Time difference between the Philippines and Japan.
The time difference between the Philippines and Japan is 1 hour.
(フィリピンと日本の時差は 1時間です)。
*時差 time difference
*時差ボケ jet lag
フィリピン は 英語では the Philippines です。
The が必要な国名はいくつかあります:
the Netherlands, the Dominican Republic, the Philippines and the United States.
There is a hour time difference between Philippines and Japan.
The time difference between Philippines and Japan is one hour.
time difference between Philippines and Japan: フィリピンと日本の時差
time difference between A and B: 「AとBの時差」
time: 時間、時
difference: 差、開き
There is a hour time difference between Philippines and Japan.
The time difference between Philippines and Japan is one hour.