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「ずっとパソコンの画面を見続けていたので、眼が疲れて、眼の奥がツーンとします。」 ちょっと抽象的な表現もありますが、教えてください。
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2016/05/18 16:27
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  • My eyes are tired

My eyes are tired from using the computer for so long 「ずっと[パソコン](使ってて眼が[疲れた](」 疲れたという意味で"tired"もよく使われていると思います。 <ボキャブラリー> tired = 疲れている、疲れた use the computer = パソコンを使う for so long = とても長い間
  • My eyes are sore and strained.

sore(ソアー)「[痛い](」 strained(ストレインド)「[緊張している](」 ガチガチに筋肉が張っている状態ですので、こういった表現が合います。 また、Rolling your eyes can soothe those sore eyes.「眼を回すことで痛みを改善できます」のように、soothe(スーズ)「和らげる」「沈静化する」も一緒に知っておくと使いやすいです。
Takuya Nigami 英語4技能をトレーニング「にがみ塾」塾長
  • My eyes are tired of looking at the computer screen for so long.

  • My eyes get wasted very quick from a computer screen.

>My eyes are tired of looking at the computer screen for so long. *This is saying that you eyes are sleepy because of looking at a computer screen for to long. ............................ >My eyes get wasted very quick from a computer screen. *wasted=weak *This is saying that your eyes get tired quick because of the computer screen. ...................***.................
My eyes are tired of looking at the computer screen for so long. パソコンのスクリーンを見過ぎて、目が疲れていることを意味する表現です。 My eyes get wasted very quick from a computer screen. *wasted=弱る、衰弱するという意味です。 パソコンの画面のせいで目が疲れやすいことを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My eyes are suffering from screen fatigue

  • My eyes are tired from the computer

  • Have you got any eye drops?

Sore and irritated eyes is a common ailment resulting from spending too much time in front of the computer screen. "I'm going to have to call it day now, my eyes are tired from the computer." "Of course, I can see your eyes are red. Would you like to try some of my eyedrops? I find they really ease my eyes." "Thanks so much. I'm not sure what to do really: I suffer from screen fatigue a lot these days." "Maybe you could try a screen filter. I've heard they're pretty good." "Good idea, I'll look into it."
目が痛かったりかゆかったりするのは、コンピュータ画面の前で過度に時間を費やすことに起因する一般的な症状です。 「今日はこれで終わりにしようと思う。目がコンピュータで疲れている」 「ああ、あなたの目が赤くなっていますね。目薬もってるけど試す?」 「ありがとう、本当にどうすべきかわからない。最近は画面の見すぎで目の疲れに苦しんでいる」 「スクリーンフィルターを試せば?かなり良いと聞きました。」 「良いアイデア、私はそれを調べてみますよ。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My eyes are strained from looking at this screen all day

  • My eyes are fatigued

  • Staring at the computer for so long has made my eyes tired.

Looking at a computer screen all day can 'strain' your eyes this means that they are tired or 'fatigued' and that you have had enough of looking at the screen. You can express this by using any of the sentences above Hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
一日中コンピューターの画面と向き合うことで目を"Strain"するとは、目が疲れて、もう画面を見たくないという意味です。 上の例文を使って、表現する事が出来るでしょう。 参考になるといいです。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • My eyes are weary because I have been at the computer all day.

If you say "My eyes are weary" it tells the person that you are tired. Then by using the conjunction "because" you are ready to explain the cause of your eyes being tired. You can then say "I have been at the computer all day" which gives an explanation as to why your eyes are "weary".
"My eyes are weary" と言うと「疲れた」という意味になります。 その後、接続詞の "because" を使って目が疲れた理由を説明します。 「I have been at the computer all day(一日中パソコンをしていた)」がそれです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • My eyes are knackered!

  • My eyes become strained from looking at a monitor all day.

  • I swear I need glasses, I can't see a thing!

My eyes are knackered! - This expression is British and informal, you can also use the word "knackered" to express extreme exhaustion. It means that your eyes are not working as well as they used to, covering a long period of time. My eyes become strained from looking at a monitor all day. - This expression is a bit more formal, you can say this to a manager, supervisor, teacher etc. Maybe they can offer some advice. I swear I need glasses, I can't see a thing! - This is a funny expression, plus it's neutral so you can say it to anyone. If you really wanted to emphasize how bad your eyes are you can say "I'm going blind, I can't see a thing."
My eyes are knackered! 目がくたくたに疲れている。 これは、イギリス英語でカジュアルな表現です。 "knackered"とは、ひどく疲れている様子のことを言います。目の調子がひどく悪いときに使います。  My eyes become strained from looking at a monitor all day. 一日中画面を見ていて、目が疲れる。 これは、ややフォーマルな言い方で、上司や先生などにも使うことができます。何かアドバイスをくれるかもしれません。  I swear I need glasses, I can't see a thing! 絶対メガネがいる!何も見えない! これは面白い表現で、誰に対しても使うことができます。目の調子が悪くなってきたというのを誇張して、 "I'm going blind, I can't see a thing."「失明する!何も見えない!」と言うこともできます。
Jacques DMM英会話講師

  • After 18 hours online...I am suffering from eye strain, like you cannot believe!

We all spend far too much time looking at a computer screen these days! The resulting "eye strain" can leave us with tired& itchy eyes This due to overworked "ocular activity ;-)) IE Strained vision../Eye Strain. We should all take a break now and then to avoid "eye strain!"
最近の私たちは、パソコンの画面を見る時間が長すぎます。その結果、"eye strain"「目の疲れ」が目の疲労感やかゆみなどが続きます。これは目の使いすぎによりものです。眼精疲労にならないよう、時々休憩をとりましょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My eyes feel tired from staring at the computer for so long.

  • My eyes feel super heavy/tired from looking at the computer for so long.

If you would like to express to someone that your eyes feel tired from staring at the computer for so long, you can say something like "My eyes feel super heavy/tired from looking at the computer for so long.". You can say this to someone to express that your eyes do not feel very "fresh" or good after looking at a computer screen for so long.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I have tired eyes because I have been looking at the computer screen for a long time.

If people look at the computer screen for a long time, it can put quite a big strain on their eyes, because of the blue light that emits from the computer screens, it is common in this situation to get tired eyes, in this situation it is a good idea to look away from the computer screen for a bit/rest your eyes for a bit.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • My eyes are tired.

おっしゃられている内容は、そのまま My eyes are tired. 「目が疲れている」 と言えます(*^_^*) 同様に、 My legs are tired. 「足が疲れている」 などとも言えます(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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