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2019/08/23 11:03
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  • Which model do you recommend?

車種とはシリーズのことでしょうか?例えばメルセデス・ベンツの C-Class か S-Class か。 それならば、「Which series do you recommend?」と尋ねます。 もっと掘り下げて尋ねるならば、シリーズ名を把握した上で、どのモデルを推奨するのか聞くときは「Which model do you recommend?」と尋ねます。答えは例えば W202 や W203とかえってきます。 どんな車をオススメするのか聞くときは「What kind of car do you recommend?」と尋ねます。これは上記の質問とはちょっと違いますので、逆に質問が返ってくる可能性が高いですね。 例えば、「Where will you be driving?」とか「What activities will you be doing?」などと情報を請求されるかもしれません。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • I am buying a new car and would like to know your recommendations on type and model?

  • Which car model would you suggest?

  • Can you let me know which car model best meets my requirements?

When referring to a 'car type' in British English we use the word 'model'. The word 'recommend' can be replaced with 'suggest' for a less formal enquiry. If you are asking people online, who are not friends then I would suggest sentence 3. You would follow this sentence with a more detailed list of things you are looking for in a new car- for example - a large boot space because I will be transporting heavy goods. This is your aforementioned 'requirements' and will help people to answer you correctly.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of car do you recommend?

  • What type of car do you suggest?

  • What car should I get?

Instagramで質問するのであればきっとカジュアルな設定だと思うので、一番カジュアルな言い方ですと What car should I get? What kind of car should I get? (どの車を買うべき?どんな種類の車を買うべき?)となります。 そこまでカジュアルじゃなくても良いのであれば、What kind of car do you recommend? 又は What type of car do you suggest? のように言えます。もちろんこちらを使って Instagram に載せても大丈夫です。どうぞご参考に。
Ayumi L DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • I am looking at buying a new car soon, do you have any recommendations on types of models?

  • Which car is the best for me do you think?

  • Which car model would you suggest for me for my next car?

'Suggest' is a more informal friendly way of asking someone which car model they think. If you was to ask a friend the question, I think by saying: - - Which car model would you suggest for me for my next car?
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking into buying a car. Any recommendations?

  • What kind of car would you recommend I buy?

When you want to ask someone to recommend a car you can buy, you may ask in the following ways: -I am looking into buying a car. Any recommendations? -What kind of car would you recommend I buy? -Which model would you recommend I buy?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of car should I buy?

  • Which model do you recommend?

If you want to ask someone their opinion about what cars to buy, you can ask "what kind of car should I buy?" "Kind" means type and this is a very broad term, so this means someone could answer you by saying "you should buy a Honda" or "you should buy a truck" or "I recommend a hybrid". This phrase is useful if you want a lot of different information and recommendations. If you want to be more specific, you can ask "which model do you recommend?" This is usually if you know what brand of car you want to buy already. For example, if you know you want to buy a Toyota brand car, then you can ask someone "which model?" and they could answer, "a Prius," or "a Civic". This is what model means. Especially in the US, people will ask about car models and use this word all the time when shopping for cars or describing their cars.
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking to buy a new car, what make and model do you recommend?

  • I'm thinking about getting a new car, do you have any suggestions?

I'm looking to buy a new car, what make and model do you recommend? Looking lets the people who you are speaking to know that you are in the process of searching for a new car. Specifying that you would like to know the make and model ensures that you receive as much detail as possible about a particular recommended car. I'm thinking about getting a new car, do you have any suggestions? Using 'suggestions', let's the person know that you would appreciate their recommendation based on their own experience.
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any recommendations for me as to what car I should buy?

  • What kind of a car do you suggest I get?

If you are considering buying a car and would like to ask someone for their opinion/suggestion on what kind of car you should buy, you can say something like "Do you have any recommendations for me as to what car I should buy?". You can use words like RECOMMENDATION, SUGGESTION, or OPINION to show that you are looking for their personal thoughts on it.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What type of car do you recommend I buy?

  • Which model is the best for me do you think?

Buying a car is a big decision and you want to be able to make a good one. It may be your first car and you don't know which model to buy. The best thing to do is ask your family or friends that have cars and they can advise you on which models are good and which are not so good. We can use both of these phrases in any type of situation.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of car do you recommend?

  • Is there a type and model of car you would suggest?

  • If you were to buy a car, what would you get?

A simple way of asking for someone's recommendation is to ask 'What kind of car do you recommend? '. You can also use the word 'suggest' in asking their opinion or choice. In English we also refer to 'types' and 'models' of cars - for example a 'type' would be Honda and the 'model' could be 'Civic'. So a question formed as - 'Is there a type and model of car you would suggest?' is a little more specific in what information you are asking. Using the hypothetical 'If you were to...' is also a great way of asking someone's choice and getting their opinion; for example - 'If you were to buy a car, what would you get?'
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • "What car would you recommend?"

  • "What model would you recommend?"

  • "I'm thinking of buying a car. Do you have any tips?"

"What car would you recommend?" or "What model would you recommend?" Both questions are a straightforward way to ask someone about their recommendations on buying a car. "I'm thinking of buying a car. Do you have any tips?" This example demonstrates a good way to start a conversation about buying a car. You are letting the listener/reader know you are interested in their opinion and/or recommendation on the idea.
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • What type of car do you think is the best?

  • Which car do you recommend for me?

When people buy cars there are a lot of different aspects that they consider, for example: price, color, body shape, motor size, reliability, how economic the car is, safety features, space inside the vehicle, style of the vehicle, brand, etc. Depending on someone's past experiences/knowledge/preferences, their taste in cars will vary.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • What car would you recommend?

  • What would you get?

  • What do you think is a good car to get?

What car would you recommend? What would you get? What do you think is a good car to get? When you want to ask someone or several people about what they would recommend when it comes to buying a car, or anything for that matter, you can ask one of these three questions. Pick one, try it out, see what happens, and then try another one. I hope that helps Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What make/model do you recommend?

This is a question we can use to ask for recommendations but there are different words that we would use to ask for certain aspects and differences between cars. Make : refers to the manufacturer such as Toyota, Honda, etc. Model : refers to the brand of the car such a Prius, Corolla, etc.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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