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2016/04/28 19:01
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  • fail to produce results

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fail to produce results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ストレートに訳すとこんな感じです。 直前に「ultimately」(「最終的に」)や「unfortunately」(「残念なことに」)を付けておくこともできます。 「めちゃめちゃ練習したが、最終的に結果に結びつかなかった。」 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All that practice ultimately failed to produce results. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 「メグの努力は、残念ながら結果に結びつかなかった。」 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meg's hard work unfortunately failed to produce results. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ バリエーションを付けるために、「produce」を「yield」、「bring」などに差し替えることも可能です。 「最近のオールの連続が、結果に結びつくといいが。」 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's hope this string of all nighters brings results. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • I made a great effort but it didn't pay off

pay off のイディオムは色々意味がありますが、そのうちの一つ 「(努力が)報われる」というのがあります!
  • I worked hard in order to succeed but to no avail.

  • I practiced very hard in order to win the competition but came second best.

For most people, hard work is the key to success, or so they believe. Well, it does not always work that way. Sometimes, one may toil one's life away but achieve very little or nothing at all. In a case like this, you may use the phrase 'to no avail'. Sports people such as boxers or soccer teams for example, practice very hard in order to win competitions, but end up losing them. They end up coming 'second best', which means that they did not achieve the top spot. They lost the competition to the winner despite practicing so hard. So, you may say: I worked hard in order to succeed but to no avail. or I practiced very hard in order to win the competition but came second best.
多くの人にとって、大変な努力は成功のカギ、もしくはそう信じられています。 ですが、いつもそうとは限りませんよね。 時には、精を出して一生懸命に努力をしてもあまりいい結果が得られなかったり、全く失敗に終わることもあります。 この場合 'to no avail'というフレーズがふさわしいようです。 (努力などが無駄になる) スポーツ選手、例えばボクサーやサッカー選手などは、勝つために毎日きつい練習をても、結局試合に負けてしまいます。 彼らは結局'second best'(二番目)となってしまします。 これは一番にはなれなかったという事になります。 一生懸命に頑張ったけど、試合では勝つことが出来なかった、と言う事になります。 次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 "I worked hard in order to succeed but to no avail" (成功するために一生懸命頑張ったけど、無駄に終わってしまった) または、 "I practiced very hard in order to win the competition but came second best." (試合に勝つために一生懸命頑張ったけど、2番目で終わった)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I put a lot in and got precious little back.

  • My efforts did not produce the desired effect.

  • The poor results failed to reflect the huge effort made in preparation.

Any one of these expressions is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I worked so hard to achieve, but the result wasn't enough.

result wasn't enough' = Perhaps a particular exam result or test score that was needed in order to gain entry into college or university. Working to achieve = working for a set goal or purpose.
result wasn't enough' =大学に入学するために必要なスコアに届いていないという表現。 Working to achieve = 目標に向かって頑張ること。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • I put so much effort and I didn't get the desired results.

desired means wanted.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I worked hard at it but did not yield the results I had hoped for

  • I put in a lot of effort but did not get the results I wanted

  • I didn't get the desired outcome even after having worked hard at it.

When you want to explain that you practiced/put a lot of effort into something but did not get the results you wanted, then you can say: -I worked hard at it but did not yield the results I had hoped for -I put in a lot of effort but did not get the results I wanted -I didn't get the desired outcome even after having worked hard at it.
練習した(一生懸命努力した)けど期待した結果が得られなかったと言いたい場合、以下のように表せます: I worked hard at it but did not yield the results I had hoped for I put in a lot of effort but did not get the results I wanted I didn't get the desired outcome even after having worked hard at it. (一生懸命やりましたが、望んだ結果は得られませんでした。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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