世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/03/20 13:48
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  • Thank you very much for inquiring.

  • Thank you very much for asking.

コールセンターで[お客さん](から質問来る時敬語表現があります。 まずは”asking”があります。Askingは“[質問](を聞く”の意味です。 Askingが敬語表現でも大丈夫けれどもう一つがあります。 Enquiring Enquiringはaskingと同じ意味がありますけど確認の意味もある。 敬語表現だとenquiringは1番良いと思います。 Thank you very much - ありがとうございます Thank you very much for - 〜ありがとうございます Thank you very much for asking - ご質問ありがとうございます Thank you very much for enquiring - お問合せありがとうございます
  • "Thank you for calling us today"

  • "We appreciate your call today"

Your expression above is roughly translated, "Thank you for your inquiry" or "Thank you for your question" and can be used in an expression of thanking someone for a question that they have had. But since some calls will have multiple questions, it can get kind of tedious for an English speaker to hear that expression after every question. So at the end of the call, when the customer is about to hang up, this is when you can say, "We appreciate your call" or "Thank you for calling us today." Followed up by a reminder in case they were to have any other questions or inquiries, such as "If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask, my extension number is (EXT NUMBER)." This will make you more personal towards the customer and they will be happier to call someone they already know instead of having to navigate the IVR system all over again. Have an excellent day!
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your call.

  • Thank you for calling.

If you are working as a receptionist or in a call center, the typical way to say this is ''Thank you for your call". This way you are thanking someone in a formal way for calling the office. If you are talking to a friend or relative you can simply replace 'Thank you' with 'Thanks'. Example: Thanks for calling, it was good to hear from you.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Thank you for your call

  • It has been a pleasure talking to you today.

You can thank a caller in numerous ways by replacing the word 'call' with 'time', 'interest',' inquiry' or 'information'. The second sentence is also polite and makes the caller feel as though their time has been appreciated and enjoyed. If you are working in a complaints department then this 2nd sentence would not be appropriate!
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for calling.

こんにちは。 「お問い合わせありがとうございます」は英語で下記のような表現もできます。 ・Thank you for calling. 「お電話[ありがとう](ございます」 とてもよく聞く表現なのでご紹介させていただきました。 [電話に出た](ときに最初に言う表現の場合も多いです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Thanks for calling.

  • Thanks for your call.

Here are two examples of how we can thank someone for calling our call center. Notice that the main difference between these two examples is that one is using the noun, "your call," while the other is using the gerund/verb, "calling. We can use either of these structures when showing thanks.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your call.

  • Thank you for calling.

  • I would like to thank you for giving us a call.

When you work for a call center and want to thank a client for calling; you may do so in the following ways: -Thank you for your call. -Thank you for calling. -I would like to thank you for giving us a call. -Thanks for giving us a call.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your call.

  • Thank you for calling.

この二つの言い方は英語を勉強している人に難しいと思います。For の後につく言葉を間違いやすいです。 Thank you for + 動詞-ing Thank you for (your/theなど) + 名詞 例:Thank you for inviting me. / Thank you for the invitation. コールセンターで使われている表現はこれもです: Thanks for calling. We thank you for your call. Your call is very important to us.
  • Thank you for your call.

  • Thank you for calling today.

  • If there is nothing else, I'd like to thank you for your call today.

It is always nice to thank someone for their call at the end of a phone conversation. When the call is related to a business conversation it is common to ask if you can be of further assistance or if there is anything else you can help your customer/client with/information they need etc. but it is also important to let your customer know that you appreciate their call. The best way to do that is to say 'thank you'. - Thank you for your call. - Thank you for calling today. - If there is nothing else, I'd like to thank you for your call today.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • I appreciate your call

  • Thanks for calling

  • Thank you for your call

If you state that you appreciate something and it was caused or initiated by someone else, then you are, in fact, thanking that person indirectly. Eg. "I really appreciate you dropping me off at the station." Form: To appreciate someone +VERB ing + something.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for calling

  • Thank you for your enquiry

  • Thank you for contacting us

Call Centres are usually set up as either a technical support centre or a sales related centre. Depending on the circumstances you can use one of the above. For example, if the person calling needs some technical advice you can respond by saying " Thank you for contacting us, I hope that we have answered your query". Should the call centre be sales related you can say. "Thank you for your enquiry, the information you requested has been emailed to you".
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your call.

  • Thank you for inquiry.

Saying: thank you for your call, is a simple way to thank some one for calling. Saying: thank you for inquiry, is a good way to thank someone for calling to ask about something. You can also use thanks in the place of thank you in both of these sentences as well, using thanks instead of thank you is slightly less formal.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for calling.

  • Thanks for your call.

Is there anything else I can do for you today? No, that is everything, thank you. Great, have a nice day, and thank you for your call. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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