まず最初の例は、”See you soon again, don't be a stranger" という言い方ですが、前半の ”See you soon again" は日本語に直すと「[また会おうね~](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/44667/)!」、久しぶりに会った友人との別れ言葉として定番とも言えるかもしれませんね。
後半、”Don't be a stranger!" というのは直訳すると「見知らぬ人、赤の他人にならないでね~!」と書いて「たまには[連絡](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/32892/)してね~!」、または「たまには連絡し合おうね~!」という素敵なお別れ言葉ですね。
また二番目の英訳例のように ”Take care of yourself"、 直訳すると「ご自分を世話してください」となりますが、この表現はよく病気の方や具合が悪い人を元気付けるための定番表現としても知られている一方、普通のお別れの時にも「[気を付けてね~](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52892/)!」とか、「[がんばってね~](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/71/)!」、また「元気でねっ!」というニュアンスの「じゃぁ~ね~っ!」という意訳としてもまた使えます。
後半は ”see you sometimes!" 、つまり「たまにはまた会おうね~!」というのを物理的に、ストレートに表現した言い方。
最後でもまたこの表現を使ってますが、”call me sometimes" と言えば、「たまには声をかけてね~!」という表現になりますので、スタイル、好みや毎回ちょっとずつ変えてぜひ使ってみてください。
see you around. また会おう
連絡してよ:keep in touch
keep in touchは「[連絡](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/32892/)を取り続ける」という意味で使われるイディオムです。
Let's catch up soon.
「catch up」という言葉には、近況報告して会えなかった部分を取り戻す、っていう意味があります。別れ際に「また会おう」という意味で言っても良いですし、久しぶりに連絡をとった相手に「今度会おう」という意味で使うことができます。
Dinner was so yummy. Thanks again, catch you later!
Tonight was great! Thanks for dinner. Take care.
After having dinner, its polite to show appreciation for the meal. Since the person is your friend then any of these phrases could be used. Informal ways of saying by include "later" and "bye" while formal ways include "goodbye" and "farewell".
That was a nice restaurant. You made and excellent choice. Let's do this again soon.
That was fun. Next time, let's include our husbands/wives. You have my mobile, right?
Wow, I ate way too much! I can't wait to do that again :)
I enjoyed this so much. Let's not wait so long next time, okay?
That was a nice restaurant. You made and excellent choice. Let's do this again soon.(良いレストランだったね。良い選択だったよ!近いうちにまたやろうね。)
That was fun. Next time, let's include our husbands/wives. You have my mobile, right?(とても楽しかったよ。次回は、旦那さん/奥さんを交えてやろう。僕の携帯番号知ってるよね?)
Wow, I ate way too much! I can't wait to do that again :)(食べすぎた!次回またやるのが待ち遠しいよ!)
I enjoyed this so much. Let's not wait so long next time, okay?(今夜は本当に楽しかったよ。あんまり時間を空けずに次回もやるよね?)
You are able to use these expressions when you are departing with someone / saying goodbye in a casual way, maybe after having dinner together and even a drink.
"See you soon" is a polite and casual expression, self explaining that you will in fact see them again soon
"It was good to see you tonight, Thanks for the company, see you soon".
"Take care" again very causal and polite, used formally and causally, this implies you hope they are safe and take care of themselves until you meet again.
"Thanks again for the ride home from work, have a good night, take care".
It was so nice seeing you. Hope to see you again soon. Have a good night.
I had a great time at dinner. See you later.
This was an amazing dinner. Goodnight.
When talking to a friend after dinner, tell them how much of a good time you had or how nice it was to see them. You can also ask or mention to the friend that you would like to have dinner with them again. Ask the friend to let you know if they made it home safe is another way to say goodnight. And the most simple good bye is goodnight!
that was a lovely meal, thank you. see you next time.
great meal. see you later!
a very formal way to say this would be to say "that was a lovely meal, thank you. see you next time." or you could use a more casual or informal way to say this. something like "great meal. see you later!".