Just because we're Japanese doesn't mean you're going to have an easy time with us
Just like anyone you have to respect us if you want to get along with us
これよく間違えることですね外国人の男は! 外国人だからといってかっこいいと は当然じゃないよな
Japanese girls( 日本人の女の子は) aren't as easy as you think( もうほど簡単じゃないよ)
Just because we're Japanese ( 日本人だからといって)doesn't mean( てわけじゃないよ) you're going to have an easy time with us( 我々と簡単に付き合えるわけじゃない)
Just like anyone ( 誰でもと同じく)you have to respect us ( 私達日本人の女の子 尊厳しないと)if you want to get along with us( もし私たちと 仲良くなりたい)