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「おひとりさま旅行」とか「おひとりさまランチ」とか「おひとりさまカラオケ」とか、一人で楽しむことを肯定的にとらえた言葉ってありますか?やっぱり、soloとかsingleをつかうのでしょうか。 カジュアルとフォーマルで違いがあれば、それも教えてください。
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2015/11/25 15:43
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  • Solo-trip

  • Solo-lunch/Table for one

  • Solo-karaoke

- "Solo-trip"(一人旅) - "Solo-lunch/Table for one"(一人用のランチ/一人用のテーブル) - "Solo-karaoke"(一人カラオケ) 「おひとりさま」を英語で表現する一般的な方法は「solo」または「single」を活用することです。例えば、「おひとりさま旅行」は「Solo-trip」や「I am traveling alone.」(一人旅を楽しんでいます)と表現します。 ランチに関しては、自分一人でランチを楽しむことを「Solo-lunch」か「Table for one」と言います。レストランで一人用のテーブルをリクエストする際は、"For just one person, please."、"It's just me, please."、"A table for one, please."などの表現が使えます。 「Single」は主にホテルでの予約の際に使われます。例えば、「Single bed」(一人用のベッド)や「Single room」(一人用の部屋)などです。 「Solo」と「Single」は、カジュアルでもフォーマルなシーンでも使える汎用的な単語です。しかし、それらが自分一人でいることを「楽しむ」ことを特別に強調するわけではありません。そのため、「楽しんでいます」という意味合いを加えるには、以下のような表現を追加すると良いでしょう: - "I'm taking a solo trip, and I'm loving it!" - "I had a solo lunch, and it was a delightful experience." - "I did solo karaoke last night, and had a blast singing to my heart's content." Good luck!
  • Eating alone

  • Traveling alone

  • Doing karaoke by yourself

「It's lonely to eat alone, isn't it? (一人で食べると寂しくない?)」とはよく言われていますが、ある人が一人で食べたがるでしょう。
Tim Young 主催
  • I enjoy travelling independently

  • I enjoy my own company

  • Eating alone is far more enjoyable for me!

To enjoy one's own company = to like spending time alone. "Fishing is a great hobby for people who enjoy their own company." Independently = in a way that is free from outside control or influence, alone, all alone, on one's own, in a solitary state, separately, singly, solitarily, unaccompanied, solo; "The government must prove its ability to govern independently."
To enjoy one's own company = 一人で過ごすことを好む。 例:"Fishing is a great hobby for people who enjoy their own company." (一人で過ごすことを好む人にとって、釣りはとても良い趣味です) Independently = 他からのコントロールや影響を受けない事、独り、一人ぼっち、自分自身で、独り身で、別々に、個々で、孤独、同伴者無し、一人; 例:"The government must prove its ability to govern independently." (政府は独立しての統治能力を証明しなければならない)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am on my own.

  • I'm by myself.

Saying you are on your own is a positive way to show independence and self reliance. It shows that you can take care of yourself and that you are able to handle things alone. Telling someone that you are doing something on your own shows them that you can take care of yourself.
"on your own"は自立心や自負心を示すポジティブな言い方です。これは自分のことは自分で出来るとか、物事に一人で対処できるとかいうことを表します。誰かに「ひとりで何かをしています」と言うことは、自分のことは自分でできるということを示しているのです。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • I will eat alone.

  • I will travel by myself.

  • Going solo.

I will eat alone. - You can use this sentence construction 'I will [something] alone' for many activities. For example, 'I will run alone' or 'I will sing alone'. I will travel by myself. - This sentence uses a similar structure to the first one but uses 'by myself' rather than 'alone', which has the same meaning. You can use this sentence in the same way as the first example. 'I will do it by myself'. Going solo. - This is a simple way to tell someone you are doing something alone. Example conversation: A: Hey, who will you go travelling with? B: I'm going solo!
I will eat alone. 「I will [something] alone」はいろいろな活動に対して使える表現です。 以下のようになります。 I will run alone I will sing alone I will travel by myself. 最初の例文のように、「alone」と同じ意味で「by myself」を使うこともできます。 例えば以下のようになります。 I will do it by myself. Going solo. 一人で何かすることを意味する表現です。 例えば以下のようになります。 A: Hey, who will you go travelling with? 誰と旅行にいくの? B: I'm going solo! 一人だよ。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I'm travelling solo.

  • I am travelling alone - I enjoy my own company.

  • I am a single holiday maker.

All of these phrases clearly indicate to the person you are conversing with that you are along in your travels. This is not a negative, in fact a lot of people travel by themselves as it is generally easier nowadays to do so. There is less of a concern about it for safety or judgemental reasons. We all lead busy lives and sometimes our holiday times just do not match up.
これらのフレーズは旅で一人旅で出会った相手と話す時に使えます。否定的な意味合いはなく、実際多くの人がより気楽な1人旅を楽しんでいます。 安全面で大丈夫かとか他人に何か思われないかといった心配はあまり必要ないと思います。皆忙しい毎日を送っていますし、休暇が合わないのは自然なことです。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • Traveling solo.

  • Eating alone.

  • Karaoke by myself.

To express that you are doing something alone, you can use the words solo, alone or by myself. For example :- 1. I will be traveling to China alone next month. 2. Since my partners have all gone home, I will be eating dinner alone tonight. 3. My friends were shy and hesitant, so I decided to Karaoke by myself. (You can also use the expression, me, myself and I)
ひとりで何かをする場合は”alone” か” by myself” という表現が使えます。 1. I will be traveling to China alone next month. (来月中国に一人旅に行きます。) 2. Since my partners have all gone home, I will be eating dinner alone tonight. (友達がみんな家に帰ってしまったので、今日は独りで夕飯を食べる予定です。) 3. My friends were shy and hesitant, so I decided to Karaoke by myself. (友達はみんな照れて嫌がるので、1人でカラオケに行く事にしました。) ”myself and I” (私と私)と言う表現も、「1人だけで」と言う意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I like to go travelling alone.

  • I like to eat alone.

  • I do somethings by myself some times.

I like to go travelling alone. I like to eat alone. I do somethings by myself some times. These sentences will allow you to express the fact that you do things by yourself sometimes and that you enjoy it. So, it is making it sound a bit more positive. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
I like to go travelling alone.(一人旅が好きです) I like to eat alone.(一人で食べるのが好きです) I do somethings by myself some times.(時々、一人で物事をすることがあります) これらの文では「一人で物事をするのが好きだ」と伝えています。ですから、前向きな言い方です。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I am going to have dinner alone / by myself.

  • I am doing a solo karaoke.

  • It will just be me, myself and I on this road trip.

>I am going to have dinner alone / by myself. * alone and by myself = one person *This is saying that you will have dinner by yourself. ............................. >I am doing a solo karaoke. *Solo = a thing done by one person unaccompanied *this explains that you will sing alone. ............................. >It will just be me, myself and I on this road trip. *This explains that on the road trip will just be you. *me=you *myself=you *I=you ................***...........***........***.......
I am going to have dinner alone / by myself. * alone and by myself =一人 *夕食を一人で食べることを意味する表現です。 ............................. I am doing a solo karaoke. *Solo =ひとりですること。 *一人で歌を歌うことを意味する表現です。 ............................. It will just be me, myself and I on this road trip. *一人で旅行することを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • alone.

  • solo.

If you are going to go somewhere alone or without any friends or family, you can say you are going to do/go "alone" or "solo". You can use these words in a sentence by saying something like "I will be going to America ALONE this time as it is a business trip." or "I'm going to fly SOLO to the Bahamas as I just needed some time away from everything.".
「一人で~に行く」は、"alone" や "solo" を使って表すことができます。 これらの語は文の中では次のように使えます。 "I will be going to America ALONE this time as it is a business trip."(今回は仕事の出張なので一人でアメリカに行きます) "I'm going to fly SOLO to the Bahamas as I just needed some time away from everything."(いろいろなものからいったん離れたいので、一人でバハマに行きます)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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