世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/09/09 23:25
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  • A very tall buiding is called a skyscraper.

  • A very tall building is also called a high-rise building.

  • Very tall buildings may also be called tower blocks.

Very tall buildings such as those found in Hong Kong and most big cities are called 'skyscrapers', the noun used in the first statement. These very tall buildings are called 'skyscrapers' because they seem to be touching and 'scraping' the sky. Most modern big cities have them. Other terms for very tall buildings are 'high-rise building' and 'tower block'. The term 'high-rise' refers to varied building heights depending on the country. The term 'tower block' is commonly used in Europe. So, you may say: Hong Kong and many other big cities have very tall buildings called skyscrapers. or I bought an apartment in a high-rise building. or The company has offices in a tower block.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Skyscraper

Skyscrapers have a pretty literal name. They are so high/tall that they touch, or ‘scrape’, the sky and so they are called skyscrapers. Other examples of skyscrapers are the Shard in London and the Empire State Building in New York City.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Skyscraper

  • High-rise building

A tall building is called a high-rise building. If it is very tall then it can be called a skyscraper. Example sentences: There are a lot of high rise buildings in Hong Kong. The tallest skyscraper is in Dubai and is 829.8 meters tall.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Skyscraper

Some cities have very high buildings. They are so high that you can't count how many floors there are. These are called "Skyscrapers" which literally means that they scrape the sky. If you look up at them, you can see them right beside the sky. "I want to see the famous Gherkin when I go to London. I hear it is a tall skyscraper and I must take a picture of it"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Look at that skyscraper!

  • Check out that high-rise building.

The two nouns you see in the two sentences provided above are words we use to describe very tall buildings that you would see in big cities like Hong Kong. The word skyscraper is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family while high-rise is appropriate for formal settings. Both of these words would make fantastic additions to your vocabulary.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Sky scraper.

  • High rise building.

Examples: There are so many high rise buildings in the city! That sky scraper is the tallest building in the world! The viewing platform from that sky scraper, provides breathtaking views of the city. There are so many sky scrapers in the business district of the city.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Skyscraper

  • High-rise building

  • City building

'Skyscraper' this word is used to describe the tallest buildings in cities 'High-rise building ' this phrase is used to describe any tall building, typically these buildings are found in large cities 'City building' this is a more general term that is used to describe any building in a city, stereotypically these buildings are very tall however that is only implied when you use this term, it is not explicitly said
Carolyn M DMM英会話講師
  • A high rise building

  • A skyscraper

The two words that we can use when talking about a very tall building, the one's you might find in Hong Kong or New York City, would be called, "high rise building," or, "skyscraper." Example sentences : - I love seeing high rise buildings. - I am always amazed at the height of some skyscrapers.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Skyscraper

  • High-rise building

A very tall building is called a "skyscraper" or a "high-rise building". These terms may be used interchangeably and you may use them in a sentence in the following ways: -New York has many beautiful skyscrapers. My favorite is the Rockefeller building. -There are many high-rise buildings all over Asia and the best that I have seen so far is Taipei 101.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Tower

  • Superstructure

A tower is a very high building. This term is an expression of something being very tall. It can also be used as the phrasal verb, "towers over," which indicates that something or someone is much taller or higher than another. A very tall building/structure is considered a superstructure because of its uniquely high stature.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • skyscraper

  • high-rise building

高層ビルはskyscraperやhigh-rise buildingと言います(^_^) ◆ 街角で見られる施設を列挙します。 発電所 power plant 墓地 cemetery 水族館 aquarium 植物園 botanical garden 灯台 lighthouse 造幣局 mint 神社 shrine 老人ホーム nursing home 保育園 nursing school 駐車場 parking lot 映画館 movie theater ごみ埋め立て地 landfill 電柱 utility pole 自動販売機 vending machine ガソリンスタンド gas station 消防署 fire station 遊園地 amusement park 倉庫 warehouse 足場 scaffolding 教会 church 寺 temple 城 castle ボウリング場 bowling alley ゴルフの打ちっぱなしの練習場 driving range テレビ局 TV station 郵便局 post office 裁判所 court 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(^_^)
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