世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/05/25 16:37
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  • Enjoy your holiday/vacation!

  • Have a good time/one!

一つ目の回答は、以下のような日本語を意味します。 Enjoy your holiday/vacation! 休みを楽しんでね と直訳できますが、"良い休暇を"という意味です。 一方で二つ目の回答は、以下のような日本語を意味します。 Have a good time/one! 良い時間を! Have a good one!だけでも同じ意味を表すというのは、英語学習者はあまり知らないのではないかと思ったので、ご紹介しておきます。 I hope this will help you. お役に立てば嬉しいです。
Connie H イギリス出身翻訳家
  • Safe travels!

  • Enjoy yourself

  • Have a good one

When someone goes travelling, especially long distances, it's always nice to wish someone "safe travels" or we can say, be safe, or have a safe trip. This means you want them to enjoy themselves but to be careful too. When talking about vacations, saying enjoy yourself at the end would simply mean, that you want them to have a nice time and relax "Have a good one" is in reference to the whole trip, again meaning that you wish for them to enjoy themselves.
Lewis M English teacher
  • I hope you have a great vacation!

  • Have a nice trip!

  • Enjoy your vacation, stay safe!

It is common to tell someone to enjoy themselves on their holiday/trip/vacation and them wish them a safe journey/travels. For example: I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow for a vacation. Wow that sounds great! I hope you enjoy your trip and safe travels!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Enjoy your vacation!

  • Have a nice vacation!

  • Have a safe trip!

いくつか異なる表現を挙げてみました。 それぞれの回答を直訳すると、以下のような意味になります。 【回答1】(あなたの)休暇を楽しんで! 【回答2】素敵な休暇を! 【回答3】安全な旅を! 休暇を表す言葉は、vacationの他に、holiday、ご友人が休暇中に旅に出るなら旅行を表すtripを使っても良いでしょう。 回答3は「良い休暇を」という意味とちょっと異なりますが、旅に出る人には必ずと言って良いほどかける言葉なので、ぜひ使ってみてください。同じ意味で、"Travel safely!"という言い方もできます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
Sophie Sg DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • Have a good trip!

  • Enjoy your vacation!

  • Safe Travels!

Often it will be said "Safe travels" or "Have a safe trip" you can alternately say "Have a good trip" but more often you will hear people say (safe) instead of (Good) as a way of wishing them well.
Christeena DMM英会話講師
  • Have a great holiday!

  • I hope you enjoy your vacation

  • Have a nice trip.

When someone is going on a long trip away from school or work you can use these expressions. Another word for holiday is vacation, trip or time off. These are used when saying goodbye. A very polite way to say goodbye is. “Have a great holiday!” The most simple way to tell someone to have a good holiday is to say “Have a nice trip”
Joel Si DMM英会話講師
  • Have a great holiday/vacation.

  • Travel safe!

  • I hope you have a relaxing time away.

In British English we would say that somebody is going 'on holiday'. In American English they are 'vacationing' or going 'on vacation'. You can also refer to it as 'time away'. If the vacation is a peaceful beach holiday or a spa retreat, you may refer to it as 'relaxing.'
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Have a great vacation

  • Enjoy your vacation

  • Have a blast!

If your friend is going on vacation and you want to wish them a good vacation, you can use any of the following sentences or expressions:- 1. Have a great vacation:- 2. Enjoy your vacation:- 3. Have a blast! Here are some example sentences:- Have a great vacation. 1. Julie " I am so excited that I am going on vacation to the Caribbean next month!" Sally "Really! that's great! have a great vacation. " Enjoy your vacation 2. Stewart "Would you like to join me to France next month, I will be on vacation." Lisa "No, I can't I have to work. Enjoy your vacation. " Have a blast! 3. Paul "Have a blast next month when you go on vacation"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • A) Have a great holiday!

  • B) Enjoy every moment of your trip !

  • C) Travel mercies !

A) Have a great holiday! A : We are leaving for LA tomorrow B: Wow awesome ! , Have a great holiday! B) Enjoy every moment of your trip ! A: When are you leaving for your trip ? B: Early next week A:Oh okay ! I doubt i will see you again before then so , Enjoy every moment of your trip ! C) Travel mercies ! - traveling mercies prayer is said for someone who is going on a trip or starting a big journey. Another of of saying it would also be : Be safe, travel safely . I hope this helps :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Have a great vacation.

  • Enjoy your vacation.

  • Have a wonderful time.

I hope your friend enjoys his/ her time away, it is always nice to get away for a brief time. However, you are able to wish your best to them by using one of these three sentences. I am going away tomorrow, on vacation. Wow! Have a great vacation. Are they going anywhere nice? Try one out, see how it goes, and see which one suits you. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Have a great time!

  • Enjoy it!

  • Make the most of it!

In context, you know your friend is taking a holiday starting tomorrow. The topic of conversation is 'the holiday'. So you don't need to mention 'holiday'. If you want to wish them well on their holiday then any of the above suggestions may fit.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Enjoy your trip!

  • Bon voyage!

When wishing your friend a good trip, it is useful to use exclamations (phrases or sentences using !). It conveys your excitement for them and their trip. EX) -Enjoy your trip! -Bon voyage! This is a French saying that means 'Have a good trip', but English speakers also use it (even though most of them don't speak French).
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Have a good holiday!

  • Enjoy your vacation!

  • Safe travels!

Here are three things we can say to someone to wish them a good vacation. Notice how we can use the imperative form of, "have," or, "enjoy," interchangeably along with the nouns, "holiday," or, "vacation." If someone is traveling to another country/city then you could also say, "safe travels."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Have a good vacation!

  • Enjoy your vacation.

You can use any of the above two sentences to tell someone to enjoy their vacation. Examples; - Have a good vacation, take lots of pictures! - Enjoy every moment of your vacation.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Enjoy your vacation/holiday!

  • Have a nice vacation/holiday!

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Enjoy your vacation/holiday! 休暇を楽しんでね! ・Have a nice vacation/holiday! 良い休暇を過ごしてね! Have a nice ... で「良い〜を過ごしてね」のようなニュアンスになります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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