世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/10 10:39
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  • Sorry I can't. I have to prepare for a test tomorrow

Sorry I can't. I have to prepare for a test tomorrow ごめん、ダメだ。明日はテストがあるの。 Situations where this word/phrase is used: social, business, formal, informal, education, making excuses, turning down an invitation. Type of word/phrase: standard language Example of this word/phrase: A "Would you like to go to the cinema later?" 後で一緒に映画を観に行かない? B "Sorry I can't. I have to prepare for a test tomorrow" ごめん、ダメだ。明日はテストがあるの。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have a 〇〇 test.

  • I have an exam.

「[テスト](がある」は ❶I have a 〇〇 test. (〇〇の中に教科を入れましょう〜) 又は、 ❷I have an exam. です。 *テストは英語では test、「[試験](」は exam です。 こう言えますよ、 Sorry I can’t,I have a math test tomorrow. (ごめん無理, 明日[算数](のテストがあるんだ)。 Sorry I can’t. I have 2 tests tomorrow. ごめん無理, 明日テストが2つあるんだ)。 Sorry I can’t. I have an exam tomorrow. (ごめん無理, 明日試験があるんだ)。 Sorry I can’t,I have 3 exams tomorrow. (ごめん無理, 明日試験が3つあるんだ)。 Maybe next time? (また今度でいい?) 参考に!
  • I'm a bit busy writing a test tomorrow, sorry!

  • Sorry, I can't hang out tonight. I have an exam tomorrow. Maybe next time?

We use "a bit busy" when we are saying that we are very busy. Using this phrase, you should be careful with the intonation, otherwise you might sound a bit sarcastic. When you use it in this instance, just say it as a matter of fact kid of way. "I'm a bit busy writing a test tomorrow, sorry!" -this sentence means that you are busy and can't go out. Note that you are not giving in indication that you are free soon after the exam either. "Sorry, I can't hang out tonight. I have an exam tomorrow. Maybe next time?" - We use the phrase "maybe next time" when we are feeling guilty about turning someone down and would like tell them that you would be free to set a time to go out in the future. Thank you for your question!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I'm too busy preparing for a test.

  • I wish I could, but I need to study for tomorrow!

It sounds like you would rather hang out than study for the test. To express this feeling, you can use the common expression "I wish" to show that you would prefer to meet your friend. To be more blunt, you can just say that you are too busy and need to "prepare". This implies that you are studying as there is no other way to prepare for a test!
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid that I can't hangout tonight because I've a really important test tomorrow.

  • I can't hangout tonight as I've got a test/exam tomorrow that I need to study for.

  • Can we take a rain-check tonight as I've got an exam tomorrow?

We use 'can't' to explain our inability to to do something and in this case qualify the period of inability with 'tonight': 'I'm afraid I can't hangout tonight...' so we are being clear that it is not an indefinite period of time that we are unable to hangout with our friend but just on this particular occasion, which we then give a reason for. We can also use the interrogative form to prevent making a direct refusal by asking if it is possible to postpone (rain check) the arrangement to hangout to another time because you have an exam.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hangout today, I have a test tomorrow

  • I can't hang out, I have an exam tomorrow

Native speakers will say like this: “I can't hangout today, I have a test tomorrow, sorry.”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Hey, want to hang out today at my house? B: No, I can't hangout today, I have a test tomorrow, sorry. A: Ok, no problem! Good luck on the test tomorrow!
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I am not able to.

  • I can't attend.

  • I will not be able to attend.

These are the ways that you can state that you are not able to hang out with your friend, below are ways that they can be used in a sentence. I am not able to attend, because I have an exam tomorrow. I cannot go because I have a test tomorrow, that I have to study for. I will not be a to attend, because I have to study for my exam tomorrow.
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • I have an exam tomorrow so I can't.

  • I would love to but I have an exam tomorrow.

If you have something you need to do the next day, and this is stopping you from hanging out, then you can use one of these two sentences. For example. Hey, do you want to hang out tomorrow, grab a drink or something? I would love to but I have an exam tomorrow. I understand, another time then. Sure. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately I have a test/exam tomorrow so I won't be able to hang out today.

  • I have a test/exam tomorrow so we'll have to hang out some other time.

if you want to tell someone that you cannot hang out with them because of a test you have the next day, you can say something like "I wish I could hang out with you today but unfortunately I have a test/exam tomorrow that I need to study/prepare for.". These are some polite ways to turn down someones offer to hang out.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I've got an exam tomorrow.

Sorry. I've got an exam tomorrow. ごめんね。明日テストがあるんだよ。 have got は口語的な表現です。一見現在完了形のようにみえますが、そういうわけでもなく、「持っているよ」「しなきゃいけないんだよね」というような感じで使います。学校できちんと習うものでもないので、原理はあまり詳しく説明できないのですが、アメリカでは日常会話をはじめ、映画やドラマのセリフなどでもよく出てくる表現です。 I've got to help my mom today. 今日、お母さんの手伝いをしなきゃいけないんだよね。 I don't have time for you right now. I've got a girlfriend to meet! 今、君に構っている時間はないんだよ。俺には会わなきゃいけない彼女がいるんだ! Move. You've got work to do. さっさと動け。やるべき仕事が山積みだぞ。
  • I have a test tomorrow.

  • Sorry, I can't. I have an exam tomorrow.

こんにちは。 下記のような言い方ができます。 ・I have a test tomorrow. 明日テストがあります。 ・Sorry, I can't. I have an exam tomorrow. ごめんなさい、行けません。明日試験があります。 「テスト」は英語で test や exam(試験)などと言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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