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2019/09/03 08:54
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  • Voucher site

日本ではクーポンと言いますが、英語だと「Voucher」と言います。 要は、そのVoucherには何らかの金銭的な価値があり、それを何らかの商品と引き換えできると言うものをVoucherと言います。 したがって、「Voucher site」を提案しました。 ちなみにですが、このように何かを「集計」すると言うネット上のビジネスは「Aggregator」(読み方:アグリゲーター)と言います。集計屋さんを。 近代の情報屋ですね。 Aggregatorとは極めてビジネス用語なので、普通の会話で言っても理解されないかもしれないですが、知っておく事は重要かと思います。 AggregatorにはFacebook(人間)、Google(サイト)やAirBnB(泊まり場所)があります。 傾向としては、ネットワーク外部性があり、多くの供給(提供者)と需要(ユーザー)を集める事でビジネスモデルを成り立たせています。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Rebate sites...Promotional coupon sites

  • I often search the internet looking for legitimate coupons for rebates and discounts!

There are so many ways to save money while shopping online nowadays! One of the most popular methods is via the Rebate or Coupon sites that are all over the internet right now! But "Buyer Beware" things are not always what they seem:-) Often these are little more than clickbait and gimmicks...So do read the small print!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Voucher websites

  • Discount code websites

Discount code or voucher websites are very common in the UK. A main site is called 'wowcher' and this basically has discounts off various attractions, food, shows, holidays etc. You must beware when buying from any website as it might not always be legitimate and could be a scam.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • "Coupon site"

  • "Discount code site"

  • "Voucher site"

A coupon, discount code or voucher offer a special promotion or promotional price to a product or service once used during the purchase of said product or service. Therefore, the sites that are used to find them can be referred to as "coupon site", "discount code site" or "voucher site". You can of course also refer to "site" as website in any of the examples as they mean the same thing.
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Discount coupon websites.

  • Discount websites.

  • Promotional code websites.

Discount coupon websites are websites that are designed to offer coupons codes to customers, in which customers can then use when they are purchasing items online at the checkout page. Discount coupon websites usually provide coupons for a lot of different companies who sell goods online. In some situations you may be able to use your coupon code which you get online to purchase items or services in person.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Discount code sites.

  • Voucher sites.

  • Coupon sites.

Discount code sites. Voucher sites. Coupon sites. In English we call the sites that give voucher codes or coupons one of the three above. Personally, I would probably call it the first one, discount code site, or just refer to it as a discount site. Pick one, try it out, see what happens, and then try another one. I hope that helps Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Promotional coupon sites

  • Voucher websites

Website created to give out coupons/vouchers can be called "promotional coupon sites" or "voucher websites". The important thing about the terms is that it is descriptive of the function and that it is a website. You may use these terms in the following ways: -I like to visit promotional coupon sites regularly because one can get some pretty good deals. -I get a lot of good deals from voucher websites. It saves me a lot of money.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Voucher websites

  • Voucher sites

  • Discount voucher sites

Here are three names that you could give to this kind of website. Notice how that sometimes we can refer to it as a, "website," or a, "site," as this is the shorter version of the word.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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