それに相当する単語としては"Pedestrian street" 「歩行者専用道路」や"Pedestrian zone" 「歩行者専用ゾーン」が一番近いかなと思います。
"Car free zone"「車が入れないゾーン」という表現もあります。
"On Sundays, this street becomes a pedestrian zone, making it a perfect place for families to relax."
"The city has declared the park a car free zone to ensure the safety of visitors."
1 and 2 describe the path along which people walk at the side of the road.
3. describes a designated traffic free zone where pedestrians may walk without fear of traffic.
These answers can be used interchangeably
They are synonyms of one another
Which one is used is dependent on the country you are in
In America it is known as:
Pedestrian zones
Car-free zones
British English it is known as:
Pedestrian precinct
Pedestrian zones (plural noun)
are areas of a city or town reserved for pedestrian-only use and in which most or all automobile traffic may be prohibited
These answers can be used interchangeably. They are synonyms of one another. Which one is used is dependent on the country you are in.
アメリカでは、Pedestrian Zones(Pedestrian=歩行者)またはCar-free Zones(Car-free=車が通らない)と言います。
イギリスでは、Pedestrian Precinctと言います。
Pedestrian zones are areas of a city or town reserved for pedestrian-only use and in which most or all automobile traffic may be prohibited.
Pedestrian zones (複数形)は、市や町が歩行者用に確保した、自動車立入禁止地帯のことです。
The sidewalk is that part of the road that is there for pedestrians to walk. it is usually a paved walkway. The sidewalk can also be called the pedestrian area.