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2016/05/23 09:09
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  • Japan has a large population for its size.

Japan has a large population for its size. 日本は大きさのわりには人口が多い。 「~の割には」はforが使えます。 歳の割には        for one's age (年の)この時期にしては for this time of year She looks young for her age. 彼女は歳の割には若く見える。 It's cold for this time of year in Japan. 日本ではこの時期にしては寒い。
Takeo Suzuki ((株)アジアユーロ言語研究所代表取締役、Ph.D(言語学)、日経オンライン講師
  • For its size, Japan has a large population.

  • Japan has a high population density.

population density = 人口密度
Tim Young 主催
  • Japan has a large population for its size.

Fumiyaさん、こんにちは。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 Japan has a large population for its size.→日本は面積の割に人口が多い。 〈単語の意味〉 size=(物の)大きさ, 広さ;(人の)背格好; 寸法; 規模; 容積, 体積, かさ (ランダムハウス英和大辞典) overpopulated=人口過剰の (英辞郎) 英訳例は「面積の割に人口が多い」、つまり「人口密度が高い」という意味です。 「~の割に」と言いたいときには「for」が使えます。 〈例〉 He looks young for his age.→彼は年齢の割に若く見える。 日本の人口については、以下のように言うこともできると思います。 〈例〉 Japan is densely populated, especially in great cities such as Tokyo and Osaka.→日本は、特に東京や大阪など大都市で人口が集中しています Cities like Tokyo and Osaka are overpopulated.→東京や大阪などの都市は人口過剰です。 お力になれましたら幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • Japan has a large population for its land.

~の割には は for~を使います。 例文 She looks younger for her age. (彼女は年の割には若く見える) 人口が多い という表現は have a large population といいます。
  • Japan is very crowded for its size.

  • Japan has a lot of people for how big the country is.

  • Japan is very densely populated.

Japan is very crowded for its size. - This means that there are a lot of people in one area for how small Japan is. Japan has a lot of people for how big the country is. - This means that there are many people in Japan even though its land mass is small. Japan is very densely populated. - The population of people is very high. You can use "densely populated" when talking about any space, but most of the time it is used in relation to a small space; such as Japan.
Japan is very crowded for its size. 〔訳〕日本は大きさのわりに人口が多い。 日本は小さいわりに人が密集している、という意味です。 Japan has a lot of people for how big the country is. 〔訳〕日本は大きさのわりに人口が多い。 国土が狭いわりに日本の人口は多い、という意味です。 Japan is very densely populated. 〔訳〕日本はとても人口が密集している。 人口がとても多いことを表します。「densely populated」はどんな空間についても使えますが、たいていは、狭いもの(日本など)に使います。
Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • Japan is very densely populated

  • The limited habitable land of Japan has a teeming population

It depends exactly what you want to say. You may use the term 'densely populated' when talking about an area where there is a lot people compared to other areas or countries. 'Teeming' is another verb which may be applied in a sentence describing how full of people or animals a certain area is. EX: 'The warm, coral waters are teeming with wildlife.'
あなたが何を言いたいかによりますが、densely populatedは、他のエリア、または他の国々と比べてその場所に沢山人がいるときに使えるでしょう。 teemingは、人々、または動物がある特定のエリアにどの程度いるか説明するために文中で使われてます。 例: The warm, coral waters are teeming with wildlife. 暖かい、サンゴの海は、野生生物でいっぱいです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • For it's size Japan has a large population.

  • Japan's population is larger than Japan itself.

"For its size Japan has a large population." "Japan's population is larger than Japan itself." Both of these expressions can be used to describe Japan as a small country compared to its population. The most common phrase used would be the first one as it gets to the point right away by pointing out that the size of the country is smaller compared to its population.
"For its size Japan has a large population." 日本は大きさの割には人口が多い。 "Japan's population is larger than Japan itself." 日本の人口は、国土よりも大きい。 どちらの例でも、日本は小さい割に人口が多いと伝えられます。 最初の言い方が最も一般的だと思います。人口の割に面積が狭いと明確に伝えています。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Japan has a large population for its size.

  • Japan has a large population considering its size

  • For its size, Japan has a large population.

We can either use the preposition, "for," when referring to its size or we can use the term, "considering," which means something close to, "when thinking about." We can also have sentence phrase movement with the phrase, "for its size," without changing the meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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