世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/04 13:19
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  • I'd love to go again.

  • Count me in another time!

  • Let's do it again!

①I'd love to go againと③Let's do it again!はまた今度[ぜひ](行きたいです! ②Count me in another timeは今回行けなかったけど[今度](ぜひ誘って。
  • I'd love to go again!

  • I can't wait for the next time already!

◆I'd love to go again!  また行きたい!  I'd like よりも感情的には強い感じです! ◆I can't wait for the next time already!  [次回](がもう[待ちきれない](!  "can't wait to/ for 〜" は「待ち遠しい!」という気持ちを  表現するときに良くつかいます!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I want to go there again!

行きたい=want to go want to~ ~したい、という言い方なので I want to go there again. そこにもう一度行きたい という意味になります。 ですので、〇〇 was so nice place, so I want to go there again. というといいですね。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • I would go there again!

  • I want to go back someday!

  • I'd love the chance to visit "the place" again!

"I would go there again!" - The expression that shows that you enjoyed it and would like to visit again, however only covers about 40% commitment. "I want to go back someday!" - This expression shows you are optimistic and looking forward to the opportunity in the future. Covers about 65% commitment. "I'd love the chance to visit "the place" again!" This expression emphasizes that you had a fantastic time and your'e 75% committed to visiting again.
"I would go there again!" もう一回行くと思う! これは、そこを満喫してもう一度行きたいという意味ですが、実際に行く確率は40%ほどです。  "I want to go back someday!" いつかまた行きたい! これは、楽観的に、近い将来行けたらいいなということを意味します。65%くらいの確率です。  "I'd love the chance to visit "the place" again!" またそこへ行く機会がほしいな! これは、ものすごくそこを満喫して、75%くらいの確率でまたそこを訪れる表現です。  
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • It was very relaxing place,

  • I'd love to go there again.

直訳で とてもリラックスできる場所でしたので、またそこへ行きたいです。 関連 Is there any place where you have been to more than once? 2回以上行った場所はありますか?
  • I would love to visit Japan again.

  • I didn't have enough time to see everything I wanted to in Japan.

  • I really want to go back to FIji, it was so beautiful

Travel and holidays are so much fun. Discovering new places and finding destinations that we want to see more of are one of the best parts of being alive!! (I am a passionate traveller!!) You can simply state that you would love to visit a place or region "again". This indicates two things - 1. you have been there; 2. you want to go back. You can also include more information - "I didn't have enough time to see everything I wanted to in Japan." Sometimes places are much bigger and there is so much to explore and see that you might not have time to see everything.” This statement explains there was more you wanted to see. The assumption is that you enjoyed this place, or you wouldn't want to go back! "I really want to go back to Fiji, it was so beautiful," This sentence tells the listener two things. You thought it was beautiful and that you want to go back. Yay!
旅行、休暇はとっても楽しいものです。新しい場所を探したり、もっと見てみたいところを見つけるのは生きていてよかった!とすら思えます。(私はものすごく旅行が好きなので。) その場所をもう一度訪れて見たいときは簡単に表現することができます。次の二つの点をふまえて伝えてみましょう。1.そこへ行ったことがある。2.そこへもう一度行きたい。 また、"I didn't have enough time to see everything."「全部見る時間がなかった。」などと、もっと詳しい情報を付け加えることもできます。 " Sometimes places are much bigger and there is so much to explore and see that you might not have time to see everything.” 時には、訪れる場所がとても大きくて、見て回る場所がたくさんありすぎて、全部を見る時間がない。 この文は、見たかったところがもっとあったという表現です。 "I really want to go back to Fiji, it was so beautiful," ものすごくフィジーに戻りたい。すごくきれいだったから。 この文は、すごくきれいだったことと、また行きたいという二つのことを伝える文です。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • it was so wonderful, I want to go back again some time

  • I had such a good time, I would love to do that again

both of the above phrases express the fact that you enjoyed the time you spent at that specific location and that you would like to return
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to return there

  • I want to revisit..

"I'd like to return there" and "I want to revisit" This statement is expressing you'd like to 'return/revisit/go back too'. I'd like too is stating more that it would be okay/nice to go, opposed to "I want" is more demanding, that you really got to do something.
"I'd like to return there"(また行きたい)と "I want to revisit"(また行きたい) 「また行きたい」は 'return/revisit/go back to'(戻る/再訪する/戻る)で表せます。 'I'd like to' は「~できたらいいな」に近い意味です。"I want" はそれよりも強い希望を表します、「絶対~したい」という感じです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • It really enjoyed it and I want to visit again.

  • I really had a great time and I am planning to visit again.

Sometimes you may enjoy a place a lot and you wouldn't mind visiting again. *I really enjoyed it and I want to visit again.- This means that you had a great time and if given the opportunity you would go again. *I really had a great time and I am planning to visit again.- This means that you had a great time and you are making plans to go there again.
時には、ある場所がものすごく楽しくてもう一度行きたいことがありますよね。 I really enjoyed it and I want to visit again. ものすごく楽しかったから、また行きたいわ。 これは、すごく楽しかったので、もしまた機会があるのならもう一度行きたいという意味です。  I really had a great time and I am planning to visit again. すごく楽しかったので、もう一度行く計画を立てているの。 これは、すごく楽しかったので、もう一度そこにいく計画を立てているという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'll never forget ___ , I am already looking at when to go next.

The above is explaining that the trip was so good you will never forget it, Also that your so excited to go back your already looking at dates.
ここではまずその旅行について、「忘れられないくらい素晴らしかった」と伝えています。 その後、「また行きたくて、もう既に日付について考えている」と続けています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • It was an amazing place, I would definitely go there again!

  • That place is great! I want to go back as soon as I can!

  • I wish I didn't ever have to leave!

The third sentence is a wish that the experience could be ongoing and that they could have this experience take place for a very long time. Use any of the sentences to express that you had a good time and wish to travel there again. "I had such a great time in Africa, I wish I didn't have to leave." Ongoing: something that doesn't end
三つ目の文は、その経験がずっと続けばいいのに、という願望です。 旅行に行ってすごく楽しくてまた行きたいと思うなら、上記どの文も使えます。 "I had such a great time in Africa, I wish I didn't have to leave."(アフリカは本当に楽しかったです、ずっといたかったです) Ongoing: 終わりのないもの
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to go again some time.

  • I definitely want to visit Japan again in the future!

When talking about a destination, if you want to explain that you want to go there again some day, you can say: "I'd love to go again some time." "I definitely want to visit Japan again in the future!"
「(ある場所に)いつかまた行きたい」は次のように言えます。 "I'd love to go again some time."(いつかまた行きたいです) "I definitely want to visit Japan again in the future!"(またいつか日本に行きたいです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I hope to visit this place again one day.

  • I would love to go to this place again in the future.

  • Hopefully, I'll be able to experience this beautiful place again.

"I hope to visit this place again one day.", is a very common way to express that you enjoyed a certain place and that you want to go back there one day to see it again. It expresses that you have a desire to one day go back to this place because you really enjoyed it. "I would love to go to this place again in the future.", is another way to express that you really enjoyed the place you visited and that you would love to see it again sometime in the future. It is another way to express that it would be a true pleasure for you to visit a certain place again. "Hopefully, I'll be able to experience this beautiful place again.", can be used to express that you are hoping that you will be able to experience all of the memories and new experiences a certain place has to offer. You hope this will happen because you truly enjoyed the place when you visited it.
"I hope to visit this place again one day.", (いつかまたこの場所に来たい。) これは、その場所が楽しくて、またいつか行きたいことを表すとても一般的なフレーズです。   "I would love to go to this place again in the future." (また将来この場所に来たい。) これは、その場所をすごく楽しんで、将来また来たいことを表すフレーズです。   "Hopefully, I'll be able to experience this beautiful place again.", (またこの美しい場所に来ることができたらいいな。) これは、またその場所で新しい経験ができたらいいなということを表します。とても楽しんだのでまた来たいことを意味しています。
Darya G DMM英会話講師
  • I want to visit again sometime.

  • I want to go again.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I want to visit again sometime. またいつか再訪したいです。 ・I want to go again. また行きたいです。 go again / visit again で「また行く」と英語で表現できます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I'd love to go there again!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I'd love to go there again! 」 =また行きたいです! (例文)I'd love to go there again! The food was so good! (訳)また行きたいです!ご飯がとても美味しかったです! 単語: again もう一度 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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