“Why are Europeans so good at languages?”
言語能力 - language skills, language ability
“She has really high language ability, she can remember a lot of vocabulary really easily.”
“He can speak 3 languages, I’m jealous of his skills.”
“I heard Europeans learn a lot of languages from childhood, so of course they’ll have really good language skills."
「言語[能力](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/79151/)がとても高い」は英語で「high language ability」と言います。
また、別の言い方で「ability to use multiple languages」でも言えます。
「どうしてヨーロッパ人はあんなに言語能力が高いんだろう」を聞きたいなら、そうすると英語で「Why is it that Europeans have the ability to use multiple languages?」という風に言えます。