世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/05 23:05
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  • Your bag is open.

  • Excuse me, but your bag is open.

Your bag is open. 「あなたのカバンは開いています」 話しかけるときは、 いきなりYour bag is open.と言うよりも、 Excuse me, but「すみませんが、」と最初に言ってから、 「かばんが開いていますよ」と伝えるのがより自然です。 (例) A: Excuse me, but your bag is open. 「すみませんが、かばんが開いていますよ。」 B: Oh, thank you for telling me. 「おっと…。教えてくれてありがとうございます。」
Kanako A DMM英会話講師
  • Your bag is open.

こんにちは。質問ありがとうございます。 Your bag  → あなたのバッグ is open → 開いている bagは、「カバン」、「リュック」、「バッグ」など、幅広い意味があります。 Is open「開いている」のままでいいですが、チャックが開いていれば、is unzipped、ボタンが止まっていなければ、is unbuttonedなど、場合によって言い方を変えることもできます。 またの質問をお待ちしてます。
  • Your bag is open.

  • Your backpack is unzipped

Your bag is open. (かばん開いてますよ) Your backpack is unzipped (リュックのファスナー開いてますよ) zip=チャック、ファスナーのこと Excuse me や Hi などと一声かけてから教えてあげるといいと思いますよ。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
  • Excuse me, but did you know that your backpack is open?

When you are approaching a stranger, it is polite to begin the conversation with "Excuse me"'. This puts the person more at ease. Then you can tell him/her what you wanted to say. Did you know that your backpack was open?
知らない人に近づくときは、 "Excuse me"(すみません)と言いて礼儀正しくしましょう。これは、相手を安心させます。それから、Did you know that your backpack was open?(リュックがあいているのお気づきですか?)と言いたいことを伝えましょう。
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, did you know your bag is open?

  • Excuse me, did you know your backpack is unzipped?

Telling someone their bag is open or unzipped is the same as saying it is not closed. If it is a stranger walking in front of you and you see their bag is open, it is best to gently tap them on their shoulder, before saying "excuse me, did you know your bag is open?"
人にかばんが開いているということをは、not closed(閉まっていない)というのと同じことです。 もし自分の前を歩いている知らない人に言うなら、 "excuse me, did you know your bag is open?"(すみません、かばんがあいていますよ。)と言う前に、肩を軽くたたくといいでしょう。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • Please check your backpack.

  • Your backpack is open.

  • Do you know that your bag is open.

If you want to make someone aware that their backpack is open you cna use any of the following sentences:- 1. Please check your backpack. 2. Your backpack is open. 3. Do you know that your bag is open. All three sentences will prompt the person to check and close the open backpack.
「リュックサックの口が開いている」は次のように言えます。 1. Please check your backpack.(リュックサックを確認してください) 2. Your backpack is open.(リュックサックが開いています) 3. Do you know that your bag is open.(リュックサックが開いていますよ) これらは、リュックサックの口を閉めるよう促す言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry, sir/miss, your bag is open

  • Excuse me, did you know your bag is open?

To use phrases like "I am sorry" and "Excuse me" is a very good way of being respectful when you want to address anything. For example - Excuse me, but I am afraid you bag is open and something could miss from it.
"I am sorry" や "Excuse me" などのフレーズを使うと、丁寧に伝えることができます。 例えば: Excuse me, but I am afraid you bag is open and something could miss from it. (すみません、かばんが開いていますよ。何か落ちるといけないので)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • "Your bag is open"

  • "Excuse me, I just wanted to let you know that your backpack is open"

  • "I just wanted to make you aware, your backpack is open"

If a person who is walking in front of you has their backpack open, and you wanted to tell them that their bag is open, you could say any of the following: "Your bag is open", "Excuse me, I just wanted to let you know that your backpack is open" or "I just wanted to make you aware, your backpack is open".
自分の前を歩いている人のリュックサックが開いていて、それについて知らせたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Your bag is open"(かばんが開いていますよ) "Excuse me, I just wanted to let you know that your backpack is open"(すみません、リュックサックが開いていますよ) "I just wanted to make you aware, your backpack is open"(リュックサックが開いています)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, but the clasp of your bag is undone.

  • Excuse me, are you aware that your backpack is open?

  • Excuse me, do you know that your bag is unzipped?

1. Excuse me, but the clasp of your bag is undone. It's always polite to start off by saying "excuse me" especially if the person is a stranger. A clasp is a small device that fastens things together. Undone means that it is open/not tied. 2. Excuse me, are you aware that your backpack is open? To be aware means to know or to have knowledge of something.' 3. Excuse me, do you know that your bag is unzipped? Unzipped means unfastened or open.
1. Excuse me, but the clasp of your bag is undone. (すみませんが、かばんの留め金がしまっていないですよ。)  "excuse me"(すみません)で会話を始めるのは、特に知らない人の場合丁寧なことです。   claspは、閉める小さな金具のことです。 Undoneは、開いている、閉まっていないという意味です。    2. Excuse me, are you aware that your backpack is open? (すみません、リュックがあいているのをお気づきでしょうか?) To be awareは、何かに気づくという意味です。    3. Excuse me, do you know that your bag is unzipped? (すみません、かばんが閉まっていないの気づいていますか?) Unzipped は、閉まっていない、開いているという意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, I think you may have forgotten to close your bag

  • Excuse me! Your bag is open

  • Your bag is open

When you want to tell someone walking in front of you that their bag is open, then you may do so in the following ways: -Hi, I think you may have forgotten to close your bag -Excuse me! Your bag is open -Your bag is open
以下は、前を歩いている人のカバンが開いていることを伝えるときのフレーズです。 -Hi, I think you may have forgotten to close your bag (すみません、かばんを閉め忘れたのだと思うのですが。) -Excuse me! Your bag is open (すみません、かばん開いていますよ。) -Your bag is open (かばんが開いています。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, you backpack is open.

  • Be careful, your bag is open.

1. In this sentence, you are simply communicating the person that his/her bag is open, 2. In this sentence, you are expressing your concern. By saying "be careful" you are warning the person in front of you, implying that he could potentially be in a risky situation.
1. ここでは、シンプルに「かばんが開いていますよ」と伝えています。 2. ここでは、相手を心配しています。"Be careful"(気をつけて)は、「何か悪いことがあっちゃいけないから」という気持ちを表します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me - your bag is open

  • Excuse me..did you know your backpack is open?

To a person who is walking in front of you, you notice that heir backpack is open. You want to tell them that their bag is open. Either of the above comments would be suitable for that type of scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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