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できないかと思ったけど、できた って英語でなんて言うの?

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2019/06/18 13:03
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  • I didn't think I could do it, but I did.

自然な英文にするには、最後の「できた」was able to do itを「やった」did itという意味に変えます。 例 勝てないと思ったけど、勝てた! I didn’t think I could win, but I did!
  • I now believe I can do it whereas before I didn't think I could.

  • I thought I might not be able to do it, but then I proved myself wrong!

  • I did it! But before, I never thought I could.

Sometimes we don't have enough self-confidence, especially in certain situations. If you find yourself successfully doing something you always thought you couldn't do then the sentences above can be utilized.
時にはある特定の状況で、自信がないことがあります。 できないと思っていたことができたときには、これらの例のように表現することができます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I had doubts about doing this, but I did it.

  • I really didn't think I could do this, however I succeeded.

  • I thought it would be an impossibility, but I beat the odds.

All of the above sentences can be used to describe a situation that you thought was not achievable, however you were successful. Beat the odds is an idiom which means -overcoming improbability,.something is not likely to happen, but either by luck or skill it happened.
これらは全て、自分はできないと思っていたけれど、できたことを伝えるのにぴったりのフレーズです。  Beat the oddsは、不可能に打ち勝つという意味のイディオムです。起こらないと思っていることでも、運やスキルで叶ったということです。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • I really thought I couldn't do it but I was able to.

  • I did what I thought would be impossible for me to do.

  • I thought I couldn't do it at first, but I actually did it.

When you want to explain that you thought you couldn't do something but was able to do it; then you may express this in the following ways: -I really thought I couldn't do it but I was able to. -I did what I thought would be impossible for me to do. -I thought I couldn't do it at first, but I actually did it.
これらは、あることができないと思っていたけれど、できたことを表すフレーズです。 -I really thought I couldn't do it but I was able to. (本当にできないと思ったけど、できました。) -I did what I thought would be impossible for me to do. (できないと思っていたことができた。) -I thought I couldn't do it at first, but I actually did it. (最初はできないと思ったけど、できた。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I surprised myself

  • I underestimated myself

  • I did'nt know I could do that, but I did it!

When you thought you couldn't do something, and then you did it, it usually takes you by surprise. You can express this by saying:- 1. I surprised myself Example: I surprised myself when I passed all my exams. 2. I understimated myself Example: I understimated myself, I learnt to speak French in short time whenI thought it would take me a long time. 3.I did'nt know I could do that, but I did it!
できないと思ったことができたときには普通「驚き」があると思います。次のように言えます。 1. I surprised myself(自分でもビックリでした) 例: I surprised myself when I passed all my exams.(試験に全て合格して自分でもビックリでした) 2. I understimated myself(自分自身を過小評価していた) 例: I understimated myself, I learnt to speak French in short time when I thought it would take me a long time.(自分自身を過小評価していました、こんなに短期間でフランス語が話せるようになるなんて思っていませんでした) 3.I did'nt know I could do that, but I did it!(できるかどうか不安もありましたができました)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I had some self-doubts initially but I pulled through and was able to do it.

  • I surprised even myself because I had doubts about being able to pull it off.

1. I had some self-doubts initially but I pulled through and was able to do it. To have self-doubts means thinking that you are not able to accomplish something.Topull through means being able to succeed at something that started off being challenging/difficult. 2. I surprised even myself because I had doubts about being able to pull it off. The phrase " surprised even myself" means that everyone, including you, were not sure that you would succeed. To pull something off means accomplishing a difficult task.
1. I had some self-doubts initially but I pulled through and was able to do it.(最初は不安もあったけど、乗り越えることができた) 'To have self-doubts' は、できないのではないかという不安を持つことをいいます。'To pull through' は「困難なことをやり遂げる」という意味です。 2. I surprised even myself because I had doubts about being able to pull it off.(自信がなかったから自分でも驚いた) "Surprised even myself"(自分も驚いた)は「自分も含めてみんなできないのではないかと思っていた」という意味です。'To pull something off' は「困難なことをやり遂げる」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • "I thought I couldn't do it at first, but I was able to"

  • "I was really nervous at first, but I ended up finishing the task I didn't think I could do"

If you wanted to explain that you thought that you could not do something, but was actually able to do it, you could say either of the following: "I thought I couldn't do it at first, but I was able to" or "I was really nervous at first, but I ended up finishing the task I didn't think I could do".
「できないと思ったけど、できた」は次のように言えます。 "I thought I couldn't do it at first, but I was able to"(最初はできないと思ったけど、できた) "I was really nervous at first, but I ended up finishing the task I didn't think I could do"(最初は不安もあったし、できないかなと思ったけど、何とかできた)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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