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2019/09/01 00:04
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  • The band's vocalist's looks is no less important than his (singing) ability.

  • The band's vocalist's looks is almost more important than everything else he has(, including his skill).

・no less (形容詞) than ~ ~と同じくらい...だ ・vocalist ボーカル ・singing ability 歌唱力 1文目の表現はタイトルの質問内容とほぼ近く、2文目がその下の補足内容と近い意味になっています。また「歌唱力」は"singing ability"のほかに"vocal strength"とも表現できますが、思い出せない場合は文脈に頼って、"(ボーカルの)skill"とかだけでも十分だと思います。 以下で、例文を紹介します。 例) But you know what people say after all is he band's vocalist's looks is almost more important than everything else he has. (それでも結局みんなボーカルの歌唱力よりもほぼ、ルックスが大事って言うよね) In order to be successful in one's music career, they might wanna accept the fact the band's vocalist's looks is no less important than his (singing) ability in the end. (音楽業界で成功するには、歌唱力と同じくらいルックスも大事だという事実を受け入れていかなければならない) ※might want to do...ここでは「~しなければならない、~するのがよい」という感じで使われ、文脈によっては"have to"と近しい意味になります。
Kana O DMM英会話講師
  • "A musician's image (or styling) is just as important as their singing ability."

  • "Being successful in the music industry means you need to have skill as well as the right image."

"A musician's image (or styling) is just as important as their singing ability." When referring to image or styling we are talking about the look of the musician (or band). In this example we clearly explain that this is equally as important as their singing ability. "Being successful in the music industry means you need to have skill as well as the right look." This example is simply another way to explain the above. We refer to the talent of the musician as 'skill' and to their image or styling as 'look'.
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • A singer's vocals and their looks are equally important.

  • It is my opinion that a bands vocalist must look attractive as well as having a great voice.

  • A singing ability and image are equally important in the band's vocalist.

When something is not a fact, it is called an 'opinion'. So you may begin the sentence with, 'in my opinion..' This helps to the listener to understand that you accept they may have a different view point. You can use 'just as important' or 'equally important'.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • The bands image isn’t just based on skills, they need to have the look also.

  • The singers need to look the part not only sound the part!

When you are a professional singer or in a band, some peoples opinions maybe that they have to look the part. When we use this term it means that looks and the styling is very important. Having the ‘image’ looking good will keep their fans interested.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • the same extent.

  • Parents should love all of their children equally...But there are favourites!

When things or qualities enjoy the same importance ( they have Equal Value) We should use the word equally. Not all men are created equally in reality, despite what everyone says...Nature or circumstances can give some of the lucky few distinct advantages. To be honest these days the voice is more important than looks, in my experience!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • A band's vocalists looks are just as important as they singing ability.

  • I think a band's vocalists looks and singing ability are as important as each other.

  • The singing ability and look of a band's vocalist are just as important as each other.

A band's vocalists looks are just as important as they singing ability. I think a band's vocalists looks and singing ability are as important as each other. The singing ability and look of a band's vocalist are just as important as each other. When you want to tell someone that you think a band's vocalists look is just as important as their singing ability, then you can use one of these three sentences. All say the same thing, more or less, they are only worded differently. Pick one. Try it out. Pick another one. Give that a go. And see which suits you best. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • The looks of a band's vocalists are just as important as their singing ability

  • A band vocalist's look is just as important as their singing.

  • The look and singing ability of a band vocalist are equally important

When you want to express that a band vocalist's looks are just as important as their singing ability; then you may say it in the following ways: -The looks of a band's vocalists are just as important as their singing ability -A band vocalist's look is just as important as their singing. -The look and singing ability of a band vocalist are equally important
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • A vocalists looks are just as important as their voice.

A vocalist or a lead singer in a band, is the main singer in a band and generally the most popular person in that band. It is very important that they have a good image. Because they are performing music in front of a lot of people.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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