"It's natural to feel more comfortable the longer they are together."
"Some couples look alike. The similarity becomes even more striking the longer the couple has been together"
* it's natural to: 〜〜は自然なこと、〜〜普通なこと
* feel: 〜〜と感じる
* more: 更に
* comfortable: 快適、気兼ねない
* the longer they are together: 彼らが長く付き合えば長く付き合うほど
* some: とある
* couple: カップル
* look alike: 見た目が似ている
* similarity: 類似
* become: 〜〜になる
* even more: より一層
* striking: 著しい、目立つ
The longer we go out, the more awkward we feel with each other, not like most people.
The longer we date, the more comfortable we feel with each other.
ーThe longer we go out, the more awkward we feel with each other, not like most people.
to feel awkward で「照れ臭く感じる」
ーThe longer we date, the more comfortable we feel with each other.
to feel comfortable で「心地よく感じる」