世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/06/19 22:05
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  • Our birthdays are exactly one month apart.

  • My birthday is exactly one moth before / after yours.

1) Our birthdays are exactly one month apart.
exactly one month apart で「ちょうど一ヶ月離れて」

2) My birthday is exactly one moth before / after yours.
「私の誕生日はあなたの誕生日のちょうど一ヶ月前 / 後です。」
一ヶ月前なら My birthday is exactly one moth before yours.
一ヶ月後なら My birthday is exactly one moth after yours. となります。


  • Did you notice that our birthdays are exactly 30 days apart?

  • Our age difference is only 30 days.

  • Our birthdays are 30 days apart.

There are different ways of saying this depending on the conversation. All of them are correct. You can mention it as a direct question or as a statement.


Parker DMM英会話講師
  • We have one month between us.

  • We are one month apart in age.

  • His/her birthday is a month before mine.

If you would like to explain that your birthdays are apart by one month use the sentences above.

If your ages are different by thirty days you can say the other person is one month younger or one month older than you are.

"My friend's birthday is in June while mine is in July"
"She is one month older than I am, she was born one month before me."
"I am younger than her, by a month."


"My friend's birthday is in June while mine is in July"

"She is one month older than I am, she was born one month before me."

"I am younger than her, by a month."

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • "Our birthdays are exactly one month apart"

  • "Their birthday is exactly one month before/after mine"

  • "Our birthdays are only a month apart"

If someone's birthday is exactly one month before/after yours and you would like to express this, you could say any of the following: "Our birthdays are exactly one month apart", "Their birthday is exactly one month before/after mine" or "Our birthdays are only a month apart". All three of these statements express it correctly.


"Our birthdays are exactly one month apart"(私たちは誕生日がちょうど一カ月違いです)
"Their birthday is exactly one month before/after mine"(彼らの誕生日は私の誕生日よりもちょうど一カ月早い/遅い)
"Our birthdays are only a month apart"(私たちの誕生日は一カ月しか変わらない)


Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Our birthdays are exactly one month apart.

  • I am one month older/ younger than she is

  • She was born one month before/ after me

There are many ways to express that your birthday is one month apart from someone else. These are a few suggestions :-

  1. Our birthdays are exactly one month apart. This statement is clear and straight forward.

  2. I am one month older/ younger than he/she is. If you are one month older or younger than someone, it means you were born one month apart.


  1. Our birthdays are exactly one month apart.(私たちは誕生日がちょうど一カ月違いです)

  2. I am one month older/ younger than he/she is.(私は彼/彼女より一カ月誕生日が早い/遅い)
    'one month older / younger than someone' で「(人)よりも誕生日が一カ月誕生日早い/遅い」という意味になります。

Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Our birthdays are a month apart.

  • He celebrates his birthday a month before/after mine.

  1. Our birthdays are a month apart.
    This means that one or the other celebrates their
    birthday a month before or after. This does not
    necessarily mean that the two people in question
    are the same age.

    1. He celebrates his birthday a month before/after mine.
      A birthday is usually a time of celebration where one is
      spoiled and treated extra special: receiving gifts and
      receiving well wishes from family and friends
      hence the use of the verb"celebrate".
  1. Our birthdays are a month apart.(私たちは誕生日が一週間違いです)


  1. He celebrates his birthday a month before/after mine.(彼は私より誕生日が一週間早い/遅い)

誕生日は特別待遇を受ける日ですよね。みんなからプレゼントをもらったりお祝いの言葉をかけてもらいます。ですから、"celebrate" という動詞を使います。

Shams DMM英会話講師
  • My birthday is exactly one month before / after his / hers.

  • He / She is exactly one month older / younger than me.

  • There is a month between us.

My birthday is exactly one month before / after his / hers.
By using this phrase, you are referring to the difference in time between your birthdays.

He / She is exactly one month older / younger than me.
This phrase refers to the difference in age.

There is a month between us.
You can also use 'between' to talk about a difference. For example, "They were both born in August. There is only 5 days between them."

My birthday is exactly one month before / after his / hers.(私の誕生日は彼/彼女の誕生日のちょうど一カ月前/後です)

He / She is exactly one month older / younger than me.(彼/彼女は私よりちょうど1カ月生まれが早い/遅い)

There is a month between us.(私たちは一カ月違いです)
→「違い」について言うときは、'between' も使えます。
"They were both born in August. There is only 5 days between them."(彼らはどちらも8月生まれです。誕生日は5日しか違いません)

Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • Your birthday is one month before mine.

  • Your birthday is one month after mine.

  • Our birthdays are one month apart.

Your birthday is one month before mine.
Your birthday is one month after mine.
Our birthdays are one month apart.



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