世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/22 21:01
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  • This is the first time I've been here.

  • This is the first time to come here.

最初の文章は「ここに来たのは[初めて](」、2番目は「ここに来るのは初めて」くらいの違いです。 「[ここに来たことある?](」と聞かれたら No, first time. でも大丈夫です。 他には: I've never been here before. ここには来たことがありません。 上記のような言い回しも可能です。
  • I've never been here

  • It's my first time here

I've never been here = ここは[初めて]( レストランなど[室内](だとI've never been in hereとinを付け足したりもします。 後者も同じくinを付け足せます。
  • No, this is my first time.

  • No, never.

No, never. - This is the simplest way to respond that you've never done something. No, this is my first time. - you can use this to say that this is your first time doing something. A. Have you been skiing before? B. No, this is my first time. That's why I'm so scared. A. Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do.
No, never. - いいえ、一回もありません。 これは、何かを一度もしたことがないときに使える一番シンプルなフレーズです。   No, this is my first time. - いいえ、初めてです。 初めてのことに対して使えるフレーズです。   A. Have you been skiing before? スキーをしたことがありますか? B. No, this is my first time. That's why I'm so scared. いいえありません。だから怖いです。 A. Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do. 大丈夫。教えてあげるから。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I've never been here before.

  • It's my first time here.

If it is the first time for you to visit a place, you can use "I've never been (~)." - I've never been here before. * When you use "before," you are implying "before this visit." So you should really only use this word if you are currently in the place. If you are not in the location, you can drop "before" and just say: - I've never been to that restaurant. - I've never been to Guam. - I've never been to this station. If you want, you can always simply say, "It's my first time here." ^^
初めて訪問するのであれば"I've never been (~)."を使えます。 - I've never been here before. * そのフレーズを言う時にはその場所にいる時のみ"before,"を使いましょう。 その場所にいない場合は"before"を使わずに - I've never been to that restaurant. - I've never been to Guam. - I've never been to this station. といえばいいと思います。 "It's my first time here."という簡単なフレーズもあります ^^
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • No this is my first time here.

  • Nope, I have not eaten here before.

"No this is my first time here." This answers them and explains that you have not been there before. "Nope, I have not eaten here before." This explains to them that this is the first time you have had a meal here.
"No, this is my first time here" その場所に来たことがない場合に使う表現です。 "Nope, I have not eaten here before." その場所で、食事をするのが初めてというときに使う表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It's my first time here.

  • It's my first time to be here.

  • I've never been here before.

These statements are all ways of expressing that this is the first time that you are visiting the restaurant:- 1. It's my first time here. ここは初めてのことです。 2.It's my first time to be here. 私がここに来るのは初めてです。 3.I've never been here before. 私は以前にここにいたことはありません。
これらの表現は、全て「初めてこのレストランに来た」と言う事を意味しています。 1. It's my first time here. ここは初めてです。 2.It's my first time to be here. 私がここに来るのは初めてです。 3.I've never been here before. 私はここに来たことはありません。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • This is my first time.

  • I have never been here before.

*This is my first time coming here. This means that you have never been there before and you visiting the restaurant for your first time For example: A:Have you ever been here before B:This is my first time./I have never been here before.
*This is my first time coming here. (ここに来たのは初めてです) これはあなたがそこを以前訪れたことは一度もなくそのレストランに来たのは初めてであるという意味です。 例: A: Have you ever been here before? (ここに以前来たことはありますか?) B: This is my first time./I have never been here before. (今回が初めてです/ここに以前来たことは一度もありません)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • This is my first time here.

  • It's actually my first time.

  • I've never been here before.

When your friend asks whether you've been to a restaurant before, and you want to tell them that it is your first time, you can say: "This is my first time here." "It's actually my first time." "I've never been here before."
あなたの友人が以前そのレストランに来たことがあるか聞いてきたときに、初めてきたということを伝えるときのフレーズです。 "This is my first time here." (ここは初めてです。) "It's actually my first time." (実は初めてです。) "I've never been here before." (ここに来たことがありません。)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • This is my first time being here

  • I have never been here before

You can use a lot of different words/phrases to express this. If you say 'I have never been here before' you are implying that you have not been to that place in the past. 'This is my first time being here could be a great way to carry on the sentence and say something like, 'I really like the deco' or 'There miso soup is amazing'
この場合、さまざまな単語やフレーズを使うことができますが、 'I have never been here before' (ここに来たことがない。)と言うと、過去にその場所に来たことがないことを意味します。 'This is my first time being here '(初めてここに来ました。)は、 'I really like the deco' (内装がとても気に入った。)や 'There miso soup is amazing'(お味噌汁がすごくおいしい。)など会話をつなげるのにぴったりです。
Bradley A bradleya
  • No, I have not been here before, this is my first time here.

  • No, I don't believe I have ever been here before, so this would be my first time.

If your friend brings you to a restaurant and asks if you have ever been here before and you want to tell them you have not, you can say something like "No, I have not been here before, this is my first time here." or "No, I don't believe I have ever been here before, so this would be my first time.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This is my first time here

  • I have never been here before

If your friend asks you this question, you could easily tell him about it using the sentences I wrote. It's a very simple question and, to be honest, you wrote the answer in the last part of your sentence but hope my options will be good for you too.
友達に「ここに来たことはありますか」と聞かれたら、上記のように答えることができます。 これはすごくシンプルな質問ですね、実はあなた自身も説明の中で自ら答えをおっしゃっています。私がご紹介した例も参考にしていただければと思います。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I have never been here before.

  • It is the first time I have come here.

  • This place is new to me.

All are acceptable ways of expressing that you have never visited a certain place before. We can say that the place is 'new' to us by saying 'this place is new to me'. This means we have not been before and it is our first time experiencing it.
3例とも「ここに来るのは初めてだ」と伝えるとき、使うことができます。 'this place is new to me' と言えます。これは「ここに来るのは初めてです」という意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • My first time here...

  • This is my first tme here .... I hope the food is as good as they say it is...

"This is my first time here..."should cover the meaning you need in this situation... It is clear simple and to the point! "This is my first tme here .... I hope the food is as good as they say it is..."
"This is my first time here..." ここに来たのは初めてです。 この文章で十分伝わります。明確で簡潔、ポイントをついています! "This is my first tme here .... I hope the food is as good as they say it is..." ここに来たのは初めてで..噂どおり味がよければいいのですが
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • This is my first time.

  • I've never been here before.

  • I'm a "newb".

The first two answers "This is my first time" and "I've never been here before" carry the same meaning. "First" refers to the number one in any order. "Never" means that something hasn't happened in the past. In this case, being at the restaurant. The last example that I provided was simply a slang term which refers to someone who is new to something. A newb is an inexperienced newcomer to a particular activity. It could be any activity or situation. Use it with caution though, as it is informal and colloquial.
 "This is my first time" と "I've never been here before" は、そこは初めてだという、同じ意味です。 "First"とは、一番の、はじめのという意味です。 "Never" は、過去に一度も起こったことがないことを意味します。この場合はそのレストランに行くことを指します。 最後の例は、あることに対してはじめての人を指すスラングです。A newbとは、あることに対して、経験のない新人を指します。あることであったり、状況であったりします。フォーマルでない、口語表現になりますので注意が必要です。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • This is my first visiting this restaurant.

  • I have never been to this restaurant before.

  • This will be my first time eating here.

This is my first visiting this restaurant. This sentence is pretty self explanatory and leaves no room for confusion. It simply means that this is exact moment is the first time in your life that you have been at this restaurant. I have never been to this restaurant before. By saying this, you are saying that during your life,you have never been to this restaurant to eat and that this will be your first time. This will be my first time eating here. Similar to the previous answer, this sentence also states that you have never been to this restaurant, nor have you ever had food here. Thus this is your first time at this restaurant.
This is my first visiting this restaurant.(このレストランに来るのは初めてです) この文はとても分かりやすいです、誤解の余地がありません。「このレストランに来るのは人生で初めてだ」と伝えています。 I have never been to this restaurant before.(このレストランには来たことがありません) 「今までこのレストランに来たことはなく、今回が初めてだ」と伝えています。 This will be my first time eating here.(ここで食べるのは初めてです) これは上の例と似ています。「このレストランに来たこと[ここで食事をしたこと]はない」と伝えています。このレストランに来るのは初めてだということ。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • I have never been here before.

  • This is my first time experience at this restaurant.

  • I'm a newbie here.

If it is your first time in a place, you can say that you have never been there before. Newbie means you are a first timer. "I'm new here."
そこに初めて行ったのなら、'I have never been here before'(ここに来るのは初めてです)と言えます。 'Newbie' は「初心者」という意味です。 "I'm new here."(まだ新入りで、不慣れなんです)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • This is my first time here

  • This restaurant is a new experience for me

  • I'm a first-timer here

When at a restaurant with a friend and asked whether you have been there before, you want to say it's your first time. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's my first time being here.

  • I have never been here up until this day.

  • This is my first time at this place.

You could use any of the above three sentences to express that you have never been to this place before and that it is your first time. Any of the three above are suitable and explains straight forwardly what you mean.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I have never been here before.

  • It's my first time to eat here.

In the first sentence you are explaining that you have never been to that restaurant before, which means you are focusing on your past experience. (present perfect tense) In the second sentence, you are talking about the present and that this now is your first time to come at this restaurant (present tense)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I came here for the first time.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I came here for the first time. 「私はここに初めて来た」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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