -I beat him/her for the first time since I started playing with him -That was my first time beating Sam at tennis.
「ずっと負けていた相手に勝つことができた」は、次のように表せます。 -I beat him/her for the first time since I started playing with him(彼/彼女に初めて勝てました) -That was my first time beating Sam at tennis.(サムにテニスで勝ったのはそれが初めてでした)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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