世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/21 17:57
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  • I’m really glad to know that you are happy with my improvement.

上達:improvement こんなことを言ってもらえるなんて先生冥利に尽きますね。 「とても嬉しい」は他にも I’m very happy… I’m really pleased… こんな風にも先生にお伝えできますね。 I appreciate your sincere dedication to teach me. 「一生懸命教えてくれることに感謝しています」
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • I'm glad that you're pleased with my improvement.

  • I'm delighted that you're happy (pleased) with my improvement.

I'm glad, I'm happy, I'm pleased など、ほぼ同類語になる表現がいくつもあるのですが、 いろんなパターンがあるのは強調する程度ですね。 例えば I'm glad that... …が嬉しいです。 I'm delighted that... ...がとても嬉しいです、…が幸いです。 I couldn't be happier that... …が嬉しい限りです。 どの言い方を使うか、状況に合わせていろいろ試してみましょう!
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • I always feel happy when you are happy with my progress.

>▪I always feel happy when you are happy with my progress. Progress=development towards an improved or more advanced condition ▪This is saying that you are happy if the teacher is happy with your improvement. If the teacher is not happy then you will also not be happy. ..........................................
【例文】 ▪I always feel happy when you are happy with my progress. Progress=より上達・前進した状態に向けた成長 あなたの成長を先生が喜んでくれるとうれしいことを伝える表現です。先生が喜んでくれなければ、あなたもうれしくないという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • When you're happy, I'm happy!

  • If you you're happy with my improvement, it makes me feels very proud

It's so nice when your teacher expresses satisfaction with your performance and progress. You may feel, proud, pleased and happy! Your teacher rarely gives any compliments, so you know she means it. You tell your teacher: "If you you're happy with my improvement, it makes me feels very proud."
講師に成長したと褒められたとき、誇らしげな気持ちになったり、嬉しい気持ちになります。 講師は普段あまり褒めないため彼女は本当にそう思っているのです。 あなたは講師に言います: (英文)"If you you're happy with my improvement, it makes me feels very proud." (訳)「あなたが私の成長を見てうれしいのならば私はとても満足に思う。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am glad to know that you are happy with my progress.

  • I am pleased to know that you are happy with my improvement.

  • I am delighted to learn that you are happy with my improvement.

I suggest that you vary the word that you use to describe the way you are feeling after having heard that your teacher is happy with your improvement. I suggest that instead of using the adjective 'happy', you should use the adjective 'glad' or 'pleased', or 'delighted', all of which are synonyms of the adjective 'happy'. It breaks the monotony. Also, instead of using the noun 'improvement' you may use the noun 'progress' which is a synonym of the noun 'improvement'. So, you may say: I am glad to know that you are happy with my progress. or I am pleased to know that you are happy with my improvement. or I am delighted to learn that you are happy with my improvement.
うれしい気持ちを表す言葉を変えるといいと思います。「happy(形容詞)」の代わりに「glad(形容詞)」「pleased(形容詞)」または「delighted(形容詞)」を使うことをお勧めします。いずれも「happy」の同義語です。単調さがなくなります。 また「improvement(名詞)」の代わりにその同義語の「progress(名詞)」を使うこともできます。 I am glad to know that you are happy with my progress. (私の上達を喜んでくれてうれしいです) I am pleased to know that you are happy with my improvement. (私の上達を喜んでくれてうれしいです) I am delighted to learn that you are happy with my improvement. (私の上達を喜んでくれてうれしいです)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm glad that you are seeing an improvement.

  • I'm happy that you notice my improvement.

Both of these sentences express that you are happy that your teacher is seeing an improvement. In English we use the word notice to describe that we have become aware of something. So, for example if you have a friend that has lost weight you could say 'I've noticed that you've lost weight, keep up the good work!'. This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation and would be a great addition to your vocabulary.
どちらも、先生が上達を認めてくれたときに、うれしい気持ちを表す言い方です。 「notice」は「気付く」という意味です。 例えば、減量した友達に: 'I've noticed that you've lost weight, keep up the good work!' (痩せたね。その調子で頑張って) 日常会話でよく使う単語なので、覚えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'm glad you're happy with my improvement in the lessons

  • I'm glad you're pleased with my improvment

To be glad also means that you are happy about something Improvement means to have improved in something you are doing you could simply say 'I'm glad you're pleased with my improvement' by adding 'in the lesson/s' you are explaining what you are talking about
To be glad'とは「うれしい」という意味です。 'Improvement'は「上達、進歩」という意味です。 シンプルに以下のように言えます。 'I'm glad you're pleased with my improvement' (私の上達を喜んでくれてうれしいです) 'in the lesson/s'を加えると、より具体的に説明できます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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