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すみません。 「保証」で調べたら、この二つの単語が出てきます。 辞書で調べてみましたが、いまいちわかりません。 どのように区別して使うのでしょうか⁈
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2019/08/13 15:56
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  • warranty 保証(購入した製品に対する)

  • guarantee 保証・約束

A warranty is a type of insurance that is used for large purchases and covers any performance issues related to that product. For example: This tv automatically comes with a three year warranty. A guarantee is a promise made by someone or something to complete a certain action. This may or may not include replacement of functional parts of something that you purchase. For example: I guarantee that you will leave here pleased with our service. I hope that this helps. :)
"A warranty" は大きな[買い物](をするときに使われる[保険](の一種で、その商品の性能に関するあらゆる問題をカバーします。 例えば: This TV automatically comes with a three year warranty.(このテレビには自動的に3年保証が付きます) Does this product come with a warranty?(この商品は保証が付きますか?) "A guarantee" はある行動が行われることを約束することをいいます。これには購入した商品の部品交換も含まれる場合があります。 例えば: I guarantee that you will leave here pleased with our service.(きっと私たちのサービスにご満足いただけると思います) 参考になれば幸いです。 :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • warranty 保証 (書面)

  • guarantee 保証 (製品への労働負荷に対して)

Well, in the UK, the difference between a warranty and guarantee seems to be that a warranty, a written statement, would normally be applied to things such as cars or electrical appliances - perhaps such as washing machines or food mixers. These products require labour and possibly replacement parts to repair in the event of failure. This car comes with a 1 year warranty. On the other hand, a guarantee may be appropriate for such things as a labour intensive service such as painting or decorating, or, with items such as car tyres, shoes or clothes where there is expectation for these items to last a certain time. These shoes come with a 3 month guarantee.
イギリスでは、"warranty" と "guarantee" の違いは: "warranty"([保証書](は普通、車や電化製品(例えば洗濯機・フードミキサー)などに付いてきます。これらの製品は[故障](の際、労働と、場合によって部品の交換が必要になります。 This car comes with a 1 year warranty.(この車には1年間の保証がついています) 一方、"guarantee" はペンキ塗りや装飾など労働負荷の高い業務や、車のタイヤ・靴・服など「耐久期間について一定の期待がある物」について用いられます。 These shoes come with a 3 month guarantee.(この靴には3カ月保証がついています)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Guarantee: 保証・約束

  • Warranty : 保証 (書面で) (Guarantee の中の1種)

The words 'Warranty' and 'Guarantee' are very similar. A Guarantee is an assurance that something will happen. It's like a promise that you make, and it must be fulfilled. Guarantees are usually said, not written down, usually don't have a time limit, and can be used generally for anything. A warranty is a type of guarantee, but it is always written down, and is like a contract. A warranty is more formal than a guarantee, and it is always attached to a product or service. Often, a warranty means that someone will give you something back if their promise was not fulfilled within a certain amount of time. Warranties are found on cars, clothes, repair services etc... and is in a contract form. For example: I guarantee that you will love this new restaurant I found. I can guarantee that this trip will be better than the last one. The warranty on my car says that it won't break down, but if it does in the next year, I can get my car fixed without paying money. The warranty on my computer expired, so I'll need a new computer soon.
Warranty' と 'Guarantee' は非常によく似ています。 'Guarantee' は何かを保証することをいいます。約束に似ています、果たさなくてはならない約束です。'Guarantee' は普通「言うもの」で、「書くもの」ではありません。普通タイムリミットもなく、あらゆるものについて一般的に使えます。 'Warranty' は 'Guarantee' の一種ですが、これは必ず書面に書かれます。契約(Contract)に近いです。'Warranty' は 'Guarantee' よりも正式なものです。サービスや製品には必ずこれが付いています。'Warranty' には、一定期間内に約束が果たせなかったときにものを返却するという内容のものが多いです。'Warranty' は車・服・修理サービスなどに付与され、契約書の形になっています。 例えば: I guarantee that you will love this new restaurant I found.(この新しいレストラン、あなた絶対に気に入ると思う) I can guarantee that this trip will be better than the last one.(今回の旅行は前回よりも面白いと約束できる) The warranty on my car says that it won't break down, but if it does in the next year, I can get my car fixed without paying money.(車の保証書には「壊れることはないけど、もし一年以内に壊れたら、無償で修理をする」と書かれている) The warranty on my computer expired, so I'll need a new computer soon.(パソコンの保証が切れたから、また近々新しいパソコンを買わないといけなくなる)
Sabya DMM英会話講師
  • Guarantee (個人に対する)保証

  • Warranty (製品に対する)保証

Guarantee The sales person guaranteed that he could beat the prices of all of his competitors. The term guarantee in the above sentence expresses a promise or commitment to another individual. It is typical for an individual to give a guarantee when providing a product or service because it is used to imply that the customer is receiving an additional benefit by giving his/her business to an individual or company. Warranty This phone comes with a ninety-day factory warranty. The term warranty is a benefit given for a particular product in order to give the buyer peace of mind.
Guarantee The sales person guaranteed that he could beat the prices of all of his competitors. (その販売員はどこよりも安い価格を提供すると約束しました) 上記の文の "guarantee" は、相手への約束・誓いを表します。商品やサービスを提供するときは "guarantee" を与えることが多いです。これによって、お客さんのお得感が増します。 Warranty This phone comes with a ninety-day factory warranty. (この携帯電話には90日間のメーカー保証がついています) "warranty" はお客さんを安心させるために商品に付与する特典です。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Guarantee 保証・約束

  • Warranty : 保証(一定期間内での)

I can't guarantee it will work. If it doesn't work, it is okay, because you have a two-year warranty and can replace it. A guarantee is when you promise or say something will work, for instance, 'I guarantee it works, and will work for the next few years. A warranty is in case it stops working within a time period, so, for instance, if you have a vacuum cleaner which is under warranty, and it breaks within that time you can have it replaced free of charge. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
I can't guarantee it will work.(正常に動くと約束することはできない) If it doesn't work, it is okay, because you have a two-year warranty and can replace it.(動かなくても大丈夫。2年保証がついているから、交換できる) 'guarantee' は、それが正常に作動すると言うこと、約束することをいいます。 例えば: 'I guarantee it works, and will work for the next few years.'(間違いなく動きます、数年は動きますよ) 'warranty' は「万が一、商品が一定期間内に故障した場合」です。例えば、掃除機を使っていて、故障して、それが 'warranty' の期間内なら、無償で新しいものと交換してもらえます。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • warranty 保証 (書面で)

  • guarantee 広義での「保証」という意味に使われます。

Although warranty and guarantee may sound interchangeable, the noun 'warranty' is a written promise by a company or a service provider, stating that if a product fails to perform what it was manufactured to do withing a given period, say 3 years, the seller will repair or replace it free of charge. The same goes for a service performed for a client, it can carry a warranty for a given period of time stating that should there be problems arising from the service provided, say within 3 years, it will be redone free of charge. However, a guarantee can be given for a given period of time say 5 years against specific malfunctioning of a product, say breakage or rusting, stating that the machine will be repaired if the machine malfunctions within that period of time. Whereas 'warranty' is somehow restricted in it's usage, 'guarantee' can be used in several contexts. So, you may say: The product comes with a three-year warranty. or The car is being sold on an 'as is' basis. There is no guarantee that it will operate normally. or We offer a 5-year guarantee against breakage on this washing machine.
"warranty" と "guarantee" は同じ意味に思えるかもしれませんが、 名詞の "warranty" は会社やサービス提供者による書面での約束をいいます。製品については、一定期間内(例えば3年以内)にその製品が不具合を起こした場合に売り手が修理・交換を無償で行うことを定めます。 サービスについても同じです、例えば「3年以内に、サービスに関して問題が発生した場合には無償でやり直す」のような保証がついている場合があります。 一方、"guarantee" は、破損・さびなど製品の特定の不具合について、一定期間(例えば5年)付与されます。例えば、「期間内に機械が不具合を起こした場合は修理を行う」などと定めます。 'warranty' は用法が限られていますが、'guarantee' はいくつかの文脈で使われます。 例えば、次のように言えます。 The product comes with a three-year warranty.(その製品は3年保証つきです) The car is being sold on an 'as is' basis. There is no guarantee that it will operate normally.(その車は現状販売だから、正常に動く保証はないよ) We offer a 5-year guarantee against breakage on this washing machine.(この洗濯機は破損に関しては5年間の保証がついています)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Warranty 保証 (書面)

  • Guarantee 保証・約束 (書面とは限らない)

Warranty and Guarantee do not mean the same thing. If you would like to purchase a new cellular phone from the store, the company would usually give you a 2 to 3 year warranty on the product in case it might break or become faulty or if anything on the system is not functioning properly. The warranty would be the written/printed document that gives the time period it is under warranty for and the reasons and conditions you may return it under. This hairdryer you are purchasing comes with a 2 year warranty. When someone says they guarantee something it is basically just a verbal promise and not a written one. For example: If you were to get into a relationship with someone and six months into the relationship you feel you want to get a permanent tattoo on your body of this persons name. Your friend might give you some advice and tell you 'It is not a wise choice to tattoo his/her name on your body right now. There is no guarantee that you two will be together forever.' There is no guarantee that your cancer will not return in a few years time.
Warranty' と 'Guarantee' は同じ意味ではありません。 新しい携帯電話をお店で買うと、たいてい2年から3年の 'Warranty' が付いてきます。故障や何か不具合があったときのためです。'Warranty' は、保証期間や返品が認められる条件・理由を記載した書類です。 This hairdryer you are purchasing comes with a 2 year warranty.(このヘアドライヤーには2年保証がついています) 'I guarantee ...'(私は...を保証します)という言い方をする場合、これは普通口頭での約束です、書面ではありません。例えば、恋人と付き合って半年くらいたった頃に、その人の名前のタトゥーを入れたいと思ったとします。友達に相談したら次のように言われるかもしれません。 'It is not a wise choice to tattoo his/her name on your body right now. There is no guarantee that you two will be together forever.' (今、彼/彼女の名前を体に入れるのは賢明じゃないよ。これからずっと一緒にいる保証なんてどこにもないんだから) There is no guarantee that your cancer will not return in a few years time. (数年後にがんが再発しない保証はない)
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Warranty 保証(製品)

  • Guarantee 保証(製品)

  • Guarantee (動詞)保証する

1) The dealer offered me a 5 year warranty on the used car I bought recently. The first phrase uses the term warranty in it's only usable form, which is that a product will meet certain expectations. If it does not, the warranty comes into force, and the seller will put right any areas covered under the warranty. 2) My new washing machine comes with a 3 year guarantee. In the second phrase, the same promise is offered, but this time the wording is different although the meaning remains the same. Here is is used as a noun. "a three year guarantee" 3) Looking at the traffic, I can guarantee we are going to be late. The third phrase shows how the word "guarantee" can be used as a verb, meaning that we are confirming something will actually happen with certainty.
1) The dealer offered me a 5 year warranty on the used car I bought recently.(そのディーラーは私が最近買った中古の車に5年保証をつけてくれました) 一つ目のフレーズは "warranty" をその唯一の意味で用いています、「商品が一定の期待を満たす」ということ。もしそうならなかった場合には、"warranty" が発動し、売り手は "warranty" のカバーする部分について対応を行います。 2) My new washing machine comes with a 3 year guarantee.(私の新しい洗濯機には3年保証がついています) 二つ目のフレーズでも同様の約束がなされています。ただ、言い方が違います、意味は同じですが。ここでは名詞として使われています。 "a three year guarantee" = 3年保証 3) Looking at the traffic, I can guarantee we are going to be late.(この渋滞だと、確実に遅れるね) 三つ目のフレーズでは、"guarantee" が動詞として使われています。「確実に~が起こるだろう」という意味です。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
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