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2019/10/10 09:20
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  • Can the size/weight of the baby cause any difficulties during delivery?

  • Is it harder to give birth if the baby is big?

  • Does a big baby make delivery harder?

Can the size/weight of the baby cause any difficulties during delivery?

This expression is asking whether or not the size of the baby can make the delivery more difficult. The "delivery" refers to the action of giving birth and is a term used by many Native English speakers. (Can the size/weight of the baby cause any difficulties during birth/labor?)

Is it harder to give birth if the baby is big?

This sentence is very simple and direct. You are simply asking if a bigger baby will make it harder to give birth. I would like to give you some better words/phrases for "harder"; here are some:
Difficult (Is it difficult to give birth if the baby is big?)
Less easy (Is it less easy to give birth if the baby is big?)
Tougher (Is it tougher to give birth if the baby is big?)
Complicated (Is it complicated) to give birth if the baby is big?)

Does a big baby make delivery harder?

Again, I would like to reference the words/phrases above as alternatives for the word "harder."

Similar to the previous sentence, this answer is very straightforward. You are simply asking if a big baby will make it harder to deliver the baby. Again, deliver means to give birth. (Does a big baby make giving birth harder?)

Arne DMM英会話講師
  • If the baby is big, does it make giving birth harder?


If the baby is big → 赤ちゃんが大きいと(大きければ)
does it make giving birth harder → 出産も大変になりますか?

「出産」というには、to give birth「出産する」という句動詞を使います。


  • Is the birth more difficult if it's a big baby?

  • Does a big baby make the birth more difficult?

  • Is it harder to give birth to a big baby?

We can use the comparative forms of 'hard' and 'difficult' to ask for more details about the ease of the birthing process dependent of the size of the baby.

difficult > more difficult:
-Is the birth more difficult if it's a big baby?
- Does a big baby make the birth more difficult?

hard > harder
- Is it harder to give birth to a big baby?

Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • If the baby is large does that make it harder to give birth?

Here is an example of a dialogue: Hey, If the baby is large does that make it harder to give birth? If the baby is large, generally it makes it more difficult to give birth, especially for first time mothers.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Is it harder to give birth if the baby is big?

Hey doctor, I have a question for you?
Sure, what is it?
Well, is it harder to give birth if the baby is big?
Interesting question, let me get back to you on that one.

I hope that helps.
Have a great day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Is it harder to give birth if the baby is big?

  • If the baby is big, is it harder to give birth?

Notice that between these two sentences that we can use all the same words and same structure, but can have movement among the clauses starting with the conjunction, "if." We can have this kind of movement without taking away from its meaning.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Does it make it harder to give birth if the baby is big?

  • Is it harder to give birth the bigger baby?

If you would like to ask a doctor if it is harder to give birth if the baby is big, you can say something like "Does it make it harder to give birth if the baby is big?" By using the words "does" and "harder", these are the key words to our sentence to make sure someone understands our question.

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Does the size of the baby make the difficulty of the birth harder?

  • Is it true that the bigger the baby is, the harder the birth?

We may all have been worried about this and wanting to ask this question, but do not know what the right way to ask it is.

Here's how;
- Does the size of the baby make the difficulty of the birth harder?
- If the baby is big, will the birth be difficult.

Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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