世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/10 18:17
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  • Is everything okay?

  • Is everything all right?

Mishaさん、ご質問ありがとうございます。 全力で回答します。 {英訳例} Is everything okay? どうかした。/何かあった。 Is everything all right? どうかした。/何かあった。 ~~~~~~~~~~ {解説} どちらも「あの人様子がおかしいなあ」というときに使えます。 実際の会話では「元気ないみたいだけど」などと続けるといいと思います。 ~~~~~~~~~~ {例} Is everything okay? You look kind of upset. 大丈夫ですか。落ち着かない様子だけど。 Is everything all right? You look kind of down. 何かあったの。元気ないみたいだけど。 Is everything okay? You look kind of pale. ねぇ、大丈夫。ちょっと顔色悪いけど。 ~~~~~~~~~~ 理屈で説明できないのですが、Is everything okay? よりも Is everything all right? の方が少し控えめな感じがします。 意味はほぼ同じですが、相手に与える印象は微妙に変わるかもしれません。 ありがとうございました。
  • Is everything ok?

  • Are you alright? I have noticed you have not been yourself lately

Asking whether or not a person is ok means you are trying to find out what is the matter. Noticing that the person has been acting 'strange' means that they have not been their usual selves. By asking if they are ok you are showing concern and care for them
その人に大丈夫かどうか尋ねることは、何が問題であるか見つけようとすることを意味します。 行動が「変わっている」ことに気づくことは、いつもの自分でなかったことを意味します。 大丈夫か聞くことによって心配して気にかけているということを示します。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Did something happen? You seem a little strange?

  • Are you OK? You don't seem to be yourself today.

It may be slightly puzzling if your coworker starts acting out of character and doing some unusual things. They may be upset, or possibly received some bad news about something. "Richard! Did something happen? You seem a little strange?" "Yes, the boss just fired me. I'm leaving right now." To be oneself = to be in one's normal state of mind or physical condition.
もしあなたの同僚が、いつものキャラとは違う振る舞いをして、何かいつもと違う行動をしたら、ちょっと困惑しちゃいますよね。 取り乱しているのか、もしくは何か悪いニュースでもはいったのかもしれませんね。 例 "Richard! Did something happen? You seem a little strange?" "Yes, the boss just fired me. I'm leaving right now." To be oneself =その人のいつもの精神状態、健康状態。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is everything okay with you?

直訳すれば すべて大丈夫? という意味になりますが、同僚や友達など様子が変な知り合いを気遣って 何かあった? というフレーズで使われています。 他にも久しぶりにあった知り合いなどに その後はどう?といった意味でも使われます。
  • Is everything alright/okay?

  • Are you feeling alright/okay?

  • Is everything all good?

To ask someone if 'everything' is alright or okay, is not to literally ask them if every single thing in their life is going well, instead it means that you are asking if there has been any emotional or difficult circumstance that has occurred. Alright, means is everything 'all right', its like saying is everything 'all good', but it is much more common in the UK to say alright. In the USA it is common to ask if everything is 'all good'.
everything' is alright or okayとは、その人の生活全て細かく一つ一つ大丈夫かと聞いているのではなく、何か困難な状況などにいるのかを尋ねるということです。   Alrightとは、all good同様、大丈夫という意味ですが、イギリスでは、all right、アメリカではall goodと聞くのが一般的です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Has something happened? Because you are acting a little strange.

  • Have you been okay recently?

When you want to ask a coworker who has been acting strange if something happened, well, you can use one of these sentences or phrases. For example. Have you been okay recently? Yeah, I am fine. Has something happened? Because you are acting a little strange. No, all is good. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will 何かが起こった場合、奇妙な振る舞いをしている同僚に尋ねたいときは、これらの文またはフレーズのいずれかを使用できます。 例えば。 最近大丈夫ですか? ええ、元気です。 何か起こったの? あなたが少し奇妙に振る舞っているからです。 いいえ、すべてが良いです。 それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を。 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Is everything ok, did something happen?

  • are you OK today, you seem preoccupied?

  • Has something happened, your acting a little strange today?

example "has something happened today, you seem a little preoccupied with something". or "is everything ok, did something happen?". or "has something happened? you are acting a little strange. Is everything OK.".
"Has something happened today, you seem a little preoccupied with something" 今日何かあった?何かに気をとられているみたいだから。  "Is everything ok, did something happen?" 大丈夫?何かあった?   "Has something happened? You are acting a little strange. Is everything OK." 何かあった?少しいつもと違っているから。大丈夫?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Is everything okay/alright?

  • You are acting strange/odd/ is everything okay?

  • You seem off today is something wrong?

"Is everything okay/alright?" You can just ask them if everything is okay. "Okay" and "alright" Mean the same thing. "You are acting strange/odd is everything okay?" This explains that they are acting differently to normal and asks them if everything is okay. "Strange" and "odd" have the same meaning. "You seem off today is something wrong?" This explains you think there is something different about their behaviour and asks if something is wrong. "You seem off today" They seem like something is not right. "Is something wrong?" asks if there is a problem.
Is everything okay/alright? すべて順調か聞くことができます。 「Okay」や「alrigh」は同じ意味です。 You are acting strange/odd is everything okay?"" This explains that they are acting differently to normal and asks them if everything is okay. 「Strange」と「odd」は同じ意味です。 You seem off today is something wrong? これは、行動が何か違うと思うので悪いところはないか聞いているということを言っています。 「You seem off today」何かよくないように思える。 「Is something wrong?」問題があるか尋ねます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
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