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ある先生との最後の授業で、「あなたの教え方が好きでした」と言いたいのですが、「I loved the way you taught me.」で、時制は正しいですか?「 have taught me」でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
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2016/04/20 12:16
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  • I really liked the way you taught me.

  • I really liked your teaching style[way] of teaching.

  • Your teaching style was really easy to understand. / Your teaching style really worked for me.

「教え方」は、teaching styleまたは、way of teachingと言えます。「とても好きでした」は、really likedでもlovedでもOKなので、I loved the way you taught me.で合ってます。 時制に関してですが、「教え方=教えてくれていた方法」を「好きだった」ので、双方とも過去OKです。おそらく、最近まで教えてくれていたことで、「継続」を表す完了形にしたほうがいいのかと思ったのでしょうが、先生に伝える時には、「教えてくれていた」のも「好きだった」のも過去になっているので、両方とも過去で表せます。 ちなみに、教え方がどうだったかを伝えたいのなら、was easy to understand「わかりやすかった」や、「役に立った」worked for me = was effective for meなどで言い表せます。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Your method of teaching has been inspirational!

  • Your teaching style really suits me

  • I've been so well motivated by your lessons!

The definition of inspirational is a person or thing that motivates mentally or emotionally. An example of inspirational is Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech. To suit someone = to be right for a particular person, situation, or occasion: A lot of corn is grown in this area - the soil seems to suit it very well. To be well motivated means having strong or clear determination to do something, especially (of a person) enthusiastic, committed, highly motivated.
Inspirationalとは、精神的に、または感情的に自分のモチベーションをあげてくれることを言います。例でいえば、キング牧師の"I have a dream"のスピーチです。 To suit someone =人に、または場所に、その機会に、あっている。という意味です。トウモロコシがたくさんここではとれます。この土地がすごくあっているんでしょうね。 To be well motivated これは、何かに対する強い決意を表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have really enjoyed the way you teach.

  • I really love the way you teach.

もう次のレッスンがなく、本当に最後のレッスンでしたら、 "I have really enjoyed the way you teach." がナチュラルな表現です。 ”I enjoyed the way you teach." または "I loved the way you taught me." だと、以前は好きだったけど、今はそれほどでもない、という捉え方ができてしまうので、"I have enjoyed"がいいと思います。"I have enjoyed.."だと、今も含め、これまでの教え方がとても好きでしたというニュアンスになります。 "Love" を使われたい場合は、現在形で、シンプルに "I really love the way you teach."がナチュラルです。
  • I really enjoy your way of teaching.

  • I really like the way you taught me today.

"I really enjoy your way of teaching." You can say this during your lesson. It explains that you like the teachers way of teaching. "I really like the way you taught me today." This you can say at the end of the lesson. It tells the teacher that you really enjoyed the lesson and the way that the teacher taught you. Taught is the past tense of teaching.
"I really enjoy your way of teaching." You can say this during your lesson. It explains that you like the teachers way of teaching. 「あなたの教え方がとても好きです。」 レッスン中に伝えてもOKです。 "I really like the way you taught me today." This you can say at the end of the lesson. It tells the teacher that you really enjoyed the lesson and the way that the teacher taught you. Taught is the past tense of teaching. 「今日のあなたの教え方は、とても良かったです。」 レッスンが終わってから伝えるコメントです。”Taught"は、Teachの過去形です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I really enjoyed your teaching style!

  • He is my favourite tutor, I really love his teaching style..

We all learn in different ways...and like any of our "tastes" we may prefer something over something else... A teacher may have a specific style /method/ or teaching approach that suits our individual taste...or preferences. So it may take time to find exactly "the right tutor for our needs;_D
私たちは、様々な方法で学びます。 何かの好み”taste”(テイスト)のように、好き嫌いがあります。 先生はそれぞれ個人の好みに合うような ある特殊なスタイル、方法があります。 なので、自分にあった先生を探すのに、 少し時間がかかることがあります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I really like your style of teaching. I had fun learning English today

  • I think your teaching style is very good.

When you want to compliment your teacher on their teaching style, then you can say it in the following way: -I really like your style of teaching. I had fun learning English today -I think your teaching style is very good.
先生の教え方を褒めたいときは以下のように言うことができます。  -I really like your style of teaching. I had fun learning English today. あなたの教え方が本当に好きです。今日楽しく英語を学べました。 -I think your teaching style is very good. あなたの教え方がすごくいいと思います。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I really like the way you explain words and phrases.

  • I think you are a great teacher.

  • I really love the way you teach.

To love something is greater than to like something. Depending on how much you liked the teacher's methods, you could say that you like, really like, or love the way they teach.
「love」は「like」よりも意味が強いです。どのくらい先生の教え方が好きだったかによって、「like(好き)」「really like(本当に好き)」「love(大好き)」が使えます。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • I loved the last class. I love the style and methods in which you teach.

  • Our previous class was excellent, I really enjoyed it.

To express that you enjoyed a previous activity use the past tense. 'I loved the last class. ' You may go further and compliment the teacher on the style or method he or she makes use of. 'Our previous class was excellent, I really enjoyed it' Making use of 'last' also refers to a specific time.
過去にしたことについて「楽しかった」と言う場合は、過去形を使います。 I loved the last class.(前回の授業がとても良かったです) ここからさらに、先生の教え方について褒めることができます。 'Our previous class was excellent, I really enjoyed it'(前回の授業が素晴らしかったです。本当に楽しかったです) 「last(前回の)」を使っても、特定の「時(前回)」を表せます。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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