北海道には(寒いので)、ゴキブリは居ません= There are no cockroaches in Hokkaidou cold. or Cockroaches don't lives in Hokkaidou cold. or You don't have to worry at Cockroaches in Hokkaidou cold.で可?
It's too cold in Hokkaido for cockroaches to live.
"There are no cockroaches in Hokkaido."
"It's too cold in Hokkaido for cockroaches to live."
* there are: 〜〜います、〜〜あります
* cockroaches: ゴキブリ(roaches と略されることも)
* Hokkaido: 北海道
* too cold: 寒すぎる
* live: 生きる
There are no cockroaches because of the extreme cold
There are no cockroaches because of the freezing weather
There are no cockroaches because of the bitterly cold weather
Hokkaido is known for its extremely cold temperatures and freezing weather and because of that, there are no cockroaches to be found. Cockroaches favour a warmer climate and they do not survive the bitterly cold weather.
"In Hokkaido" when beginning the name of place for example Hokkaido with the word In it highlights that we are talking about this place.
" you " talking about another person
" can not" this is something that will not happen or allow
"find" meaning to discover or locate a particular item or person
"In Hokkaido" は、北海道ではという意味で場所を表すときの表現です。
" you " は、あなたという意味で相手のことを話すときに使います。
" can not" は、~できないという意味です。
"find" は、ある物や人を見つけるという意味です。
When you want to explain that there are no cockroaches in Hakkaido because it is cold; you may say the following:
-There aren't any cockroaches in Hakkaido because of the low temperature.
-One would not find a cockroach in Hakkaido due to the severly low temperature.
-There aren't any cockroaches in Hakkaido because of the low temperature.(北海道は気温が低いのでゴキブリはいない)
-One would not find a cockroach in Hakkaido due to the severly low temperature.(北海道はとても気温が低いのでゴキブリはいない)
Due to the weather conditions in Hokkaido there are no cockroaches.
Cockroaches are not known to live in cold climate places like Hokkaido.
Due to the weather conditions in Hokkaido there are no cockroaches.
The weather does not promote a environment for cockroaches to live.
Cockroaches are not known to live in cold climate places like Hokkaido.
Cockroaches do not like cold weather and it is cold in Hokkaido.
Due to the weather conditions in Hokkaido there are no cockroaches.(北海道には、気候の関係でゴキブリはいない)
The weather does not promote a environment for cockroaches to live.(ゴキブリが住める気候ではない)
Cockroaches are not known to live in cold climate places like Hokkaido.(ゴキブリは北海道のような寒い所には暮らせないとされている)
Cockroaches do not like cold weather and it is cold in Hokkaido.(ゴキブリは寒いのが苦手で、北海道も寒いですから)
"Due to the cold weather in Hokkaido, the city does not have cockroaches"
"It is far too cold in Hokkaido for cockroaches"
If you wanted to explain that there are no cockroaches in Hokkaido, because it has a cold climate, you could say any of the following: "There are no cockroaches in Hokkaido", "Due to the cold weather in Hokkaido, the city does not have cockroaches" or "It is far too cold in Hokkaido for cockroaches".
"There are no cockroaches in Hokkaido"(北海道にはゴキブリはいません)
"Due to the cold weather in Hokkaido, the city does not have cockroaches"(北海道は寒いのでゴキブリはいません)
"It is far too cold in Hokkaido for cockroaches"(北海道はゴキブリが住むには寒すぎます)
You will not find any cockroaches in Hokkaido because of the extremely cold weather during the winter
One good thing about the extreme cold of Hokkaido is that you will never come across a cockroach there
Many people know that cockroaches can't survive in cold weather. Therefore, in Hokkaido, they do not exist there as it is so very cold in the wintertime.
In the second sentence, "one good thing" is another way of saying "an advantage" and it is used when we want to describe something that is advantageous.
"Come across" is a phrasal verb and it means "to find".
二つ目の文の "one good thing" 、これは "an advantage"(利点)の意味で、物事のメリットについて説明するときに使われます。"come across" は「見つける」という意味の句動詞です。
It's to cold for cockroaches to survive in Hokkaido.
Cockroaches can't live in Hokkaido due to the cold temperature.
Above you can find two example sentences that explain that it's too cold for cockroaches to survive/live in the city of Hokkaido. In the first two sentences, notice how we can both use the verbs, "to live," and, "to survive," interchangeably. In the last example, we can use the noun, "cockroaches," as the subject head of the sentence.