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I keep in mind to choose a teacher ... as much as I can. という文を考えたのですが間の表現がわからなかったので質問しました。
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2019/05/29 19:09
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  • I try to pick a teacher from a different country than the one from the previous day.

"I try to pick a teacher from a different country than the one from the previous day." 「前日とは違う国(出身)の先生を選ぶようにしています」 * try to: しようとする、〜〜と試みる * pick: 選ぶ * teacher: 先生 * from: 〜から、〜出身の * different: 異なる * country: 国 * previous: 前の、一つ前の * day: 日 "Keep in mind" は「覚えておく」という意味になるので、この場合は "try to" の方が自然だと思い例文を作らせていただきました。"Keep in mind" の例としては、"Keep in mind your there's no school on Wednesday." (水曜日は学校がお休みだと覚えておいてくださいね)などがあります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I like to choose a teacher who is from a different country than the teacher the day before.

  • I like to choose a teacher from a different county every time.

  • I like to choose teachers from different countries to one another every lesson.

Hopefully, these examples express the information you want to express simply. All three say that you choose tutors who are from different countries. You could also say something like: I try not to take lessons with tutors from the same country as one another/each other two days in a row.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • I like to vary my English teacher on a day to day basis

  • I never have the same English teacher on two consecutive days

When talking about online English lessons, and when explaining how you choose your teacher. you want to explain that you try to choose a teacher from a different country rather than the same one from the previous day.In that case, one of the above suggested statements should fit this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Every day, I try and choose a teacher from a different country.

  • I never choose the same teacher or the same nationality two days in a row.

when you are explaining to a friend about your online English lessons, then you would use one of the above to explain why each day you choose a person with a different nationality from the previous day's teacher. That way you can see which nationality is most suitable for you.
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • "I try to choose a teacher from a different country from a different country than the one from the previous day"

  • "I like to have teachers from lots of different countries, I like the variety"

If you wanted to explain to your online English teacher that you try to choose a teacher from a different country from a different country than the one from the previous day, you could say either of the following: "I try to choose a teacher from a different country from a different country than the one from the previous day" or "I like to have teachers from lots of different countries, I like the variety".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • When I take English lessons, I choose a teacher from a different country each day.

Examples: Each day when I learn English, I pick a teacher from a different country, I like having a variation in teachers from different countries, to keep things interesting. When I take English classes, I pick teachers from different countries each day to switch it up and keep it interesting.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I try to always choose a teacher from a different country than the teacher I had the day before.

  • I always chose a tutor from a different country for each class.

If you would like to explain to someone that you always chose a tutor from a different country, you can say something like "I try to always choose a teacher from a different country than the teacher I had the day before." or "I always chose a tutor from a different country for each class.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I try to pick teachers from different countries for my English lessons.

  • I try to select teachers from different countries for my English lessons.

  • I try to choose teachers from different countries for my English lessons.

All three of these sentences have the exact same word usages with the key difference being between the verbs, "to pick," "to select," and, "to choose." Play around with these different verb and see which one feels best for you.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • The teacher I select today is never from the same country as the teacher I chose in my previous lesson/lessons.

  • I like to experience different dialects and mannerisms, so I have a teacher from a different country in each lesson.

To select means to chose or pick something. The expression, "never the same" means that it is always changing or varies. A previous lesson is any lesson that happens before the lesson that is happening at the current time or the lesson that happened right before this one. Different dialects are ways of communication that are similar in nature but sound different when spoken, and mannerisms are how a person talks or behaves.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
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