世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/11 00:24
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  • I’m going to sleep after this lesson.

  • I’m sleeping after this lesson.

こう言えますよ、 ❶I’m going to sleep after this lesson. (このレッスンが終わったら 私は寝ます)。 *I’m going to 〜は 「これから〜をする」という意味です。 心を開いてる相手になら、 ❷I’m sleeping after this lesson. と言えますよ。 ニュアンス的に言うと「このレッスンが終わったら私寝ますわ〜」「これ終わったらもう寝るわ」という感じです。 参考に!
  • I am going to bed after the lesson.

  • I will sleep after the lesson.

Here are two expressions you can use. You can simply say, "I am going to bed after the lesson." Or If you mentioned you are tired or the teacher says you look tired, you could say, "I will sleep after the lesson."
これら2つのフレーズを使うことができます。   "I am going to bed after the lesson."  (レッスンの後寝ます。) 疲れているという話をしたり、先生に疲れて見えるよと言われたら、   "I will sleep after the lesson." (レッスンの後寝ます。) と言うことができます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I am off to bed after this lesson.

  • Once we are done with this lesson, it is bedtime for me.

  • I am going straight to bed after our lesson.

If you would like to explain that after your lesson you are getting to bed, use the sentences above. Learning can be tiring! Sometimes we have our lessons late at night and we feel so tired after a lesson that we want to go straight to sleep. Straight after: soon after, doing nothing else but sleep. Once we are done: after we are done, the moment we are done
レッスンの後に寝ることを伝えるにはこれらの例がぴったりです。学習は疲れるものです!ときには、夜遅くにレッスンがあり、レッスンの後はそのまま寝てしまいたいものです。   Straight after: すぐあとで Once we are done: 終わったら
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to hit the sack after this lesson

  • I'm turning in after this lesson

During an online English lesson, you want to tell your teacher that you are going to go to sleep after the lesson. Any of the above suggestions fit that scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Once my lesson finishes, I'm off to bed.

  • I'll be going to bed straight after this lesson finishes.

  • As soon as i have finished my lesson this evening, I will be going straight to bed.

The first phrase is short, direct and straight to the point, and is a near prediction. The second phrase is set in the present, and could be said to the student to the tutor. The third phrase is also set in the future, but could be used anytime before the evening of the lesson,
最初のフレーズは、短く、ダイレクトでストレートにポイントを押さえています。 2つ目は、現在の場面で、生徒から先生に言うフレーズです。 3つ目は、未来のこと、夕方のレッスン前などに言うことのできるフレーズです。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • When the lesson is finished, I'm taking myself off to bed.

  • Once the lesson is over, I'm going to sleep.

  • When I finish this lesson, I'm going to my bed, I need to get some sleep.

If you want to tell your tutor during a lesson, that you are tired and need to sleep after the lesson, you can use any of these sentences. Once the lesson is over, meaning when it's finished, immediately after, you will go to sleep.
先生にレッスン中に、レッスンの後に寝ることを伝えるには、これらの例がぴったりです。  Once the lesson is overは、レッスンが終わるとすぐにという意味です。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • I'm grabbing some shuteye after this lesson.

  • I'm going to catch forty winks as soon as we sign off.

I'm grabbing some shuteye after this lesson. To grab some shuteye is a very casual way of saying that you are going to sleep once the lesson is over. I'm going to catch forty winks as soon as we sign off. To catch forty winks means to take a short sleep/nap. To sign off means to conclude or end something, therefore this sentence means that as soon as the lesson has been concluded, you are going to take a nap.
I'm grabbing some shuteye after this lesson. (このレッスンの後に睡眠をとります。)   To grab some shuteyeは、レッスンが終わったら寝るということを表すとてもカジュアルなフレーズです。    I'm going to catch forty winks as soon as we sign off. (終わったらすぐに寝るつもりです。)   To catch forty winksは、短い仮眠、昼寝をするという意味です。 To sign offは、何かを終えるという意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I will sleep

  • I am going to bed

こんにちは。 「(これから)寝ます」という時は、「I will sleep」や「I am going to bed」といいます。                  「sleep」も「go to bed」も「寝る」という意味です。      参考になれば嬉しいです。                    
  • I will be going to sleep right after this lesson.

  • After this lesson I will be going to sleep.

If you would like to tell your tutor that you will be going to bed after the lesson ends, you can say something like "I will be going to sleep right after this lesson." or "After this lesson I will be going to sleep.". These are some easy/nice ways to express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • After class, I'll go to sleep.

  • After class, I'll go to bed.

  • After class, I'll lie down for the evening.

Any of these phrases will work to achieve your goal. Sleep is the process of resting the body, both physically and mentally, in order to gain strength, energy, and be rejuvenated for the day or events to come.
lindzee DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to go straight to sleep after this lesson

  • I am exhausted now, I am going to bed after we finish the lesson

We love to sleep, it is very essential. If we get up very early after going to bed late the night before, we really appreciate our beds. Sometimes we fall asleep on the couch or even on the bed without turning off the lights or brushing our teeth. "Exhausted" is another way of saying extremely tired.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Sleep

  • Sleeping

Examples: I feel very tired, after this lesson I will go to sleep. After this lesson I want to get some shut eye, I feel so tired! Once this lesson is over I will hit the hay. I have had a long day, after this class I need to get some sleep.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I will sleep after this lesson.

  • I'm going to bed after this lesson.

1) I will sleep after this lesson. 2) I'm going to bed after this lesson. 上記のように言うことができます。 もちろん、他にも様々な表現の仕方があると思います。 sleep は「寝る」や「睡眠」という意味を持つ英語表現です。 go to bed も「寝る」になります。 例: I am going to bed soon. もう少ししたら寝ます。
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