If I didn't have to do even one of those things it would make life much easier.
If someone could do one of those things it would be a huge help.
1) If I didn't have to do even one of those things it would make life much easier.
2) If someone could do one of those things it would be a huge help.
「〜なんだけどなあ」は it would ~ を使って言えます。
この場合の「楽なんだけどなあ」は it would make life much easier と言うのが良いかなと思います。
または「かなり助かるんだけどなあ」という意味の it would be a huge help などとも言えます。
「皿洗い」do dishes
「風呂掃除」clean the shower/bathroom
「(食料品の)買い物」go (grocery) shopping
「夕飯作り」make dinner