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2019/06/19 07:32
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  • Being organic doesn't guarantee it'll taste good

「~だからといって必ずしも~ではない」 という文法は英語でたくさんの言い方があります。これは割と短い言い方と思います。 "~ doesn't guarantee ~" は、ある理由で必然的にある結果が来ると思えない、という意味です。"guarantee"は「約束(する)」という意味です。 例:A high price doesn't guarantee your car will be great. 高いだからと言って必ずしも立派な車というわけではない。
  • Not all organic products taste good.

  • The fact that its organic doesn'tmean it'll taste good.

  • It being organic doesn't guarantee a great taste.

Natural foods usually taste bland or very strong, our tastebuds are now accustomed to sweet-tasting foods as well as salty and savory foods, that is why, when we taste organic foods, it doesn't taste very good to us. Just because, tells us that a certain idea is not the truth because of a certain reason that stands, for example, Just because the sky is gray that doesn't mean it will rain today. Just because she is a girl, it doesn't mean she will like pink. Accustomed: used to Bland: plain
ナチュラルフードはたいてい味がしなかったり、強かったりします。味蕾は、塩辛く、甘くない食べ物同様に甘いものになれています。ですので、オーガニックの食べ物を食べると、おいしく感じないのです。 Just becauseは、ある理由があるからといってある考えが本当ではないということです。  例: Just because the sky is gray that doesn't mean it will rain today. (空がグレーだからといって、今日雨が降るとは限らない。) Just because she is a girl, it doesn't mean she will like pink. (彼女が女の子だからといって、ピンクが好きとは限らない。)   Accustomed: ~に慣れる Bland:味気のない
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Not everything that's organic has a good taste.

  • Organic isn't synonymous with tasting good.

If you want to express that just becasue somethig is organic doesn't mean it tastes good you can say:- 1. Not everything that's organic has a good taste. 2.Organic isn't synonymous with tasting good. The word "synonymous" means having the same meaning.
「オーガニックだからといっておいしいとは限らない」は、次のように言えます。 1. Not everything that's organic has a good taste.(オーガニックだからといっておいしいとは限らない) 2.Organic isn't synonymous with tasting good.(オーガニックは「おいしい」の代名詞ではない) "synonymous" は「同じ意味を持つ」という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Not all organic products taste good.

  • Even though organic products are said to be better for our health, some don't taste too good.

  • Just because it's organic, doesn't mean the products are tastier.

Any of the above sentences can be used to state your opinion. We use the phrase "even though" which means "despite the fact that" organic products are said to be more beneficial for health, however there is no guarantee that they taste any better.
これらの例は、全て自分の考えを伝えるのにぴったりです。 "even though" は、"despite the fact that"(~の事実にもかかわらず)という意味です。オーガニック製品は、健康への利点があるにもかかわらず、おいしいとは限らないということです。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • Just because it's organic doesn't mean it tastes good.

  • Organic food doesn't always taste good

When you want to explain that just because something is organic doesn't mean it tastes good; then you may explain this in the following ways: -Just because it's organic doesn't mean it tastes good. -Organic food doesn't always taste good
以下は、オーガニックだからといっておいしいとは限らないことを伝えるフレーズです。 -Just because it's organic doesn't mean it tastes good. (オーガニックだからといっておいしいとは限らない。) -Organic food doesn't always taste good (オーガニックフードは常においしいわけではない。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Just because a product is organic, this does not guarantee the taste will be better.

  • Taste is not always directly related to whether a product is organically grown or not.

  • There are various reasons to buy organic products, but better taste isn't necessarily one of them.

The first phrase is how we may react in conversation, if somebody said they felt organic products tasted better. The second phrase puts the question of taste first, rather than if the product is organic or not. The third phrase is more likely to open a discussion about the other benefits of buying organic products.
最初の言葉は、人がオーガニック製品はおいしいと言ったことに対して、言うことのできるフレーズです。 2つ目は、製品がオーガニックであろうとなかろうとと言うよりも、その味に重点を置いているフレーズです。 3つ目は、オーガニック製品を買う他の利点について会話を広げられるようなフレーズです。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Just being organic doesn't necessarily mean it's tasty

  • It may be organic but that doesn't guarantee it is tasty

You want to explain that just because something is organic doesn't mean it tastes good. Any of the above suggestions are good for this instance.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Organic does not necessarily equal flavorsome.

  • I equate organic with healthy, not tasty.

Organic does not necessarily equal flavorsome. This means that simply because something is labeled 'organic', it does not (equal) automatically mean that it is full of flavour. I equate organic with healthy, not tasty. Equate in this sense means consider. I consider organic to be healthy and good for you, but not always delicious.
Organic does not necessarily equal flavorsome. (オーガニックは、必ずしもおいしいとは限らない。) これは、オーガニックとラベルに書かれていても、おいしいとは限らないという意味です。   I equate organic with healthy, not tasty. (オーガニックはヘルシーだけどおいしくはない。) Equateは、consider(~とみなす)という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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