世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/09/05 15:54
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  • How much does it cost to get in?

  • How much does it cost to enter?

  • What is the cost of admission?

In English, we often use "get in" and "enter" as verbs when we talk about admission to a facility or event. These questions make use of these verbs combined with "how much": How much does it cost to get in? How much does it cost to enter? Another way of asking this in a natural way is: What is the cost of admission? This is slightly different wording, but still asking about the amount of the admission fee.
Austin G DMM英会話講師
  • Please could you tell me price to get in?

  • What is the admission price please?

  • What is the cost to enter please?

Whenever asking a question or doing something that you will be needing someones advice or help, it is always advisable to have manners by using please and thank you. Get in/Enter is just the same way of admission so you can add any of these into your sentences. What is the admission price please?
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • How much is the admission (fee)?

  • How much is the entrance fee?

「入場料」は admission (fee) や entrance fee と言います。 admission は「入場・入るのを許すこと」という意味で entrance は「入り口・入場・入ること」という意味です。 入場料がいくらかたずねたい時は How much is the admission (fee)? How much is the entrance fee? または How much is it to get in? 「入るのにいくらかかりますか?」 get in で「入る」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • What is the Entrance fee? How much to get in?

  • I was just wondering how much the entrance fee will be at the Universal Studios?

There are several ways to phrase this... Entrance fee is how much it costs to gain access to facilities. Commonly used in everyday English is how much to get in? The entrance fee costs will vary depending on the location. I was wondering how much the entrance fee will be at the new cinema complex?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • How much is the entrance fee?

  • How much is the movie ticket?

1) 入場料は entrance fee  窓口で尋ねる時は、その場所(行く場所)特定の入場料を聞いているので、 the がその前につきます 2) あと、いろいろなチケットの値段等を尋ねる時は、How much is the~? ’~の値段はいくらですか?’ と聞くことができます  movie ticket 映画のチケット 
  • How much must I pay to enter?

  • What is the price of the admission?

If we want to enter a place where we must pay, these two sentences are really natural and can be used in any situation where we need to pay for an event for example. It can also be for entry to the cinema or a concert. We must also add the word please to make it sound more polite
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • How much is the entrance fee please?

  • How much does it cost to be admitted?

  • Please can you tell me what the admission fee is?

The term 'admission fee' can be replaced with 'entrance fee'. At an entrance to a 'facility' you will have a ticket office which we also call an admissions office or admissions desk. Because your inquiry will be to an employee or somebody who isn't a friend, then use 'please' and 'thank you'.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • How much does it cost to get in?

  • What is the price to get in?

An admission fee is the price it costs to get into a venue. Here is an example of this dialog: Hello! I would like to just like to have a casual swim today, how much is the admission fee for an adult? Hey, so the price is $2.00. Okay great, here you go. Thanks, the changing rooms are to your left.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • How much is the admission fee?

  • How much is the entrance fee?

  • How much does the entrance fee cost?

We can either use the words, "admission fee," or, "entrance fee," to ask the fees required to enter the park or attraction. Notice how all of these questions are required to use the -wh question, "how much," to refer to the idea of something costing something or being number related in this way.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • How much is the admission fee?

  • How much to get in?

  • What is the fee?

How much is the admission fee? How much to get in? What is the fee? When you are at an entrance to a facility and you want to know the price of the admission fee, you can ask one of these three questions. Personally, I would ask the second. However, this, alongside the third are the more informal questions out of the three. Pick one, try it out, see what happens, and then try another one. I hope that helps Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • How much is the admission?

  • How much do I have to pay?

「入場料はいくらですか?」は、 How much is the admission?のように言います(*^_^*) あとは、文脈が分かりきっているところでは、 How much do I have to pay? 「いくら払えば良いですか?」 のように言っても良いでしょう。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • How much is the entry fee?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「How much is the entry fee?」 (意味) 入場料はいくらですか? <例文>How much is the entry fee?// It's ¥1000 but if you buy it online it's ¥900. <訳>入場料はいくらですか?// 1000円ですがオンラインで購入すれば900円です。 参考になれば幸いです。
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