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2019/07/24 23:59
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  • I was watching it but fell asleep so don't remember anything.

  • I don't remember what happened as I fell asleep while watching it.

These sentences make it clear that you were watching the TV series but because you were tired you fell asleep during it and as a result can't remember the events.
Derek Nl DMM英会話講師
  • I fell asleep so I don’t remember anything.

  • I fell asleep so I don’t know what happened.

質問ありがとうございます。 そういうことってたまにありますよね。 こう言えますよ、 ❶I fell asleep so I don’t remember anything. (寝ちゃったので 内容は全く覚えていない)。 ❷I fell asleep so I don’t know what happened. (寝ちゃったから どうなったのか知らない)。 例えば、 As soon as the show started, I fell asleep so I don’t remember anything. (番組/ドラマが始まった途端すぐ寝ちゃったので、何も覚えていない)。 *ドラマもテレビ番組も show と呼べます。 As soon as the movie started, I fell asleep so I don’t know what happened. (映画始まった途端すぐ寝ちゃったので、映画がどうなったのか知らない)。 と言えますよ。参考になれば嬉しいです!
  • I can't believe I fell asleep, I don't know what happened in this episode.

  • I dozed off, so unfortunately I missed it.

  • I watched the first 15 minutes, then fell asleep.

All of these sentences can be used to describe falling asleep when watching TV. Dozed off: Fell asleep
すべて「テレビを見ていたら寝てしまった」と伝える言い方です。 Dozed off: 眠りに落ちる
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • "I fell asleep so I don't remember anything"

  • "I do not remember any of the TV series because I fell asleep"

  • "I was tired so I fell asleep watching a TV series"

If you fell asleep watching a TV series and as a result, you do not remember anything, you could express this by stating any of the following: "I fell asleep so I don't remember anything", "I do not remember any of the TV series because I fell asleep" or "I was tired so I fell asleep watching a TV series".
「ドラマを見ながら寝てしまって内容を覚えていない」、これは次のように言えます "I fell asleep so I don't remember anything"(寝てしまったので内容を覚えていない) "I do not remember any of the TV series because I fell asleep"(寝てしまったので内容を覚えていない) "I was tired so I fell asleep watching a TV series"(疲れていて寝てしまったので内容を覚えていない)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I fell asleep while watching the show so I don’t remember anything that happened.

  • I fell asleep halfway while watching a show so I don’t know what happened in the end.

If you would like to explain that you fell asleep while watching a tv show and that you do not remember what happened, you can say something like “I fell asleep while watching the show so I don’t remember anything that happened.”.
「テレビ番組を見ながら寝てしまったのでその内容は覚えていない」、これは次のように言えます。 “I fell asleep while watching the show so I don’t remember anything that happened.” (その番組を見ながら途中で寝てしまったから、内容は覚えていない)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I dozed off, so I don't remember anything.

  • I fell asleep, so I don't remember anything

  • I took a nap, so I don't remember anything

Enjoying a good movie or TV show is always a really great thing! However, at times, because of work or responsibilities, we may be busy during the day and by the time the evening arrives, we can feel very tired or exhausted. At times, we may even fall asleep while we are watching something! If we want to talk about this situation, some expressions we can use are: 1) I dozed off, so I don't remember anything. 2) I fell asleep, so I don't remember anything. 3) I took a nap, so I don't remember anything.
映画やテレビ番組を見るのは楽しいですね!ただ、仕事が忙しいと、夜疲れていて寝てしまうこともありますよね、テレビを見ながら! これについて説明するなら、以下の表現が使えます。 1) I dozed off, so I don't remember anything. 2) I fell asleep, so I don't remember anything. 3) I took a nap, so I don't remember anything. (寝てしまったので、何も覚えていない)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I crashed out on the sofa and missed the entire episode.

  • I was so bushed that I fell asleep in front of the tv and missed the entire episode.

1.I crashed out on the sofa and missed the entire episode. This means to be so tired that you fell asleep and woke up much later, long after the show had ended. 2.I was so bushed that I fell asleep in front of the tv and missedthe entire episode. "Bushed" means being utterly exhausted."Missed the entire episode" means not seeing any of it.
1. I crashed out on the sofa and missed the entire episode.(ソファで寝てしまって、全く見なかった) これは「眠ってしまって番組が終わった後目が覚めた」という意味です。 2. I was so bushed that I fell asleep in front of the tv and missed the entire episode.(疲れていてテレビの前で寝てしまい、全く見なかった) "Bushed" は「すごく疲れて」という意味です。"Missed the entire episode" は「そのエピソードを全く見なかった」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I dozed off during the episode, I can't remember what happened.

  • I fell asleep, I'll have to re-watch the episode.

"I dozed off during the episode, I can't remember what happened." . Using the word 'dozed' is a good way to say that you fell asleep. To 'doze' is not a deep sleep, it means you lightly went to sleep. "I fell asleep, I'll have to re-watch the episode." is another great way to express the same; you can even replace 'fell asleep' with 'dozed off' if you like. To 're-watch' the episode means you will watch it again.
"I dozed off during the episode, I can't remember what happened." (エピソードの途中で寝てしまったので、何が起こったか覚えていない。) 'dozed'は、寝落ちするという意味のフレーズです。  'doze' は、深い眠りではなく、浅い眠りのことを指します。 "I fell asleep, I'll have to re-watch the episode." (寝落ちしたから、もう一度そのエピソードを見ないといけない。) これは、同じことを表す別の言い方です。'fell asleep' を'dozed off'にかえることもできます。  're-watch'は、もう一度見るという意味です。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • I fell asleep so I don't remember anything.

  • I slept mid-way through the show, so I don't remember anything.

When you want to explain that you were watching a TV series, so I don't remember anything; you may explain it in the following ways: -I fell asleep so I don't remember anything. -I slept mid-way through the show, so I don't remember anything.
テレビを見ていて寝てしまい、何も覚えていないことを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 -I fell asleep so I don't remember anything. (寝落ちしたから、何も覚えていない。) -I slept mid-way through the show, so I don't remember anything. (番組の中盤で寝てしまったから、何も覚えていない。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't get to watch the show because I fell asleep while it was playing.

  • I unexpectedly fell asleep during the series so I didn't see much.

  • I missed the show, I fell asleep so I can't recall what happened.

To explain that you didn't see a show because you fell asleep, use the sentences above. Sometimes we may find ourselves falling asleep without having had planned to do so, we may be tired after a long day or we may have been so relaxed that our body naturally fell into a sleepy state. When this happens we may miss out on a program we may have planned to watch. "Sorry, I missed the show, I fell asleep, I must have been exhausted from the busy day I had." "I fell asleep in the cinema so I missed my favorite movie."
寝てしまったので、ショーを見なかったことを伝えるにはこれらの例がぴったりです。 時には寝ようと思ってなくても寝落ちしてしまうことがありますよね。おそらく長い1日に疲れていたり、リラックスしていて自然と体が居眠りモードに入ってしまったりするかもしれません。   寝落ちしてしまったら、見ようと思っていたテレビ番組を逃してしまうかもしれません。   "Sorry, I missed the show, I fell asleep, I must have been exhausted from the busy day I had." (ごめん、ショーを見逃してしまったんだ。忙しい日だったから疲れていたに違いない。) "I fell asleep in the cinema so I missed my favorite movie." (映画館で寝落ちしてしまったから、好きな映画を見逃してしまった。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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