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2016/04/22 14:32
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  • Like (someone) as a friend

  • You’re a nice person, but I like you as a friend.

これはよく使いそうです。 友達[として](好きというのは「I like you as a friend」をよく使います。 もし[恋人](として好きの場合「I like you as more than a friend」を使います。 I like her as more than a friend. I wonder if she feels the same way. ちなみに、恋人として好きな人に「友達として好き」と言われたら、「friend-zoned」と言います。意味は「友達の範囲を超えられない」です。 I told Andrea I liked her, but she friend-zoned me. I told Chris I liked him. But he friend-zoned me.
  • ① I like you as a friend.

  • ② You're a great guy, but I only like you as a friend.

こんばんは、Mishaさん。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 こんな言い方はいかがでしょう。 ① I like you→私はあなたが好きです as a friend→友達[として]( ② You're a great guy, but→あなたは[すてきな人](だけど I only like you as a friend→私はあなたのことが友達として好きなだけです ①は「私はあなたのことが友達として好きです」という意味ですね。 ②を使っていただければ、Mishaさんのお気持ちがしっかり伝わると思います。 単語の意味を確認しますね。 as=…として (新英和大辞典) (例) You're a great guy, but I only like you as a friend.→あなたはすてきな人だけど、私はあなたのことが「友達として好き」なんです。 I love you as a player and as a person.→あなたのことが選手としても、人間としても大好きです。 I love you as a human being, but I can't give you my vote.→あなたのことは人間として大好きですが、投票することはできません。 別の言い方もあるかもしれません。 一例をご紹介しました。 お力になれましたら幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • I really like you as a friend. I don't want to spoil that.

  • I like you as a buddy. Do you want to ruin that friendship?

  • It would never work between us! Let's just be friends.

There is no easy way to say this without the possibility of hurting someone's feelings. To emphasize the existing friendship may make rejection a little easier to understand however!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can only think of you as a friend.

  • I like you, but I only see you as a friend.

If you want to express to someone, especially someone that you think of as a good person, that you just don't like them "like that," try to choose gentle words. You can tell them something like: - You are an amazing person, but I can only think of you as a friend. It's not considered a bad thing to soften the blow with something like, "You are an awesome/amazing/great person," and then lead into "but I can only think of you as a friend." - I like you, but I only see you as a friend. In this sentence, the word "see" means "think of." Here are a few more with "see": - I don't see us as anything but friends. - I don't see a future for us as anything but friends.
もし、素晴らしい人だと思うが好きではないといことを表現する時は、丁寧な言葉を選ぶようにすべきです。 以下のように言うことができます。 - You are an amazing person, but I can only think of you as a friend. 「 You are an awesome/amazing/great person」と柔らかく言うことで、悪い感じがしません。そして、「but I can only think of you as a friend」と続けます。 - I like you, but I only see you as a friend. この文で、「see」は「think of(考える)」を意味します。 ここでもいくつか「see」という表現があります。 - I don't see us as anything but friends. - I don't see a future for us as anything but friends.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I like you, but it's not like that.

  • I like you, but it's not more than that.

  • I like you but I can't see you as more than a friend.

友達として好き、は以下のようになります。 1)I like you, but it's not like that. =好きだけど、そういう(付き合うほどの)「好き」ではない=友達として好き 「It's not like that」は日本語で言う「そうじゃない」に一番近い表現。 「違うよ!」「そんなんじゃないよ!」など否定する時にも使えます。 例) A: I think he likes you because he has been very nice to you. =彼ずっと優しいよね。あなたの事好きなんじゃない? B: It's not like that at all. We are just good friends. =そんな事ないよ。ただのいい友達なだけだよ。 また、比較形を使った表現も出来ます。 2)I like you, but it's not more than that. =好きだけど、そういう(付き合うほどの)「好き」ほどではない=友達として好き 「It's not more than that 」は「それ以上ではない」と言う比較形を使った否定文。 肯定文とつなげる事で、「~だけど、○○以上じゃない」という意味で使えます。 3)I like you but I can't see you more than a friend. =好きだけど、友達以上に見えない=友達として好き 上記(2)の表現は「That 」を使った抽象的な表現に対し、 (3)はハッキリと比較の基準を定めています。 「I can't see you more than a friend」で「恋愛対象に入っていない」という意味になります。
  • A) I think it would be best to just remain friends.

  • B) I like you but only as a friend.

Hello Misha :-) I hope this helps! A) I think it would be best to just remain friends. Definitions *Remain - Stay Example - I think John likes me but i think it would be best to remain friends. B) I like you but only as a friend. -> In this sentence you are saying that you do not want the friendship to lead to a relationship it is not what you looking for /want.
こんにちは、Mishaさん、参考になるといいです! A) I think it would be best to just remain friends. 【語句】 *Remain - Stay(~のままでいる) 例- I think John likes me but I think it would be best to remain friends.(Johnは私に気があると思うけど、友達のままいた方がいい気がする) B) I like you but only as a friend. -> この文では「友情関係を恋愛関係にしたくない、そうなることを望んでいない」と伝えています。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I like them as a friend.

  • We're just good friends.

として can be translated as "as a~" in English.
として "as a~" と表現します
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • You are such an amazing person,I would hate to lose you as a friend.

  • I really like you ,but in a plutonic way.

"You are such an amazing person,I would hate to lose you as a friend." This is a good way to tell someone that you appreciate them in your life. You would also explain to them that their friendship is valuable and you would not want thoughts of a romantic relationship to ruin that friendship "I really like you ,but in a platonic way." If your feelings are platonic ,it means that you love the other person like you would a brother or sister and you have no romantic feelings for them and no desire to have a romantic relationship with them.
"You are such an amazing person,I would hate to lose you as a friend." あなたは素晴らしい人だから、友達としてのあなたを失うことは耐えられないの。 これは相手にあなたがその人の存在に感謝していて、友人関係がに価値を感じているから恋愛関係になることによってその友情を失うことはいやだと伝えている表現。 "I really like you ,but in a platonic way."あなたのことは好きだけどプラトニックな意味でね。 platonicで好きという意味は、兄弟や家族のような愛であること、恋愛関係になりたくはないことを意味します
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I really like you as a friend and it does not go further than that.

  • I definitely like you as a friend and that is it.

  • I surely like you as a friend and would like to keep it that way.

In the first sentence, you have used the adverb 'really' to emphasize the fact that you like the person as a friend. You then stress the fact that it does not go further than that. In the second and third sentences, you may vary the emphasizing adverbs to 'definitely' or 'surely' which are interchangeable. So, you may say: I really like you as a friend and it does not go further than that. or I definitely like you as a friend and that is it. or I surely like you as a friend and would like to keep it that way.
1番目の文では、副詞のreallyを使って、友達として本当に好きという事実を強調しています。そうすると、それ以上好きにはならないことも強調しています。 2番目と3番目の文のように、definitely(間違いなく)やsurely(確かに)という副詞を使って強調の仕方を少し変えて表現することもできます。 そのため、以下のような文で言うことが可能です。 I really like you as a friend and it does not go further than that. 私は友達としてあなたのことは本当に好きだけど、それ以上にはならないわ。 I definitely like you as a friend and that is it. 私は間違いなく友達としてあなたのことが好きだけど、それだけだわ。 I surely like you as a friend and would like to keep it that way. 私は確かに友達としてあなたのことが好きだけど、そのままがいいわ。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • We're just good friends

  • You’re a nice person, but I like you as a friend

It's very simple to say. Just use any of these sentences and the person will definitely understand what do you want to say. I recommend the second one because it's a more polite version. But they practically mean the same.
これはとてもシンプルに言えます。どちらの文でもあなたの言いたいことを伝えることができます。 これらはほぼ同じ意味ですが、個人的には二つ目の例がおすすめです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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