直訳的にthe order in which orders are takenになりますね。ちょっと違和感ですね。
the order in which food orders are takenもちょっと不自然ですが、より分かりやすいと思います。
The waiter skipped us, so our food arrived late *skipped=ウェイターに抜かされた
The waiter took other customers' orders before ours even though we arrived before them.
The waiter skipped over our table to take other people's orders ahead of us.
yoshiさんのおっしゃるように「注文」と「順番」のどちらも order を使って言うとややこしくなるので、下のように言うと良いですよ!
1) The waiter took other customers' orders before ours even though we arrived before them.
take one's orders で「〜の注文を取る」
2) The waiter skipped over our table to take other people's orders ahead of us.
skip over one's table 「〜のテーブルを飛ばす」
ahead of us で「私たちより先に」